“You Guys” April

On January, Brendan asked me if I want to join him and the Hungover boys to Malaysia because Syuke is moving for good to Malaysia. And I said yes! I was so nervous at first because I might be the only girl that went there with 13 boys but then turn our Adriana also came so I’m glad.

From this trip, I find out that the boys are so much fun to be with! They made everything is 10 times more awesome that what it should be. I mean look at them, aren’t they just beautiful people?!

This trip mainly for Syuke, he wants to open an archery tag in Malaysia so we went there, carrying 5 boxes of Archery’s tools and 9 suitcases of him. We met at his apartment and I was so amazed by how sorry to say “messy” his apartment was, I knew he was quitting Shanghai but I just didn’t know when, and I asked him “how will you carry all of this suitcases back home?” and he said “you guys” and I just realized turns out Brendan, Anthonny, Freddy and some other guys bought 40kgs of luggage to carry his stuff J What a brilliant plan!

We went there only for 4 days because of Tomb Sweeping Festival holiday but the fun last for a loonngg time, we played archery in Malaysia and John’s hotel booking fucked up so he became my roomate since then.

After this trip, there are many things going on for example Anthony’s bday and then Lars’ bday and then Morgane farewell and so on I became less and less go to play archery but I attend all the party.

I am so happy to be able to meet all these amazing/beautiful people (well, mostly guys). I indeed so sure that my life in Shanghai will be so boring without all of you.

And we just had brunch and we already create a group chat “Hangzhou in September” and because the “leader” of this group is a German couple (Thorben and Marina) so for sure it will happen and for sure it will happen in September and the tour guide will be the most handsome Fredoy. I’m really looking forward for that!