I’m Next – Adjacent

Ding ding ding….. sounds of a wedding bells <3

Very excited to witness my colleague Hainka tied the knot to Lena in Propsteikirche then party at Wimbern Schützenhalle. The church ceremony starts at 14Uhr, Monicita picked me up at 12:30, dropped Itzel, went through Sperrung after Sperrung, made it to Werl super on time aka 15 minutes before. We sat at the next first rows after their families.

Comes Hainka’s nephew bringing a shield “Onkel Andy, hier kommt die Liebe deines Lebens. Hier kommt Leni” followed by kids from Lena’s sister carrying wedding candle, wedding ring, flowers. Last but not least, the person we are waiting for, Lena accompanied by her father.

On the church courtyard they have a symbolic Baumstamm sägen to reflect the necessity of working together in their marriage. Germans, everything has to be about work 😉 We got our Bubbles, Autoschleife even though I don’t have one, tried to put the Schleife on my head, didn’t work, wasn’t creative enough.

We were trying to snap a photos on the alley, where I positioned myself in the middle of the crowd. I’m 100% confidence I won’t be in the picture #Invisible.

Had circa 2 hours gap, we thought there will be a tapas etc in the Schützenhalle, wronggg! PV said “wir können nicht die erste sein oder?” Ehemmm yes we are. Monicita and Ignacio decided to go to the other wedding only to come back in the evening for the party. While PV and me tried to find some places to eat, we saw two Imbiss #Shäbig, instead a Tankstelle was our choice. Once both Auto and ourselves tanken, headed back to Schützenhalle.

There are some reserved tables, some free ones, like the Germans, we marked our seats by placing our souvenirs haha good that PV realizing it. We blocked the seats for 4 of us with Maik and Celina.

There is also a photobox I aimed to get the sign “I’m here for the cake” yet Maik already took it, OK, let me grabbed I’m next! that’s gotta be it!

Monicita came back from the second wedding just in time before the wedding dance. Their couple dance consist of many songs, it was ended with Mamamia which means the dance floor has opened!

Learning from the church experience where no one notice me, I go right on the first line during the throwing wedding flower things, no way in hell I’m not seen. Two probabilities though, I was really in front or they don’t have many singles left haha rather the second I guess 🙂 Whatever, not my problem!

They need to know I’m exist therefore must help me getting it. Larissa and Monicita asked “Marlyn, soll ich dir helfen?” ja bitte! Standing adjacent to Monicita who actually got the flower, she gave it to me, I acted as if I won an Oscar #Always something to celebrate.

#What an evening, thank you for sharing your special day with me. Thank you also to my colleagues who make sure I got transported from one place to the next 😀

Who’s the next ding ding ding gonna be? The next “I’m Next!” or the “I’m Next – Adjacent” Meghan Markle’s friend introduce her to Prince Harry, no pressure but I guess it’s time for my friends to do something hey 😉 #don’t you think so?

Yeah, Its Not Happening Bro

My hair is a like a double edge swords, blessing and a curse, too thick, too straight plus too many. Sure Sissy would agrees…

Last week, Andrea sleptover in my place, she brought her Dyson! People! it’s DYSON! The Dyson Curling Dingsbums #Starstruck! I gotta put my hands on it yo, must use this super expensive curly hair style thingy.

My first encounter with THE Dyson was in Shanghai when I borrowed Dennis’ small / sofa vacuum cleaner. He was a bit worried because I took the Metro. He said “hmmm be careful” “of course I won’t let anyone touch this…. what… 500 RMB…” before I finish my sentence he cut it with “3000” reflects I responded “Oh! I will guard it all the time, don’t you worry about it, will return it in one piece”

Second encounter when I visited Helene in Belgium for our Harry Potter Ausstellung, she has a hair dryer! Originally didn’t have any intention to wash my hair but since it’s Dyson! Gotta do it!

Third encounter was just now when Andrea bei mir übernachtet. I’m almost reach my Schnapszahl yet only had 3 chances with the holly top tier Dyson! Not gonna waste any opportunites!

Andrea curled her whole hair in 30 seconds, when I did mine, she realized…. hmmm, I think your hair is too heavy, need to take bit by bit. Tried again, it does work! However… took me about 25 minutes haha

It still not complete btw, I somehow don’t have the ability to curl my right side pffff. Reached the points where all the curls are pleasant enough for the eyes then head to NW Sommerfest only for it to not last haha #Hopeless.

Yeah…. curling my hair with a curly iron stick stuff even the most expensive brand….. it’s not happening bro!


One of our department home office’s rule is someone presently need at the office always, it was quiet often to be me. During that period, I was responsible for a lighting project, which means I have to repeatedly communicate with one of the product manager named Sven. I’m glad it was him, back then I wasn’t able to speak much German ~ Of course he could feel our language barrier, therefore instead of explaining on the phone, he always come to me with printed version of everything. I am 100% sure any other PM wouldn’t bother to do what he did, nach dem Motto “nicht mein Problem”.

Definitely he has other projects with my colleague Andreas, sometimes he would like to speak to him but there was only me holding the fortress of our Flügel, asked “Wo ist Andreas?” to which I replied “Zu Hause”. This happened a lot until he comments:

  • Bist du alleine?
  • Du machst definitiv etwas falsch! deine Kollegen mag dich nicht 😉
  • Du bist wieder ganz alleine, ich muss jeden Tag zu dir gehen um zu gucken ob dir gut geht oder was passiert wenn du hinfällst? Niemand wird es wissen!

He kept his words! came to check on me, I can see from the corner of my eyes when someone is coming proceed to scream “Sven ist da! Sven ist da, da ist Sven!” “OK, gut zu wissen du bist immer noch da or du bist nicht verletzt”.

Before long, the lighting project is finished, alas: his visits stops. However, I have an obligation to let him know I am OK or just want to keep the tradition. So…. I come to him…. almost… every… day 😀 Little by little the “Sven ist da” became shorter to only “Sveeennnnnnnnnnnn!”

His desk is not facing the door, that’s why he always shocked whenever I appears. Running, out of the sudden behind him, “Sveeeeennnnnnn”. His colleague ~ Carla constantly say “lässt der arme Sven doch in ruhe” Gurl, what were you thinking? no way, he can’t escape it. Whenever he do Home Office, I call him just to shout “Sveeeeeennnn!”. My colleague PV said “Oh Got Marlyn, der arme Sven eh”

It slowly started became a habit to showed him anything I have which considered as ‘new’ for example my collection of hats, shoes or any other random things possible in order for me to be able to yell “Sveeeeeeeeennn” His comment was never be longer than “Gut” or “Hervorragend”

Besides showing him something, I also consult about random things from residence permit, passport validity, apartment keys. He is very international, he and his wife were once stayed in New Zealand, went to Asia many times for holiday etc. He knows a lot!

His colleagues ~ Carla and Tobi already got used to my “Sveeeeeennnn” Andreas proceed to call him Sveeennnn on the phone. I did it all the time, including in form of writing.

One day, I overheard Milena talked to CB something along the way Sven will leave Nordwest.

  • Was Milena? Hast du gerade etwas über Sven gesagt? Welcher Sven reden wir jetzt?
  • Unser Sven
  • Was? Sven? Sveeennnnnnn!
  • Monica joined the group, “Marlyn que?”
  • Sven und seine Familie werden nach Kanada auswandern.
  • Wer? Sveeeennnnnnnnnn?
  • Jap, genau, der Sveeennnnn!!

I talked to myself, “komme zu Sven” Monica followed me “ich auch” we both stormed out “Sveeeeeeeeeeennnnnn” his reaction was looked at his watch, “oh die Info ist schon bei euch angekommen”

The day when Sven will leave NW is getting closer. Asked Carla if we do something for him, she said no…. doch! Everyone in the room is doing / making / collecting gift for him except me haha I was there only for one last “Sveeeeeeennnn”

Makes matter worse, I wasn’t suppose to be there btw, see the original email hahaha this is the jungle rule when you’re not invited, you invited yourself! 😀 habe auch mit ihm gesprochen und er sagte “Ja, du darfst da sein”

On his last day in the office, I came to him like 3 times he stated “Ja, ja ich komme gleich” whenever he’s still not here I called him. PV reminds me “Marlyn, der kommt noch bestimmt” eventually he really came “Sveeeeennnnnn, Sveeeeeennnn, Sveeeeeennnnnnn” “ich mache eine Runde und komme ja nochmal, muss mich mit Marlyn nochmal verabschieden” On his final moment “Also, jetzt gehe ich” then we hug. When he walked out I kept screaming “Sveeennnnn, Sveeennnn, Sveennnnnn”

Tobi wonder “Marlyn, what should we do now? should I write in the job descriptions that the applicant should be called Sven?” Even so, Sveeeeeennnn ist nicht ersetzbar!

One thing I know, I will never come to Flügel 1 the same way again. All the very best to you, your wife, both of your children in Canada. Although Tobi reassure you are always welcome back… come on, you won’t 😉 Canada is something else #Stay stay stay.

This conclude one more reason to put Canada on my bucket list!

Mach’s gut Sveeeeeennnnnnn!


As we all are well equipped with Smartphones, we are familiar that our phone create memories using Photos available in your Gallery. It is a pleasant felling to know your friend’s phone made a collection of your own photos.

From Julia, it was a mix between work & pleasure located in Shanghai and Germany. Preserving memories from our Saturday’s habit at our no longer existed place-Zapatas 🙁 The controversial M1NT Club with its shark tank entrance to which I remember Thorben was so against it.

Apropos Thorben, second video was from his phone, displayed mostly pleasure, in form of delicacies #Yum! nom nom… or parties 😉 located in Shanghai and my hometown.

It’s enjoyable to be reminded of the past times; what did you do, ate, happened to you, your whereabouts.

Tausend Dank for still having my pictures in your phone!

How I Met Thomas’ Wife

On the 5th of July, one of our pioneer member of Food Nerds had his Civil Marriage in Bozen. They are legally married <3.

Alas couldn’t be there on their Standesamtliche Trauung, sure I’ll be on their Hochzeitsfeier at full length 🙂

They planned it so well for us all, shuttle bus pick us up from Castel Latemar, we had some time to get our first drink until Manuel and Rickard aka Thomas’ bestmen ~ not a typo, meant exactly for bestmen, as in men, not man, got it 😉 ~ guided us to sit on the benches.

Music starts, Thomas came out walking side by side with his mother, damn! it built up some feelings in me ~ not yet cry. Seeing Thomas stand at the sogennante ‘podium’ waiting for Janine who later walked with her father. Jackpot, this is the moment where I shed some tears, I’m sure Cecile and Sara too #The scene was just too beautiful.

The dual language bestmen explains who was involved in making stars aligned for them. Vows exchanged, put on wedding rings, opened up the champagne with knife! ain’t it cool? The both nailed it!

It was a very memorable moment when both of them looked at us from their ‘podium’. Come here, we are ready to give you hugs! We really did our job by blowing the bubble soap. Claudia, Sara and I was very total on it, we blew it as if our lives depends on it.

Before they went to have their own photo session, we gotta have ours, the Shanghai group. While they’re gone, we got many many Appetizers, lecckerrr!! At some point, me, Claudia and Nino decided to stay inside, it was warm + we could sit + quiet until…..

…..the Xelom guy arrived in style. I was like häää? what’s the sudden noise? what’s happening? oh we need to get out? we saw this giant machine ~ I think it’s called Tractor / Schlepper / Bulldog have no idea what’s the official name is. As a matter of fact, I don’t know how did it got there? We drove passed it with shuttle bus yet didn’t see those machine parked.

Engineers life, one wrong button caused whole gas coming up! just like what the Xelom guy said “this is how it feels like to work with Thomas every day” I said to Nino who is currently heavily pregnant “wear your mask”

Thomas’ colleagues prepare some games. First is Janine need to drive the machine, seems doable eh? no no no there are some tricks, they changed the program, I think left to right and front to back. She managed it! took the present out: its a Bobby car. Second game is Thomas’ turn to drive it, they played a Folk South Tyrolean song from the mountain haha #that’s what Philip said. Janine gave instructions how Thomas should drive, in the middle he need to sing a song whose lyrics was only “Auto fahren Auto fahren Auto fahren” for the whole 3 minute-ish, continued with parked the Bobby car.

Since I’ve never been to any of it, I use the chance to get in into this machine. At the same time, Sara and Fiona was on the back of the truck jumping, dancing, screaming whatever things they’ve done in Shanghai, they did it there. Of course its provokes other people too such as Cecile, Chris, Armin. Out of nowhere Rickard brought me there. Fiona said “the Xelom guy seems not very happy about it” Dude, we are doing a drop / endurance / jumping test on this machine, they better be grateful 🙂 Then one of the Xelom’s daughter also join us yeayyy!!! #We are TNT, Dynamite.

Getting in for Abendessen, there was no seat arrangement, me, Diego and Claudia need to count many times if the seats are enough for us or not haha. Appetizer, main course was very good! On the other side from my table is a group of football fans, I felt FOMO need to come over to see Switzerland vs England.

Followed by dessert and pinata. The Pinata was kind of a revelation how scary when two sporty people comes together. They didn’t hit it, in another word they missed… nevertheless, their swing was so strong! Everyone need to abstand halten, if they hit you with the bat you are having Feierabend.

Their first dance was so perfect! Have no idea how long they trained for. Janine was “be careful, we need this space” They really do need that space, spin around, backflip, what the hell just happening yo? Suddenly jingle “All the single ladies, all the single ladies” we lined up but none of Food Nerds get it. Claudia said to Sara “You didn’t even try to catch it” It’s OK Sara didn’t get the flower because Diego got the Garter #Same same but different 🙂

Remember I’ve told you about some people on the other side of the table was a football fans? She’s still going on, on the dance floor we knew Netherlands went to the next round! Janine moms change our Limbo game into tug of war #Impromptu games. The “Hey DJ, we want Avicii song” banner being showed, I’m sure this is 100% Rickard as a Swedish himself. What’s more? dancing after dancing after dancing!

At some point during the party, the hat occasion which worthy of story by itself. But for now, we can introduce it to the crowd 🙂

Obviously the Food Nerds took the last shuttle at 01:30 #Right on schedule. As I said we’ve been there at full length.

Thank you for letting me to be a part of your wedding. It was really herrlich you gathered up the Food Nerds Gang again! I miss you all so much! We should do this more often XOXO

I am very proud of my friends; Christian is a loving father to her daughter Juli who won’t put pressure on her. Ooops, wait let me correct my sentence directly, he put 北大 shirt on Juli when we met at the Bus Station from Bozen to Karersee, he did said “no pressure” hmmm…. right, that is exactly how no pressure looks like 😉

Sara & Diego is buying a house on the beach! They said the water from the beach is literally there, I gotta visit them yo, next vacation destination confirmed! #Take my money!

Fiona with business of homemade butter, chenpi lemon balm and jujube ginger balm. You gotta make more products for some people aka me who don’t eat bread hahaha I’m very excited to try two of your products!

Claudia & Giovanni, the power couple who constantly become the heart of every party. Always involving people, knows how to have fun, never missed a chance to party such as inviting us to come to their home for Oktoberfest where perhaps we will all sleeping together on the floor #I’m on! Claudia in any circumstances is very beautiful like a Princess but be careful she is very crazy at the party, we know her…. for a long time 😉

Last but not least, to the man of the night, Thomas my friend. I am very grateful we met back in 2016, watched F1 either live or in Cages Sports Bar, our eating rituals at Bar Centrale, explaining pros & con of studying MBA, introducing me to Food Nerds gangs with whom I’m still friends until now, you are a part of my Shanghai life that made it more colorful than it would be, I have you to thank for. I am very happy you met your other half, big congrats once again on your wedding, wishing you a lifetime love and happiness 白头到老!

It was a legend….. wait for it….. dary, legendary!

And that, kids, is how I met Thomas’ wife 😀


Photos + videos was taken from all of us on the group, I can’t really remember other than Armin and Claudia’s. Visibly the high quality professional pictures are from Gabriel Eisath www.gabriel-eisath.com / @gabriel.eisath / info@gabriel-eisath.com

Heart icons created by Kiranshastry – Flaticon

View – Part 2

I reached my pinnacle of excitement, denn:

  • Ich habe Chris gesehen.
  • Welcher Chris?
  • Martin!

Merkur Spiel Arena Düsseldorf is quiet far from City Center ~ circa 30 Minutes away. There were no dressed up people like when I was in Taylor Swift Concert, they only wear Coldplay shirt, everyone seems to know where their entrance located. I started a conversation with a girl, she thought I was looking for a ticket, I said “no, no, I have ticket, I just don’t know where to get in”, she’s also another solo rider fella 🙂 let’s explore the Stadion together, her seat is on block 42 at the corner while I’m on block 25 rather the side of the stage, we were kind of pretty much at the front. Lesson learned regarding no need to feel shy anymore, I asked if I can have her number just in case if we want to meet during the Pause in between two Vorband ~ Zoe Wees and Janelle Monae. Aha now I know the concept of opening band haha #Experienced concertgoer.

I “didn’t” know who are they until I heard Zoe sang ‘I don’t want to looooossseeee control’ whatt?? I heard this songs many times in the radio, now I saw who the singer is! Cool! By second act, nicht so meins.

Me and Alina decided to meet up in between Zoe and Janelle because we wanted to go on a bicycle ride or go to Kinetic dance floor. Too bad, none of the security knows about it. I thought there is this bicycle located at the back of the stage just like what I read from the monitor….. didn’t find it…. Pech…. Prior to getting back to our seat, we had a picture together before it gets dark!

On the way here, I had time in Ubahn to check how will I come back to Dortmund, Google Maps didn’t say there are Sonder-U-Bahn. It only shows I need to walk 2,2km to the next U-Bahn Station direction Düsseldorf Hbf. I set an alarm in my phone at what time I should leave. Luckily I informed Alina about it, texted her that I might not be able to see her afterwards due to train schedule, I need to leave earlier. She sent me a screenshot about Merkur Arena website, its written there will be Metro after the show, reconfirm it with the security person, informed Alina back as she also need to catch her train to Köln. Bottom line, we are safe!

Coldplay came out few minutes after 21:00, no epic entrance, they just walk slowly from back / under stage, to the side, going under again to the stage, kicking off with Higher Power. I’m very happy with my seat although still can’t see him haha only from Leinwand.

While he sang Paradise, there was a moment when he sang earlier than the music, he proceed with “Shit, I fucked up, sorry, repeat again paradiseee ooooo ooooo ooooo” Also on Human Heart when he just started “boys don’t cry” one audience screamed woooww, he was directly “stop stop, this song is not a cheering song, it should be a sad song, that took me off, sorry guys that was unprofessional from me, Guy whenever you ready”

Remember the alarm I set to leave early? forget to delete it, it rang during Hymn for The Weekend song. I said to my self, scheiß egal! wenn ich auf der Straße schlafen muss, dann schlafe ich auf der Straße, ain’t no way I’m missing this concert! I can see myself sitting + sleeping in a hotel lobby #Mentally prepared.

The interaction between Chris and audience is a lot. He read some signs then choose one of them, bringing them to the stage while singing Everglow. He was so funny saying to the girl who clearly still in shock “You don’t need to sing, that’s my job, you just need to be here with me”. When he sang Something Just Like This, he took the security guy to be on the stage. Next, cameramen pointed at some people: little daughter, little boy on his father’s shoulder, mother & daughter, a couple, Chris sing a song referring to them. It was amazing! His involvement was so real.

On one song we need to wear the 3D glasses where you can see love when the lights are on, just like stated on it “Look with Love”. Everybody went wild on The Sky Full of Stars. I’m sorry Chris, I know you wanted us to put our phone down but towards the end of the song I need to take out my phone, it was just so spectacular!

The concert finished around 23:15 ish, a total stupefying two hours indeed; balls, lighting, armbände, fireworks etc WOW WOW WOW!

Seems I unlock a new hobby, which Concert should I visit next? 😉

My two cents: please try your best to watch Coldplay concert, you’ll guaranteed to have an adventure of a lifetime.



Well, well, well, 365 days of waiting for moment of truth to finally find out if I got scammed or not #It’s been a long time coming.

I am so lucky to have Swifties like Sophie & Chantal who tried their best looking out for one more standing tickets on Wednesday for me. In between classes, they refreshed the fansale page, constantly looking at their phone three days in a row yet couldn’t get it. At this moment, I’m thankful about my purchase from Viagogo no matter how conflicting it was.

First timers to ever go to a Concert in my life + a solo rider, resulting in have to be there earlier. When I reached Gelsenkirchen Hbf, blimey! Numberless Swifties with their glitter, jewel, cowboy boots, pretty dresses. Didn’t need to find direction, they all will guide me.

Arrived around 16:30 getting pumped up by Swiftscenery at Veltins Arena. There are merch stands, didn’t have any intention to buy as my Ticket is my only Beitrag to her economy 😉 Saw many people having a “key chain” of friendship bracelet. Aaaa me want, you suppose to be exchanging, how can I exchange when I don’t even have any, lass es so sein.

Slowly walking to my East entrance. The feeling when you see Taylor’s Eras Tour Stage was unspeakable. This exact massive stage was the one I was seeing from her movie or Instagram’s feed. Now, you and I ended up in the same room, at the same time #Gobsmacked!

Of course I know nothing about Opening Band, silly me thinking she will really start singing at 18:15 who was the Opening Band? have no idea either. When the clock start at exact 18:15, Paramore came out! I wish I know more of their songs other than The Only Exceptions.

I texted Sophie at what time Taylor come out, she said before 20:00, Lady Gaga song’s Applause is the sign. I was waiting on the toilet when I heard it, reconfirm with the girl behind me, we both screamed AAA! what to do? I need to pee + I’m on the first row now, did it fast then runnnnnnn!

Made it on time! Woghhh! Can’t miss the iconic Taylor’s appearance. Miss Americana and The Heart Break Prince was a totally perfect entrance. Everyone was standing including me ~ not on my seat though, somewhere on the barricade.

Eras after Eras, I “dressed” like a Lover Era, need to have a picture of it! See, colorful shirt hahaha. It was grandiose to sing around with 60.000 Swifties. After she sang Champagne Problem, she took in some time to see her crowds, they were screaming like hell, my eardrums hurts!

I stand for full hour on her first performance ~ still not in my seat ~ in the end the security asked us to return to our seat, here I am back to the top of the Stadium. I can’t see her either way, only from the screen. I can see where she is, what clothes she’s wearing etc. Gave up on seeing her face directly, tried to see who are the VIP guests, if Travis Kelce is there? Forget it, I was too much far up.

Her concert finished exactly like how I remember it from her movie. Everyone come out swiftly. Since I was there alone, need to rely on my sense of direction which I lost when it’s dark. Luckily I also met a solo-riders named Charlotte from Bremen. We looked for a way to Hbf together, what more surprisingly is she stays at Dorint Hotel! Yeayyy close to my place!

Charlotte suggested to took the Ubahn to other direction then get off, this way we avoid so much crowd. We were not the only one who think about it. Later, we met with 2 Düsseldorfer Swifties Nik from Nikoulausdorf and Shine, too bad I didn’t have a picture with them. I wanted too since he gave me my first Friendships Bracelet “Yes, Instead of No”. Out of my behavior, I was too shy to ask for a photo….

A tinny surprise is I met Larissa on the Eurobahn to Dortmund, never expected it. I asked her friendship bracelet, I took where she has two, that is “Evermore”. After missed the photo chance with Nik & Shine, wouldn’t let it happened with Charlotte, shake it off, should’ve do it earlier where we have better lightning. Ach well, at least for some memory 🙂

This whole experience is enchanted, maybe for next time I should’ve buy either Standing ticket or VIP…..honestly, it has to be VIP, I’m not getting any younger 😉

It was rare, I was there, I remember it all too well



Kann ja nicht alles unter einen Hut bekomme

One of our dear food nerds friend, Thomas, is getting married in Franzin Alm. The Nerdies featuring Claudia + Giovanni, Sara + Diego, Fiona, Christian will be there, what a nice Shanghai reunion <3

A little bit of history background, I knew Thomas in year 2016, we became close somewhere in 2018 with new people like Claudia & Giovanni + Sara. In 2019 the Wechat group Food Nerds was established, not long after that, Diego joined Sara in Shanghai, followed by Christian then Fiona to the group. Why food nerds? because we do nothing other than eating, especially our weekly ritual Bar Centrale every Sunday for Buy 1 Get 1 Free Pizza + happy hour Aperol Spritz. To this day, I am actually biased of what made us come often to Bar Centrale, is the Pizza that good? or the money deal is undeniable? Long story short, we knew each other for some time.

That is why when I got a text from Thomas about his wedding, I am really happy for him 🙂 I’ll make sure I’ll be there!

Prior to the wedding there are many discussions on both Wechat & WhatsApp group regarding what will we do for the couple. The core members of both groups are the same ~ meaning I only know us the Nerdies, there are some other new people too that I haven’t even met. With bigger crowds come bigger discussion, many ideas thrown out yet not a concrete one.

The classics one was always a slide show presentation about our time in Shanghai, that is why “someone” asked for a photo to be uploaded in a google link. I have a lot of photos from me and Thomas, we were friends for years. Additionally, I visited Thomas in Bolzano in 2020, obviously I have many selfies.

Had to mentioned, I have never met Janine before, so does other people. It is common some people in the group only know one side, either they are friends of Thomas or Janine. Few people actually friends with both as they first met in 2021. Some factors weigh in such as the famous Corona lockdown makes it harder for larger group to gather around.

Little did I knew, “someone / he” mistakenly took me as Janine! due to the reason, he never met neither me nor Janine! I think I’m the only one who sent a lot of selfie with Thomas on the google drive. Then, I realized he wasn’t make the classic slide show, he made a hat! for us to wear on the wedding dance floor! A hat with my selfie + a lot of hearts…it’s a funny hat for me, not sure what would the newlyweds think!

How did I found out about this hat?

During dessert time, I was talking with Thomas’ brother Philip then Rickard put something on my head. It must be a hat, what else can it be? I didn’t think it was THAT HAT! I thought a hat from PhotoBox. I utter the word “ah what kind of hat are you putting me on” Philip replied “a very nice one” took it out from my head, I WAS SHOCKED! directly hide it under the table, no no no no, you can’t do this to me, breath breath breath! Philip didn’t know the background story. I told Philip what “the hat creator” told me, according to him, he asked photos from Janine & Thomas. I misunderstand it as “please send me a photo of you with Thomas or you with Janine” Philip laughed, he said, let me see the hat, give it to me.

I really didn’t want the hat to spread around, I have never met Janine before, I don’t know how she will react. Started with Philip, it created a chain of information. Now it is to Diego, to Sara, to Claudia, to Giovanni. Giovanni said “give it to me Marlyn, I need to see it” Claudia cut it “no, not now, after the wedding. Don’t give it to him Marlyn, it’s dangerous if he has it”. When Manuel see on the ‘storage room’ there are a lot of these hats packed in a poly bag, I freaked out, ran, closed the door, put all the hat into the Koffer, no no no no this can’t be. The Nerdies were just laughing, they all said “I want to have one of it”

My hat was hid perfectly well on the pocket of my jacket, others I put it inside the Koffer. So far so good, no one needs to know other than the Food Nerds + Philip + Manuel.

The wedding party went smoothly, food after food, cakes after cakes, first dance, party started!! we were all having fun….until…. the hat reveals itself, boah I can assure you, all food nerds were flabbergasted! there was a brief moment where I locked in eyes with Claudia on the opposite side, our jaws dropped to the floor before burst into laugh. You can see on the video, Giovanni hasn’t stop laughing! The reason why I was shaken was…. how did Janine found out? who’s giving it to her?

Now the cats are out from the bag, no secret anymore! haha we all can wear the hats! Diego said “Marlyn, whoever from us married next, we will make a hat with your face and the guy’s face on it” The Nerdies hats are special, we have Thomas & Janine signed on it. Thomas has one with my name written on it. He said, when you are getting married, I don’t care if I’m invited or not, I will come with the hat and ask your guy to sign it as well, I will tell him “See, I have been there before” hahaha

After the wedding, some guess put the hat on the lobby area, hey! don’t throw it away! Luckily, the hotel receptionist approached Claudia to asked “is this belong to your party?” “Yes” “do you know the person on the hat?” “Yeeessss!” so now Claudia has two!

Sara, Diego & Fiona stayed a few days after the wedding, they did hike together with the hats! oh God! this hat really will go everywhere! They won’t let it go easily.

Perhaps we will wear it all together when we meet again, Oktoberfest hey? See you all soon nerdies! don’t forget about our hats!

FYI, now that I’m calm down, I scrolled the chat, he didn’t specifically mentioned Janine AND Thomas, not like what he told me on the wedding day. He and his wife told me because they never met Janine before that’s why they asked in the group to send a picture of both Thomas AND Janine. They said “And you send your selfie, so we print it” Nope, no prove of you saying that word ‘AND’. The whole time I thought I misunderstand them, I wasn’t! They fucked up then they wanted to throw the shit out of me, not gonna happen brother, I backed up by Janine humorous personality.

Well…. sometimes mistake must happen in order to know the real character of the person, I’m relieve Janine took it as a jokes 🙂 it could potentially be really schief gegangen, thank you for not letting it go south.

Love you Food Nerds! Happy Wedding Thomas & Janine, thank you Janine for being a fun individual!

Double Personality

This is the moment! tonight is the night! the reason why I insist of having Innsbruck Card after all is due to the Innsbrucker Nordkettenbahnen / Top of Innsbruck. The cable car’s ride itself will cost us 47 Euro ~ or 40 Euro according to Ankita #Whatever. It is already included in our 72 hours = 79 Euro Innsbruck Card. Comprender?

Gave Joe some warning on this particular Thursday, we will do ‘overtime’ than yesterday since there are 2 Cable Cars we want to do. The Top of Innsbruck and the Evening Ride from Patscherkofelbahn.

Our AirBnB lady said there’s not needed to go to Patscherkofelbahn as Nordkettenbahn is already the best. Hell no to the o o o, we will go just because we can, on top of that we already paid for it, we are not going to your concert which located on the next city, read: are not included in the Innsbruck card #The math ain’t mathing.

We took the Ubahn at Hofburg, crossed the river, it will stop at Löwenhaus, #Stay on your seat. Almost drop Joe there to check before he got saved by the bell sounds of door closing. Passed through Alpine Zoo, final Cable Car Station: Hungerburgbahn. This is where you all got off.

Joe had his brief moment of enjoying the view while I got busy with my body lotion that spread around my bags to my power bank, his phone charger etc. I need help! he instruct to wipe it with tissues. On the contrary, I responded “noooo, we can still use it, moisture my skin!” He thought the body lotion was somehow ruin, it wasn’t, I didn’t close it properly. #Oh, there goes my sympathy! After the tissue solved the issue, we could walk around to see what Hungerburgbahn offer us. We enter the church, Joe pointed “why do we have Alien? her face is green?” feel a bit creeped out, let’s go to the next station.

I read the word “JETZT” with red, bold, capitalized. Enough to get my attention, it is time, now! whereas he read the info “STOP. Please take the next one”. Two “Germans” ~ not necessarily from Germany, might be from German speaking countries were also confused, he asked Joe about why the gate wasn’t open. Yeah, in the end, the non-German-speakers was the only one who could explain what’s going on 😉 We just need to wait, the sign will always be “JETZT” unless it wasn’t true.

Next station is Seegrubenbahn, we can see…. the same view with higher altitude haha. There are some playground, place to sit around, suspicious white parts ~ had to check if it is snow? be careful on the way there are many shits #Watch your steps. There is restaurants here, looks nice, we both agree no matter how good the view is, we will eat inside, if not the soup or whatever food we ordered will already be cold before entering our mouth!

Joe was distracted by a bunch of birds flew around us, he suspected it was because of me eating chocolate bar. Hey, the other Asian people next to us also eat something, except the birds ain’t coming to them! #I’m innocent

Running away from the flock of birds, we went to our last cable car to station Hafelekarbahn aka Top of Innsbruck! The sign say it themselves! While Joe soaking all the sun, I, on the other hand preserve my youth by reapplying my sunscreen. We saw the signs to go to Karspitze, Geo Trail, Klettersteig, Innsbruckblick or Karwendelblick. Let’s do 3 out of 5, then we satisfied. Walked to Karwandelblick + Innsbruckblick then Karspitze.

On the way to Karspitze we sat for a while, when down there was a fight against the birds, here on the top we have fight against the ‘smoke’ haha I meant clouds. There is no need to go up when the clouds are coming, we can see the skies passed us. Slowly but sure we went up. On the top, we saw a family eating chocolate, that’s a good idea! told Joe to look at the chocolate maybe they can feel our pressure #They didn’t. Joe ran away when he noticed this family would ask him for a picture, instead she asked me. Did it nicely, still getting no chocolate pffff now is their turn to take picture of us! Beautiful up here hey!

Some time ago, on site, Joe was “there is a balcony down there, do you want to go?” “Noooo”. Fast forward to when we were waiting for cable car to wrap this up, I watched the TV, tapped him “Joe, there is balcony on the TV, where is it? we didn’t see any or?” “Yes we did, I asked you, only for you to answer with ‘nooo’ ” ahhh ok! that question I remembered 😉

Now we are back on the ground! What do we doooo? Museum Tour! First is the Goldenes Dachl Museum. We were exactly on the roof, we can see people on the bottom or on the City Tower. Attempted to say hello, no one return his hello 🙁 let’s do some coloring shall we? haha

Second is Stadtmuseum & Stadtarchiv. We didn’t understand why the lady said ‘just go’ the archive section, not knowing is not part of the museum, the guy was working there. I was like “Hmm, is this part of the Museum?” “No, it’s the Archive, feel free to look around” We backed out, we are not a detective who wants to see city archive haha

Honestly speaking, none of us are a Museum Person, is it worthy to continue? or let’s sit somewhere? We do the later, sat down on Starbucks near the Goldenes Dachl, having ice chocolate + ice latte while judging 2 then 3 then 4 street performers before moving to our next Agenda.

What’s next? obviously the Evening Ride we were waiting for since Tuesday, Patscherkofelbahn! We were so happy when we saw a family from the other side of cable car saying hi to us, the father was “gluing” himself to the glass, his daughter on his left, didn’t see the son but Joe said he was on his right. The girl waving her hand, we both return her hi. We knew exactly how it felt when no one return our hi from the Dach! So happy that our thought got passed down to the next generation.

The suspected “German” guy said there was an easy path walk called Ziberweg, not so long #According to him. I’m smart enough to ask “how long will it takes?” 2,5 hours. Noooo, noooo, nooo, noo we can’t. I think he was surprise with our answer. Dude, our “not so long” is 30 minutes back and forth! Don’t you see how much white our shoes are, these ain’t made for hiking….. We will just look around here, you have fun!

Once we arrived, I read the info in German “Joe, look, it’s written we can enjoy the sunset”. “When? At 23:00? We are in the mountain” 😀

We were only sitting from one place to another, calculated how much money we saved by using the card. Then he casually asked “have we been there?” pointed on the fucking cover of the Innsbruck brochure I have been holding for the past 72 hours. Hmmm, I think so…. flipped it to the page where that picture located, fuck! no! we haven’t! shit! we missed it! let’s go now!

I’m telling you, this is where our second personality come out, I remembered we were quiet tired, nevertheless, the moment we knew, adrenaline rush kick in #You think you know someone, you don’t. Joe was a bit ragu ragu “no…. we need to come back once again to Innsbruck” being a very calculated Asian, “no! we still have time, use your 120 GB capacity! look for direction, we need to leave this mountain”

We were brought from our lowest low to our highest high within one second, were hyped up! move directly to our new mission like no others, even Justin Timberlake Intime is not comparable to us. Saw our bus leaving from our cable car cabin! aaaa, okay we take the next one. Got off on the correct station, find out we were in the middle of nowhere. Joe wonder what do people do, what is the purpose of this station? there is literally nothing here, we use his gigantic internet capacity to zoom in, do the 3D view, there is simply no road, it’s can’t be 6 minutes walking? there is a forest, river, stones, everything….. how can we cross it?

Decided it’s a no go, make a conclusion if you want to see this platform, do it from Bergisel, you just need to hike for 30-40 minutes. We took the next bus to Joe’s road: Maria-Theresien-Straße, I’m afraid at some point he will tattoo this road hahaha.

We had Thai food at Thai Li restaurant, it’s his first time trying Mango Sticky Rice, he assured me it won’t be his last. We had a very typical Innsbruck delicacies, Asian food! Wherever you are, top of mountain or on the ground.

Thank you so much Joe for accompanying me in Innsbruck, I always enjoy the time, everything seems funnier with you, whenever you’re around it’s just a different level of energy. Very grateful we knew each other back in 2016 and still somehow manage to be in contact from time to time. Wish you all luck as well as happiness! ‘Till we meet again, take care!

*we conquer Innsbruck within 72 hours* #Mic drop

The 8 “Working” Hours – Part 3

The second day of our 24 hours Innsbruck card, we did very durchgetaktet! Zack Zack Los! Clocked in our Journey at 09:00 AM. All the rides for today sponsored by a Hop on Hop off aka Sightseer bus! before you get too excited of sitting on a double decker bus, it’s not, just a normal one level bus. Pay attention to the Bus Station, you need to see the red symbol S on it.

First stop was the Imperial Palace / Hofburg. They have a Maximilian 1 Exhibition, please be aware of this name, you’ll hear or read about him many times. Do we know who he is? Not the slightest hahaha our memory is limited to how incapable the guard were.

  • So, Maximilian Exhibition is there, here is written “the office” do you know where is it? did we passed it?
  • Oh I don’t know why it’s written there, do not pay attention to it.
  • Do you know what is the stage outside the Hofburg for?
  • Oh no I don’t know.

There is no photo as we weren’t allowed to take any of it in the Imperial Palace. I almost got busted, could be the reason why the lady kept following us. She seems smart, we decided to ask what is the relation between Maximillian and the imperial palace people to which she answered “I’m not a tour guide” well…. mother!$k3r hahaha

At some point, she told us that we can only walk on the carpet because the floor is lava! haha there installed an alarm where it could ring really loud. Tempted to drop my brochure to test it, yet backed it out #Calm down Marlyn.

Moving on to the other side of Innsbruck, Schloss Ambrass. It was the same Sightseer driver who drove us before. This Schloss Ambrass is very confusing, we didn’t find the entrance easily. Everytime we asked someone, they pointed somewhere else, one of them said “there is a Karte (map)” I know damn it! I just didn’t want to read it! #Lazy ass.

Arrived to the allegedly upper castle which according to Joe wasn’t really upper haha only to being told the entrance was from the down side. The arrow on each is very confusing hey!

We finally made it! welcomed by an armor room, painting room which reminded me of Mr. Beans movie ~The Whistler’s Mother, you know which one~ Joe wanted to go to woods area for a while, he got his wishes granted, even tried to make conversation with a peacock. We followed the map, the Castle is divided into many exhibitions on different places, don’t lose your entrance ticket, you will need to scanned it every time. There were also Chapel, temporary exhibitions ~ while we were there it was about human with special characteristics, like the one from This is The Greatest Show! ~ where we can’t take pics.

Being inspired from the Hofburg where they provided a mirror for a good selfie according to me but since we can’t take a photo we didn’t do it. We saw more or less the same mirror, attempted to take pictures of our zodiac. See us with Virgo and Libra, no right? because we weren’t successful haha.

Next destination is Bergisel Stadion & Sprungschanze for the ski jump. The station called Das Tirol Panorama, the name speaks for itself. Asked Joe to take me some pictures, right after he took some, he confess “I’m not a very good picture taken” well, you gotta learn yo! haha just kidding, it was good 🙂

Oh there was a Café! let’s have a snack break here, I had cake and radler, what a combination #Brain doesn’t work anymore. Checked on his phone, 4 mins walk to Bergisel. Right when we about to leave, it started to rain. Oh no! Let me think, there are two options, went into the Museum while wait until the rain slow down…. or…. just go while it’s still drizzling. We choose the later.

Didn’t regret it, when we arrived the rain getting smaller, at some point it stopped. The “funicular” or should I say “elevator” rides every 15 minutes. What we can see from here? Panorama again! 😉 only from a higher point.

On the brochure, I can see there is a seeing platform nearby called Drachenfelsen. Don’t be so optimistic about the weather, like our AirBnB Lady said “Austrian is always prepared” the drizzle comes back, enough to annoyed us hahaha we decided not to go there now, rather try to go tomorrow when the weather supposed to be good. Unbeknownst to us, there is no way to get it other than to “hike” for about 30-40 minutes from Bergisel #Oh well.

We past the Memorial Andreas where it’s written for God, King and Fatherland #So touching. Both of us directly placed our hand on our heart, began the choir of aaaaaaaaaaaa

Last, we were entering a Tirol Panorama mit Kaiserjägermuseum. Where Joe was confused about the so called “Panorama” it’s just a screen 😀

Then we catch the last Sightseer bus, went back to Joe’s favorite / haunted street, Maria-Theresien-Straße. It was still the same bus driver from morning, he recognizes us therefore commented “wow, very busy!” yes Sir! we were working the same shift as you! When you have an Asian planner, everything need to cross the box!

We wanted to try if we go to watch our AirBnB Lady’s show #We couldn’t. It was far away like 40 minutes, by the time we have to come back it will takes us 1 hour or so. On top of that, remember we just “work” for 8 hours. Having no more energy, we decided to just eat at Chinese Restaurant nearby 来来来.

*continue to our last 24 hours*