Ihr seid verrückt! – Part 2

October 22nd, Chantal messaged me that she and Sophie were planning to celebrate my nachträglicher Geburtstag. She asked if I will be free on 28.12. My initial reaction was “Hä? Dezember? it still far… however knowing I don’t have holiday no more which means I’ll be in Dortmund, I said yes.

I received this message on Christmas. What?!?! was in shocked! #Never see that coming!

Sophie told I need a DE Ticket, maximal I can think is I’m going to their Heimat. This birthday gift was so above & beyond from both of them, voll ins Schwarze getroffen, can’t thank them enough!

Took the train from Dortmund Hbf to Köln at 08:45, mind you they were not from Dortmund ~ both started their journey one hour earlier. Heading to Brühl then took a shuttle bus cost 5 Euro on top pfffff on Lego Land they didn’t charge you more money, I only have 6 Euro on cash #Knapp!

Phantasialand opened at 11:00 we arrived around 11:40 ish. First attraction is Berlin area. We went to Das verrückte Hotel Tartüff, it’s like a fun house where they put furniture upside down, crazy elevator, moving carpet etc. In the end we can slide down only had to took off our shoes, oh yeah, saw it “Sophie, it’s quiet deep” she responded “Ach Marlyn, egal” #Fun 😀

Chantal want take Wellenflug carousel in front of fake ice-ice skating, let’s gooooo. It’s very relaxing to see the view from the top.

Walked passed Mexico, what do they have here? Wasserbahn mehhhh don’t want to get wet; the free fall towers auch mehhh; Talocan 13 x award winning top spin oh neeeee; Colorado Adventure it is! the descriptions were multi award winning family mine roller coaster. I’d say it fits for adults too, the track was outside + inside the dark tunnel, most thrilling was when we were in the dark tunnel, I thought it will go up only it goes down.

Moving on to Deep in Africa, Sophie recommended we must ride Black Mamba ~ the 18 x award winning suspended roller coaster in the heart of the jungle. Bring it on! I like the way we waited for Black Mamba, we do not go to a maze like normal, we “were” in the jungle vibe area, feels like I made a circle to it’s track. Right after, while we casually walking, I said “let’s go here, waiting time is only 5 minutes” it was an Adventure Trail which was easy, yet at the end there is a slide, boy oh boy my Ass hurt! the Slide is not like in das verrückte Hotel Tartüff, it’s made out of round steels like the type where you put your bag into an X-Ray #Poor my bones.

China Town is the area where we sit down in warm inside Restaurant Madschu for refilling our energy. We had a meet & greet with Dragon Wang, went to Europe’s longest underground ghost train Geister Rikscha. It was just sitting, chilling & seeing, we need it for Verdauung.

Reality kicks in, we are still missing 2 areas, Mystery and Fantasy. Los geht’s! Mystery Castle is next, we saw a seat that for me was familiar, reminded me of a screen illusion where they take us to a journey somewhere as if we were flying or tauchen, at least that’s what I expected in mind. We were seated, it was pitch dark, any moment the screen will appears. Holy guacamole! it was a free fall tower to which has awarded 16 times! None of us expected it! My feet clinged onto Chantal’s feet, shocking wasn’t do the justice. Turned on the dim light, we were somewhere on the top, going down, middle back to the top finally back to ground. I thought they will rocketed us again, thank’s God that wasn’t the case. I was gobsmacked “what the hell just happened?!” laughing as it was so much entertainment! The Mystery castle indeed a mystery.

At 17:00 they illuminate whole places, it was wonderful, Christmas spirit’s everywhere, walked around, took some beautiful pictures, absorbing these keepsakes <3

There are still some roller coasters left alas we couldn’t do it, only went in to Fantasy area then gift shop then ab nach Bushaltestelle. Unfortunately we didn’t see any shows, there was a fireworks at the end at 19:50 but since we took public transport, the connection wasn’t in our favor, we need to leave earlier. I think for next time I would stay in one of their theme park hotel and really take the paper Landkarte other than downloading the app. We did have the physical map in the end, only didn’t realized every ride has a descriptions, well! had we read it, we would miss the element of surprise from mystery castle 😉

Really appreciate both of you Chantal & Sophie for thinking to gift me this. What a brilliant way for us ~ me especially to mark the end of the year with Wintertraum.

Wondering what would the three of us would do next year? #alle guten Dinge sind drei.

Ihr seid verrückt!

I am one kind of a person who sees importance in “dates” as in Datum, be it as it may: birthday, anniversary landing in Germany or any others possible milestone. I’d cherised and will find a way to celebrate it any how, the catch here is: it has to be precisely on that specific date.

Meine Freundin Claudia texted me in October, “Freundin, let’s have frühstück bei uns to celebrate your belated birthday” I was very touched, it is very sweet of her, didn’t even crossed my mind as I already celebrate my birthday on my birthday date. The day will be just like their normal Saturday schedule, I’ll join them for sport then breakfast at their place.

They have a tradition to mix the Alpenzwerg-Bio Schokomilch until it has no sound, on the lid of the milk there is a “Gewinnspiel” back then when Alina and I looked at the options, clearly there are a big prizes like Camera or bicycle something #Can’t even remember. What stands out was “a day with Simon Brunner” who the hell is he? why a day with him could be counted as a winner? He is a TikToker Sport star lalala. Ever since, it became an internal joke that we need to fill in the code so that Marlyn can win a day with Simon Brunner.

On the breakfast day there is no sticker of the Gewinnspiel again #Oh nein! Unbeknownst to me, they moved it to my birthday card. They are very natural, prepare the tables while I only “dabei sein” #moralische Unterstützung 😉

I was sitting, Julius was lighting the candle on Esstisch then come Claudia carrying the jar with LED lights followed by Alina holding a selfmade card singing “Happy Birthday to you”. I knew it was meant to be Frühstück for my nachträglicher Geburtstag however I was never imagined or wish for them to prepare me a gift! That was indeed a successful surprise. Can’t say anything other than “ihr seid verrückt!” 😀

  • Freundin: Siehst du die Gelände?
  • Neee. Ist das nicht seit Dezember schon immer da gewesen?
  • Neee! Das habe ich um 7 Uhr für dich gehängt.

WOW! Even with the decorations, look at the thought they put to congratulate me, the jar + the card + Simon Brunner Photo haha #Very epic!

Once my adrenaline wears off, we could start the breakfast then made einen Termin #Typisch Deutsch hahaha. It was supposed to be on 16.11 but we postponed it to 23.11. They came to Dortmund, picked me up, went to Phoenix Des Lumieres #Expecto Patronum spell. I always wants to go there a. because it’s literally next to Nordwest; b. no b just a haha. We tried to book an appointment together with Hainka and PV yet it never works. That’s why, the moment I knew I got it as my birthday gift, was very pleased, they got me wirklich ins Schwarze getroffen 🙂

The room was an ex-steel factory which means it is a big broad room but not a flat room, you will see a round pipe in the middle etc. All of it was covered by the digital and immersive arts. The thema is “Wunderwelt Ozean – Ein Immersiver Tauchgang” it makes you feel you really inside a Uboot.

When the first round is finished, we feel it’s a bit too quick, was only 30 Minute-ish. We came in like 2 minutes after the show starts, decided to still stay in. We also walked around to watch it from other perspectives.

Den Abend lassen wir ins Treppchen Restaurant in Hörde ausklingen. I will always be sold to my favourite: Muscheln!!!!

I always planned for my birthday or being on someone’s plan to surprising someone. This is my first time somebody surprising me, let alone successfully surprising me. I used to see someone else speechless, now I am the receiving end, I finally understand that feeling. This surprise wasn’t just about the day, it reminded me how lucky I am to have friends like you, from the bottom of my heart, vielen lieben Dank my friendssss, it mean the world to me.