From Us, With Love-Part 2

Remember last time in Shanghai Marina and me did a food walking tour by ourselves? basically Marina chose the restaurant and the food that she likes from her previous walking tour and re-do it with me. Well, since we both separated now she is still in Shanghai and I am in Germany, I did my own walking tour however its not a food walking tour just the classic city sightseeing walking tour. Huaaa I’m miss my other M!

After 2.5 hours of walking with them I feel like Im the “expert” of Munich already, why it is with quote? Because I forgot some of the part already haha

We all gathered up in Marienplatz with our guide from Sandeman tour named Jake. He explained that at 11am (this I remember for sure) 1pm and 5 or 6pm depends if its winter or summer (this I’m not so sure but around that time, good enough for Indonesian already 😉 ) the puppets in Marienplatz will play us some attraction and dance. And why is that time? Because it shows when they start to have lunch, finish lunch and back to work and off from work (yes it makes sense and should be like that)

Since we met at 10:45 so I got to witness the play at 11am, first play is the top one, it is about Austria vs Germany. They started with meeting with each other, then the fight begins, a knight with their horses appear, costume red and white means Austria while blue and white means Germany-specifically Munich color. You know who will win right? it’s should be pretty obvious 😉

Here is some bits of how the music sounds like

Following the show with the knight, it’s the show with puppet dancing. And why are they dancing? because long time ago there was a plague in Munich and people are afraid to go back to work, to go outside as they don’t know what caused it, they thought God was angry with them and ask for His forgiveness and what did Munich government do to make their people brave enough to come out again? They invented the dance, so people could see from their home that outside is safe, they can come back to work, go to market, even dance in open area. Jake said even until now (well, now is Corona maybe if Corona hasn’t happened on the first place) they still or will dance in the New Town Hall area, not every year but every 7 years.

Then on the corner of this Neues Rathaus there is a “statue” of the dragon, on the upper left from the dragon are the people who are afraid, have no idea what or how to do with the plague and on the right are the people who dance in order to make Munich people able to do the previous activities.

Okay, another fact about this Neues Rathaus is all statue in front of it was a man and one man that has a bit of a stage and sitting on a horse, why is he got something special like this? because he was the one that kind of make a big contribution of making this Rathaus and people pay the commission to him. On top of the Rathaus is a Catholic monk, I would like to say priest but Jake use the word of monk, so I followed him 😉 and it is not an adult monk, in fact is a little cute baby monk. In front of the Neues Rathaus there is a statue of virgin Mary on the top, being protected by four little knight, I wanted to say cupid but they are cupid with protective gear, this little knight is standing above something dragon, snakes or idk what other animals is that to protect the virgin Mary or city of Munich from every danger possibility.

Jake said if I paid attention I could see more monks inside and he was right, monks in the ceiling, on top of the building, on the logo etc.

There are the facts and history that I remember about Neues Rathaus, when you have sth called New Town Hall then there must be an Old Town Hall right? where and how does the Old Town Hall looks like?

This white building on the left is the Altes Rathaus, very weird isn’t it? It doesn’t look old at all and why is that? because Munich was destroyed by bomb during the World War so they have to re-built the old town hall but it’s only 70 years old building, the real one had it not been destroyed by the bombed would have been a 700 years old building.

Jake also told me that Munich has sth to do with Grimm books, I don’t quiet remember the details but he said the real fairy tale story is not fairy tale at all, it’s rather scary and for adults. I think the frog in the building was represents Prince Frog or whatever tale or maybe it’s not a tale at all, maybe it represents the disease or sth, I completely forgot about this, sorry! but it definitely means something otherwise I won’t see frogs in this corner and on the door.

Ofc we have to visit the church! we visited the Gothic St. Peter’s church and what is the fact about this church? This is a real church that survived the bombing! how do I know? first is from the bricks (mostly bricks building were real from back then) and second there is one cannonball stuck on the church until now! so when the enemy whoever was it tried to fire this church with cannonball, one of them reach it but somehow stuck into the cement of the building, here is the 600 something years old cannonball 😉

For sure we have to come back to the devil footstep at Frauenkirche. Jake told me half truth and the other half is…just to make it more fun. When King of Munich build Frauenkirche he put a big budget for it, however he miscalculated it, when the construction of the church only 50% they already used 80% of the budget, the King panicked and he thought of how to get more money to finish this church? He asked the Pope in Vatican if he is able to give his contribution unfortunately he was busy with building Sistine Chapel so there was no money left for Munich then what did he do? He asked all 11 architect to have a meeting inside the church and re-planned all the budget. It was dark at night and they forgot to close the window, suddenly there was a bigggg wind came in and blow down all the candles, it was only for 10-15 seconds but was very spooky, then one architect light on the candle in the middle and he and the other 10 were afraid because there was one additional person with them joined the meeting and that person was Lucifer! He said “I could helped you to give all the money that you want but you will have to build it according to my request which is no windows allowed” All the architect were agreed with his conditions then he disappeared. It only took them additional 20 years to finished it, ofc Lucifer visited it to see his church, he was very happy that he did not see any windows and why is that? because the architects tricked him, they built a very large 2 towers so it blocked any lights that come in but after the tower you can see the windows so Lucifer was angry and he stomped his foot so hard that it marked the floor and storm off. Let’s bring back how Lucifer stomp’s looks like.

You are clear which half is truth and lies right? haha but it’s still a cool story anyway 😉 Then we will have to move to a real truth story in Odeonplatz, I forget which year was it but Adolf Hitler marched to Munich with his soldier to take over Munich from the King and stopped by in Odeonplatz, there was a history where in here chaos happened where Nazi soldier and real Munich soldier fire each other due to misunderstanding, however Hitler fell down and he managed to escaped to other city.

But people there recognize him and called the police, he was caught and put into a prison for 5 years or so and liberated after that. In the prison Hitler wrote his book “Mein Kampf” it didn’t sell really well but he was famous all around the world for every wrong reason.

Next to Odeonplatz is the Munich Residenz, the museum that contained history of Munich King and Queen and their palace that ofc was bombed and re-built as close as possible. How do I know it was a new building? From the circle window, some parts are real window and some parts are just painted window. Munich Residenz is so big so the walking tour didn’t get in there, Jake just showed us where is the entrance.

We closed the tour in the Viktualienmarkt where I can eat and buy stuff 🙂

Despite the weather who ironically raining and gloomy, I was happy to joined this walking tour as you can see now I know the history of Munich more or less 😉 not only the history btw but also some good place like this, check this out!

I am very open to repeat this tour again, perhaps I will bring Marina to re-do this M&M tour just like she brought me to re-do the food tour 🙂

I *heart* M stands for I love Munich or Marlyn? or maybe Munich loves Marlyn and Marina 😉

See you on the next tour!

From Us, With Love

Marina has been here for only about 2 years but she’s been to many many tours than I do. She’s been to a breakfast food tour, night food tour and whatever tour you named it, however she still refused to be called “food blogger” 😉 and I think one day when I was at her home I saw the flyer from one of the food tour she went to and the locations are so close with my home- only around Jiangsu station and her place only one stop from it so she said to me that she wanted to re-create this food tour with herself and I’d like to join! Even though I’ve been here 6.5 years but I don’t go to the place that are listed on the food tour, she got all the pictures and I got the language so here we are! the M&M food tour established that day! #wohooo

You’re welcome to join the M&M’s

But the weather kept avoiding us to do the food tour until yesterday! We both meet up after we got off from work at Jiangsu metro station. While we were walking to the first place, we saw the same tour but we were 10 mins ahead of them haha! The reason why Marina recognizes the tour group is because they gathered at the same place and the tourguide is wearing a dumpling shirts 🙂 P.S: We should make our own shirts!

From her list there are 8 places I guess and we went to the first one which is the what I called the Chinese hamburgers! I liked to eat it a lot when I still a student, but not in this place, it’s somewhere near my lovely Donghua University 🙂

We went to the exact place at 东诸安浜路 Dong’Zhu’An’Bang’ road searched for the famous 肉夹馍 Rou’Jia’Mo but then! after walking back and forth the road like you were ironing a shirt, we came to the point where this place is gone! And there was a guy who later on we figured out his name is either Kevin or Kelvin (somewhere between these two options) told us that he was from the food tour that Marina joined #credit! the name is UNtour and now the place is closed down 🙁 #wow so sad! our first M&M tour and already greeted by a closing down restaurant.

Meh, moving on! Next place is called Golden Phoenix 金凤 Jin’Feng, we had the same food that we like and #not to our surprise, they don’t have it! whaaatttt?!?!?! they dont have the roasted pork 叉烧 Cha’Shao, so we give the benefit of a doubt to the duck, ordered 1/4 of it, the bun and mango dessert 🙂 Hope it will do!

and yes it done its job 🙂 it gave us the energy to moving on to the next place which is Jiu Kuan Ningbo Restaurant 旧款宁波饭店 Jiu’Kuan’Ning’Bo’Fan’Dian here, Marina told me about the fava beans that looks awful but taste good and the bamboo sth so I followed her. When the fava beans arrived….

Seems one M disagree with the other M

I know… it doesn’t look like legit but it got German’s approval so it should be OK

vs when the bamboo arrived!

just yummy yummy!

By the time we almost finished, the UNtour food group arrived and sitting next to us, I directly removed the flyer on the table and put it on my bag haha! and we kind of heard what the tour guide explained the group but again….we don’t care mwahaha sounds so bad but “eyes on the price (read: food)”

Next is the Sichuan place! this place got two names that confused us either 椒羞 Jiao’Xiu or Chili Makes You Ruddy, but bottom line is we arrived at the right place! and here is the time for the noodles 🙂

No matter what the name is, here’s the entrance!

After this we go to have dumplings at 富春小龙 Fu’Chun’Xiao’Long when we got out, we met either Kelvin or Kevin again, he was talking to someone and turns out this guy was the General Manager of UNtour and he walked with us to the dumplings! Yeay! short walk with the GM booyeah!

Due to this dumpling is our last stop, we need to figure it out how to go home so we stopped at the intersection only to catch up again with the UNtour group and the tour guide just gave the directions to the people and he said “I’ll go here first to buy the dessert for later” Marina was eavesdropping! be careful peeps! 😉

And she said to me “Marlyn, now you need to get in and say to the guy that we want exactly what that guy just bought” hahaha and here we are happily with our dessert!

This is just our fun activities, I believe the food is as good as the companion you share it with, and of course I believe that Marina would like to do it again with our friends if they’re keen of 😉

We are not the real tour guide, we just love food so we won’t be able to give you the knowledge about the originality of each dishes that we had, neither that we care #facepalm. Marina already forgot all the knowledge that the tour guide told her and I don’t even bother to search for it, so relax we won’t take any bit of customer’s share from any food tour 🙂

It’s just purely from us, with love <3

mit Marlyn und Marina zusammen 🙂