My September’s Angels

September is always my favorite month of the year! It was the month where autumn season arrived so the weather for the whole month is absolutely perfect, and it’s my birthday month! and of course I only have one date in September that is my birthday but the celebration could go for the whole month or even extended to unlimited time for celebrations hahaha! I was born on 27th September 00:00 such a cool time to appear to the world and say hello! I was born with STYLE, well maybe confusing time because I am not sure if I was born between the transition from 26th to 27th or 27th to 28th ehemmmmmm but anyway here I am 😀

Thorben was the first one that gave me a birthday present, but he knew that I will not be in Shanghai on my bday so he prepares the gift earlier and gave it to me. Prior giving me the bday present I said to him that I will have to take his present and go back home and take it back to Shanghai and he said “don’t worry it’s a small present, probably only the size of my little finger but this is not my little finger” and I was like yeah of course who would want to have somebody’s little finger as a bday present that will be creepy! hahaha and then we had the 4th steak at his house when he gave me the USB! and I have been dying to open it since but yeah I promised Thorben to only opened it on 27th 😉

Tim will go travelling to Africa and he asked me “what do you want for bday present from Africa” and I said “a baby lion that trained to eat wooden table” hahahaha but has to be a specific wooden table, hope Tim will still remember the reason why I want this 😉 but he will bring me something from Africa! wohoooo

Aggy was already in UK, I asked to bring Prince Harry as a bday present haha! but he’s taken already sooo maybe another prince? haha I guess this year bday present will be soooo “roaming” as it comes from different places haha

My flight arrived Jakarta on 26th 23:30, and technically I only need to wait 30 more minutes to open Thorben’s present! And thanks to my friend, Eddy that picked me up from Airport and he was the first one that literally said happy birthday as we were on his car on the way to my parents home ;). Eddy was looking at his phone and then “yeayyy midnight, happy birthday, it’s officially 27th Sept! how do you feel to be 27 years old?” haha. Eddy was wearing the German’s jersey and I said to him I need to take a selfie and send it to Thorben’s as we both are the German supporter that were shocked the Germans didn’t make it 🙁 but yeah my birthday! no sad stories allowed ahaha!

By the time I arrived home it was already passed midnight so I am officially allowed to open Thorben’s present, and he made the footage release of our Moganshan trip! see see see! and btw people don’t be so harsh, first few minutes you will see the speed of Thorben and other guy but when the music changed you can see me and Chris was walking buutt here’s the things that you should remember, Chris was an ex-Luxembourgish army so if he was also walking quote “I’m also already tired” like what he said it means I am also allowed to walk and feel tired 😉 haha

It was such a funny video, I can’t stop laughing at this. Thanks Thorben for editing this video, I don’t know how long does it takes because you recorded the whole race and you must spend not short time to make this video therefore I really appreciate and thank you for that 🙂

Aggy also sent me a video from a very shinny and bright UK’s weather! But my sister she didn’t go home so it’s only me and my parents another three hack amigos 😉 hahaha

And then this is the real surprise from my parents haha when I arrived my dad already slept so my mom was the one that waited for me to arrived and then in the morning while I’m still sleeping they came to my room and brought the cake, it was very early in the morning as my dad need to go to work. And people, don’t ask why my voice is so loud because my mom’s voice also loud 😉 so it’s already inherited haha! and all three of us had cake as the breakfast and the cake was so fast gone! ahaha

Thanks to all the people that wrote me the message or send me the voice note.  My silly sister that will make sure I will have to watch Crazy Rich Asian on my birthday and her bf my kokoe who in 48 hours will also have his own birthday ;), my handsome Fredoy, my back cracker Brendan, Benjamin, Oda, Patrick, Sebastian, Jason, Marc and I’m not nyebelin so you had to retype your message 😉 , my roomies John that was so shocked to realize that today is my bday and he typed “Oh Shit, happy birthday” I don’t see any benefit of starting the conversation with “oh Shit” haha roomiessss come on!, Marina that reminds me that I got no cheesecake nor steak but I got black forest cake! ;), 方丽丝, Riroy that tried to call me haha, my Lu mamacita, my best captain Tim, my soon to be chef yet cute cousin Cyan, Thomas the Valentino Rossi fans, Leslie also the one that always update me regarding the doctor news, Susan and Evan, my crazy friends that made “Marlyns Fans Club” group on WA which is Darren, Cepi, Nyonyo and I will meet Darren soon! Herr Buchmann that will call me Frau Praseli from now on, Stefan and Julia where we will have our unlimited birthday celebration anytime anywhere but preferable Zapatas ;), Alvin, Alin, Andre, Novi, the one that will get married soon Sisil, the new mother Erin and Umar, Rere, Memey, my mustika Family and my Gang Bojong Family 😀 , my por favor mamacita Leyfa, my humble lords Yves, my ex-neighbor Lars, Shenna, Kasasa, Maxotics, my 长辈 Asano, Denny, Vanessa, Ci Caca, Ci Jennij my designer and Yani, Pisen, Dennis, Carlos, Taylor Swift made in France Solene 😉

These guys are the one that stole my heart and made my 27th on 27th September full of awesomeness! Heyyy! 27th on 27th! this is once in a lifetime number haha

I know that we are far away by distance but you are all angels in my heart <3. Thanks and Good Night from Pluit-North Jakarta. Time for Marlyn to have her beauty sleep 😀

Lots of Love xx