Mother’s Dedication

I must give all my four thumbs up to my mother! She planned my sister’s wedding from head to toe as details as what color should the decoration be, what will be the souvenirs, cake taste, our dress plus make up artist, invitation and many more behind the scene stuff all by herself, alone! Why you ask? the answer is both me and my sister were such an ungrateful little bastard hahaha we were so lazy to plan those small things. I’m lazy because it’s not my wedding so why should I care, kind of make sense right 😉 my sister is lazy because it’s just the way she is haha on top of that we are living not in the same time zone so better let mother decide everything together with the wedding organizer in Jakarta. And father? oh forget about him, he’s always the typical of go with the flow “it’s all good, up to you”

We don’t have the photos from professional cameramen yet as it would take round about 1-2 months. So all the photos that you will see here were taken from smart phone. Still, you can see the amazing work my mom’s put on.

I landed on a Friday evening, went to our Schneiderin on Saturday, I love love love her design. Her name is Dyan btw I’d be happy to recommend her to everyone! Too bad even with my 16 cm high heels the gown still too long, she had to cut it, so I’d get it back on Saturday evening.

Right after that we went to Grand Hyatt Hotel. I requested a room by myself, which is not included on sister’s wedding package, yeah I ain’t sharing 😉 We all stays on 18th floor the room was amazing!

Then we had dinner also in Hyatt on their 5th floor. At the beginning-like 2 years ago before Corona, father wanted to have wedding there but he was worried if it’s rain then it will be doomed! so he chose ballroom instead. I had a very good Mee Goreng Jawa, the service was rather slow as they only have 1 waiter but all the complaint gone when he came, the waiter were so funny, thanks Teddy! (not Bear)

Family from Dom hasn’t arrived yet, they arrived Saturday evening. I was supposed to wait for them as in theory I should be on a jetlag mode but meh! rather checked out haha

Sunday morning begrüßt uns 😀 Father and Mother woke up earlier to check the decoration as it wasn’t ready, the still have hmmmm 4 hours… tick tock tick tock….

me on the other hand joined the crowd for breakfast so happy to meet Horst, Renate, Claudia and Mr. Cool Darren once again after hmmm 8 years or so.

We all have our private LO wth is that? she’s and he for Dom are a Liaison Officer. My sister’s LO named Susan, mine called Lea, Renate and Claudias called Virgin, their boss is Michelle and her bos is Mona-the iron lady. Hmmm what about my mom? maybe also Lea haha so we ain’t do nothing, we ain’t carry $#it! I want to have LO for life! haha they’re the one with a rundown event, remind us to drink, eat, help us with our clothes, make sure we are on time whenever wherever we needed to be. They were with us the whole f#ck!ng day! Since we are not the main star of the show, we got some time after breakfast to just walk inside Hyatt before make up begin 🙂

Then we went for a make up while father went to checked the flower. Nope, not the flower in the garden but the flower that Indonesian will send to us and check the decor one last time, progress expected heyyy 😉

Yeay! they made it on time

Almost 1,5 hours later, make up plus hair do done, let’s get dressed up and join my sister’s in their Suite room for picture time 🙂

Another picture session in their lobby, followed by checking the final decoration, practice our walk on the aisle 🙂

Families are coming, we start with the blessing’s in another room which I didn’t see it before, the flowers and decoration in this room also spot on! Good job Mom! On the same room, we have our Tea Ceremony or we called it Tepay wohooooo money money money #drolling! Not big decoration changed only from Katrin & Dominic to 喜喜

Then the final event! Wedding reception! We also got it live streaming from youtube for Dominic’s family in Hannover and some of their friends in Australia. My job is not to fall down during the walk and eat haha such an easy one 😀

Then what my father and Dom’s already practiced, the wedding dance as their final event 🙂

Thank you Mom! we wouldn’t be able to have such a perfect party without you! This is very memorable not only for my sister but also for me <3

P.S: Here is the full live streaming in case you want to see