League on May? May-be Yes… May-be No…

Yeap! Here is the almost full crew of the Hungover Games’ boys.

They just finished the league and the winner was on the other table. I’ve been exercising a lot with these boys because all they do is exercise, running competition, joining spartan race, hiit, marathon whatever sports you name it.

Once I joined them for spartan exercise at Airpark and I was already exhausted, I could see how fit and used to work out they are and how less I am.

So I also did color yoga day, pool party, just try to move my body more haha.

Most of the boys (Felix, John, Tim, Hutch) will play the archery like 3 days a week while Thorben maybe only 2 days a week and me…hmmm maybe only 2 times a month haha.

Tim is the best “captain” of the HG!

I always afraid with Raoul and John but because John was my roomate in Malaysia so he became nicer and less shot me, but Raoul! damn it! this guy is so aggressive and I hate if I have to be his opponent, he shot really damn hurt!

This cool video is the clip of what is Hungover Games League, made by Michael Sun from Team Voltron!