FIFA June!

I didn’t realize its 2018 FIFA World Cup!

And yeah there is another group created by Dennis with the same HG boys called Football Mania, where we decides where will we watch it and always put your name and your +1 on the list.

He bought me the German jersey shirt well, unfortunately Germany didnt even made it to the group-knock out stage. This pic was taken by Stefan (also Germans) while Germany lost against South Korea, so proud of South Korea because they played really well the defense were strong and to Germany I think they lost the senior player so the junior wasn’t that ready to play.

This world cup is so funny because all the teams that I supported lost! Germany-Spain-Japan-Mexico-Belgium-England-and the new hero CROATIA!

But this World Cup was very special to me because I really enjoyed it, especially watching the match with these boys at 2AM in the morning just like it was nothing.