
One of our department home office’s rule is someone presently need at the office always, it was quiet often to be me. During that period, I was responsible for a lighting project, which means I have to repeatedly communicate with one of the product manager named Sven. I’m glad it was him, back then I wasn’t able to speak much German ~ Of course he could feel our language barrier, therefore instead of explaining on the phone, he always come to me with printed version of everything. I am 100% sure any other PM wouldn’t bother to do what he did, nach dem Motto “nicht mein Problem”.

Definitely he has other projects with my colleague Andreas, sometimes he would like to speak to him but there was only me holding the fortress of our Flügel, asked “Wo ist Andreas?” to which I replied “Zu Hause”. This happened a lot until he comments:

  • Bist du alleine?
  • Du machst definitiv etwas falsch! deine Kollegen mag dich nicht 😉
  • Du bist wieder ganz alleine, ich muss jeden Tag zu dir gehen um zu gucken ob dir gut geht oder was passiert wenn du hinfällst? Niemand wird es wissen!

He kept his words! came to check on me, I can see from the corner of my eyes when someone is coming proceed to scream “Sven ist da! Sven ist da, da ist Sven!” “OK, gut zu wissen du bist immer noch da or du bist nicht verletzt”.

Before long, the lighting project is finished, alas: his visits stops. However, I have an obligation to let him know I am OK or just want to keep the tradition. So…. I come to him…. almost… every… day 😀 Little by little the “Sven ist da” became shorter to only “Sveeennnnnnnnnnnn!”

His desk is not facing the door, that’s why he always shocked whenever I appears. Running, out of the sudden behind him, “Sveeeeennnnnnn”. His colleague ~ Carla constantly say “lässt der arme Sven doch in ruhe” Gurl, what were you thinking? no way, he can’t escape it. Whenever he do Home Office, I call him just to shout “Sveeeeeennnn!”. My colleague PV said “Oh Got Marlyn, der arme Sven eh”

It slowly started became a habit to showed him anything I have which considered as ‘new’ for example my collection of hats, shoes or any other random things possible in order for me to be able to yell “Sveeeeeeeeennn” His comment was never be longer than “Gut” or “Hervorragend”

Besides showing him something, I also consult about random things from residence permit, passport validity, apartment keys. He is very international, he and his wife were once stayed in New Zealand, went to Asia many times for holiday etc. He knows a lot!

His colleagues ~ Carla and Tobi already got used to my “Sveeeeeennnn” Andreas proceed to call him Sveeennnn on the phone. I did it all the time, including in form of writing.

One day, I overheard Milena talked to CB something along the way Sven will leave Nordwest.

  • Was Milena? Hast du gerade etwas über Sven gesagt? Welcher Sven reden wir jetzt?
  • Unser Sven
  • Was? Sven? Sveeennnnnnn!
  • Monica joined the group, “Marlyn que?”
  • Sven und seine Familie werden nach Kanada auswandern.
  • Wer? Sveeeennnnnnnnnn?
  • Jap, genau, der Sveeennnnn!!

I talked to myself, “komme zu Sven” Monica followed me “ich auch” we both stormed out “Sveeeeeeeeeeennnnnn” his reaction was looked at his watch, “oh die Info ist schon bei euch angekommen”

The day when Sven will leave NW is getting closer. Asked Carla if we do something for him, she said no…. doch! Everyone in the room is doing / making / collecting gift for him except me haha I was there only for one last “Sveeeeeeennnn”

Makes matter worse, I wasn’t suppose to be there btw, see the original email hahaha this is the jungle rule when you’re not invited, you invited yourself! 😀 habe auch mit ihm gesprochen und er sagte “Ja, du darfst da sein”

On his last day in the office, I came to him like 3 times he stated “Ja, ja ich komme gleich” whenever he’s still not here I called him. PV reminds me “Marlyn, der kommt noch bestimmt” eventually he really came “Sveeeeennnnnn, Sveeeeeennnn, Sveeeeeennnnnnn” “ich mache eine Runde und komme ja nochmal, muss mich mit Marlyn nochmal verabschieden” On his final moment “Also, jetzt gehe ich” then we hug. When he walked out I kept screaming “Sveeennnnn, Sveeennnn, Sveennnnnn”

Tobi wonder “Marlyn, what should we do now? should I write in the job descriptions that the applicant should be called Sven?” Even so, Sveeeeeennnn ist nicht ersetzbar!

One thing I know, I will never come to Flügel 1 the same way again. All the very best to you, your wife, both of your children in Canada. Although Tobi reassure you are always welcome back… come on, you won’t 😉 Canada is something else #Stay stay stay.

This conclude one more reason to put Canada on my bucket list!

Mach’s gut Sveeeeeennnnnnn!


As we all are well equipped with Smartphones, we are familiar that our phone create memories using Photos available in your Gallery. It is a pleasant felling to know your friend’s phone made a collection of your own photos.

From Julia, it was a mix between work & pleasure located in Shanghai and Germany. Preserving memories from our Saturday’s habit at our no longer existed place-Zapatas 🙁 The controversial M1NT Club with its shark tank entrance to which I remember Thorben was so against it.

Apropos Thorben, second video was from his phone, displayed mostly pleasure, in form of delicacies #Yum! nom nom… or parties 😉 located in Shanghai and my hometown.

It’s enjoyable to be reminded of the past times; what did you do, ate, happened to you, your whereabouts.

Tausend Dank for still having my pictures in your phone!

I Like To…

Move it! especially to a waaaayyyy nicer Apartment located almost in Downtown Dortmund! I don’t like to move it move it, just one time move it is enough 😉 I thought I have a minimalist style until I had to packed, only then I realized omg Marlyn what have you done?! I am dead beyond measure when I had to carry my stuff from 3rd floor to 3rd floor and this was already with a very very very big help from my squad! Stefan and Julius were the two who carried my Kallax and my Sofabed. Me, Julia and Claudia carried other small stuff like TV, boxes, table, chairs etc and we already as sweaty as a pig, can’t imagine what the guys went through!

As the phrase “Rome wasn’t build in one day” so does “Moving wasn’t finish in one day”. Before my moving day, me, Claudia and Julia went to apartment to do some paintings. Claudia were so prepared with painting equipment and ladder, we even went to Hornbach to buy additional stuff. We painted my Schlafzimmer for like 3 hours, I’m sure it’s already white enough but Claudia said “Hmmm on top is not, let me do it” and trust me it feels like I had a pull-up session, my arms almost fell off! Julia also came prepared by wearing a real painting clothes! haha so professionals! But me and Julia just do the one that so obviously different from white so we were faster and I will just hide some parts with some decorations 😉 #smart

Okay, back to my moving day. I have never feel so hungry after going back and forth carrying my stuff. To my surprise, Julius said “it was the fastest moving he’d ever done, only in less than 2 hours it’s all finished” Julia said “Marlyn, all the stuff that you have now is basically all the stuff we have in our Keller” In the middle of my process to die, I feel relieved that the Germans thought my stuff are very few #phew

One of the reason for me to move out is I’ve been one year in Germany, I felt it’s time for me to get out that tiny apartment to grow and start living. As usual Julius always have a final word “Marlyn you’d better stay, I don’t carry all the way your Kallax and Sofabed so you can just move out from Germany” haha don’t worry, I will! Thanks to all of you, my squad!

I had a bitter sweet moment with my small apartment, the place I called home for a year. My small, broken heating, broken switch, broken washing machine, crazy landlord, it’s all sounds bad but at least I had stories I can tell about my first experience living in Germany and for that memories, I thank you 🙂 However, I need to move on.

Cheers to a new life ahead!

The Not So German… Germans-Part 2

I was so happy that I can spend NYE with Julia regardless corona regulations that Germany had. After our Silvester-lauf, we had a very faul afternoon of doing nothing because we definitely deserved ausruhen 🙂 Then around hmmm late afternoon Tina came and Julia prepared some new years decorations and our Raclette! No one sleeping hungry tonight! I repeat: no one!

Oh, i’m not in the picture! excuse moi! we need to re-do 😉 we tried with my phone but meh, then Tina has a new Samsung phone, the camera is wider, take it from her side then move to Julia’s, selfie, non-selfie, Moritz was a bit tired already but in the end we got das Foto that we satisfied, so, dinner officially started!

Still few hours before midnight, what did we do? we played game ofcourse! this house has every games but not on NYE haha so ironic! Julia’s sister borrowed one of the board game but we never lose sight, so we do our own DIY board game 😉

After our DIY board game, Julia introduced me to the NYE tradition, das Bleigiessen! We have to melt the metal and put it into the water then the chemical reaction of who knows what will shape that melted metal into a figure. We need to see that figure from an uncommon angle to find out what is it. On the back of the package it is written the meaning of any figure that might come out, this will be the “future” for ourselves.

I was so shocked when my figure came out, I was directly said it was Corona haha! but there is no Corona or virus behind the package of the Bleigiessen so in the end we chose it’s a nest 🙂 thanks God it has a nice meaning, haeusliches Glueck! Game-played, future-predicted, what’s missing? Alcohol!

With alcohol being getrunken, it is the signed that countdown is just around the corner! We were all very excited for the famous countdown from Berlin Brandenburg Gate!

And our countdown from 20 seconds then suddenly dropped to 13 then really countdown 🙂

Arrghh 2021, already a disappointment right after the clock strikes twelve haha not ready for this >.< however, no need to worry, Julia has another back up confetti, we put a big hope it will works.

And yes it does! With this, it is rightful to say that we welcome 2021 with open arms, big Umarmung for 2021 🙂

Me and Tina sleep over in Julia’s apartment and by the first January we had a very nice breakfast.

Life is good 🙂

Happy new year everyone! Sending you all virtual hugs 😉

The Pink Competition

Who cares about black pink when you have MarPink?! haha For one weekend, out of nowhere I got a vibe of wearing pink, it’s not that I don’t like pink colors before, I like it on a shirt or in some accessories such as bags but I never really wear a pink pants…hmmm… but ever since I arrived Germany, my pink hormones increases, I brought with me a pale pink hand bag and a backpack that I bought from, yes it’s .de instead of .com bitchesssss! 😉 and it was a gray-black with a soft touch of pink, so let’s do some pink colors!

First day of my pink pants, I wore it when I went to Phoenix-See, it is not a sea but it’s more like a lake and just a relax place to go. I went to Dortmund Hoerde and found the place is so beautiful, the buildings are colorful and surprise surprise it matched with my color 😉

Julia told me that behind the Phoenix-See there are a very expensive houses where famous Dortmund football player lives…well well well, now that I knew, I will come back to behind of the Phoenix-See to find out if I ever met a famous football player there!

On the weekend, I decided to go to Hohensyburg because that popped out on my google maps, the place is rather far from where I live like one hour away by bus but I have nothing to do anyway so why don’t I just explore.

On the way there, it was only 3 people left on the bus, we passed a field with horses and so on, all the bus stop before Syburg were located out of nowhere just on the side of the street, I was so sure that my bus was correct and mentioned Syburg as the end station but still a bit nervous especially when the people are getting less and less. But, I arrived anyway at Syburg and I saw a bit of a life such as many restaurants, hotels and people, then I was relief…. fiuh…

I kept walking for 450 meters up to the hill, basically where everyone was going and I found this hidden gems on top of the hill 😉

The view, the park and the weather was amazing, but my stomach were calling and there were only 2 stalls, one for sweets and the other for drinks so I ordered myself a waffle and an Apfelschorle 😉

It made me have enough energy to do one more round of this before I went to Kaisar statue which only 200 meters away haha

In between my 200 meters distance, there are a park where you can play something such as badminton, frisbee, chess whatever, I remember when I was a child me and sister went to a hotel and there was a big big chess statue, and now many years later I see it again! only this time it was smaller but still it brings back the memory 🙂

Then I arrived to the statue of the Kaisar and the view from there is amazing with the lake and stuff, good choice Kaisar!

However, I still wonder about the house of famous Dortmund player so I went there once again 🙂 it felt so good yet so weird that such a famous person will have a house that is not guarded by the police or anything like in the Beverly hills or 90210, it feels as if both me and him could walk on the same “garden” or “path” this is actually a very interesting concept.

The houses indeed are super big and beautiful…. unfortunately, I don’t meet any of them due to some reason such as exhibit a, I didn’t know any Dortmund football player and exhibit b, if they appear the crowd would go mad but they were chill so…. no famous people around 😉 but it was still a chill and relaxing weekend after all.

I wonder what my next color will be, #i’m thinking….


What is my statement?

I’m not a tourist here! BAM!

See that round green? that’s my work starter kit 😉 Feels so good to finally came to this office as their employee!

Who said Germans are not fun? specifically on Friday…

only to find out that by Monday they are back to serious and those post-it was not only taken away but the whole statement was changed haha

Back to work everyone! 😉

One Step Closer

One step closer to where? to my own apartment in Dortmund! Yeay! I was well informed that it is very common to get an empty apartment in Germany, as empty as no chair, no table, no bed etc (this is very opposite of Asian’s apartment) so I wasn’t surprise to find out that I need to buy all the stuffs in IKEA but in other way this will be my style! yuhuuuu let’s the decoration begin!

Luckily, Julia was with me the whole time we furnished this apartment and she did it the Germans way! We came to the apartment together to do some measurement, which it never exist in my mind because I’ll just do the Asian way, meaning arrived at the apartment and do some observation in my mind and good to go! while she really took out measurement tape, and measure every possible side you can found and wrote it on a piece of paper so when we go to IKEA we will be able to know what size fits and what doesn’t.

We spent 3.5 hours there! all with mask on, perhaps it was adrenaline rush so at that moment I don’t feel suffocate but the time when I should pay I started to fill the suffocation mwahaha maybe it’s because I need to release some money 😉 we didn’t even have time to had dinner there! we were tired and hungry for real!

Not every stuff can get into Julia’s car obviously so we needed the 师傅 haha-I started to miss typing in Chinese 😉 I mean the IKEA guy to come and delivered it to us. And we do need this service! because my apartment is located in 3rd floor without elevator and the stairs are quiet steep so there is no way in heaven I’m gonna carry it all there.

Due to Corona the IKEA guy was only able to put it in front of my door but they are not allowed to come inside the apartment, on top of that in order to have the 师傅 assemble it for us, we need to pay additional fee which me and Julia think it’s not necessary, all the stuff wasn’t so complicated and we only need screwdrivers and…. maybe hexkey and…. I think that was it! we are in the professional tool industry and we do have Promat tools! besides, we also want to prove to our guys a.k.a Stefan and Christian who quote “This is not a problem of the tools” helloooooo we can do it!

But first, we need to drink! there is a kind of store in the ground floor but its rather weird one, there was no bottle of water, orange juice or even a diet coke! they only have wine and other alcoholic drinks, so these are the healthier drinks I could find 😉

Let the works begin!

Getting ready of our Promat tools and…. we roll!

I forgot how long did it takes us but with (almost) all furniture arrived and we placed is where it should be, it started to feel cozy. There will still be a shelf that I still need to wait until October because it was out of stock but at least we managed to get the ground of it 😉

Are We There Yet?

Am I on the way to Dortmund? Yes

Do I have a pitstop? also Yes!

After I tested negative, I can have a go to my next step which is…not yet Dortmund…wait for it… Schwelm! and why Schwelm? because it’s Julia’s home 🙂 Since the contract of my apartment is not yet ready and staying in hotel is expensive, Julia was so kind to offer me to stay in her guest bedroom with one condition only which is the German testing center has to confirm that I am negative to Covid-19 and I got my greenlight on 31st of Aug.

She picked me up from the hotel in Burscheid, all luggages are inside and off we went to Schwelm!

We had the famous ice cream and it taste so good! I had 3 scoops hihii rafaello, and two other things that I forgot something with berry either strawberry or whatever and perhaps chocolate, they have sooo many different flavors, unbelievable!

They also have a very “weird” vegetables, I’m sure I have never seen it my whole life mwahaha this vegetable is definitely too big! and what breaks my heart is you don’t even use the greenpart, you only use the stem T.T poor big veggies gone to a dustbin

Okay, enough with the food, time to switch the focus to other stuff. The city center is divided into old and new but they are so close to each other, they have some funny buildings 😉 and on the first weekend of Sept usually they have Heimatfest for the whole weekend and on Tuesday 6th of Sept they closed the festival with a firework which unfortunately due to Corona it got cancelled. But, Moritz told me that in the old city center they still hang some clothes as part of the tradition and Julia showed me about that part of Schwelm.

So what did the Schwelmer do when they don’t have Heimatfest? They have their own Heimatfest! haha Julia brought me to her crazy Wilde 14! and why 14? because there are 13 neighborhood in Schwelm and they are the 14th 🙂 it was such a bright day in day time but when evening comes OMG people, layer please! I kept putting layer after layer brrrrr

There were 2 parties one after the other that Julia invited me to, first is the party in Mara and Bjoern (it’s impossible to pronounce haha) and second is the birthday of Katrin (sorry if I typed your name wrongly I only know how to spell my own sister’s name mwahaha) even though my Germans are really really low but they all so nice to me. Thank you Julia for introducing me to your crazy Wilde 14!

After the first party we really have to fight with our own innerer schweinehund to get ready for the second one 😉

ready not ready…

After the second party, we were looking forward for Sunday!! to just do nothing other than having a big breakfast….

Julia and Moritz went out in the afternoon while I lost against my innerer schweinehund but I joined them later in kind of late afternoon because my stomach is calling and I joined them to have early dinner 🙂

I stayed at their place for 10 days! and I get too comfortable because they always have food such as ice cream and chips!!! Thank you Julia and Moritz for being such a great friend and a perfect host!

Yes, that is rice 😉

Supporting Theory of Sleeping Beauty

Why would a disney movie ever filmed a princess that her job was only sleeping? Because according to Abraham Maslow’s hierarchy needs, sleeping is one of our physiological needs, one of the essentials one. Who would have thought that this disney princess have a strong support from the famous psychologist and philosopher??? and I couldn’t agree more! When I landed Germany around 2 weeks ago-wohooo! can’t believe 2 weeks went just like that, I had a massive jetlag, I tried to stay up but in the end I just gave up…. and for how long I was asleep? surpriseee!

I think my whole jetlag sleeping history I never reached 12 hours 05 minutes, most of them either 10 or 10 and a half hours of sleeping but this time was an exception that really took me by surprise, including the hours of deep sleep, it’s amazing!! Usually in a normal time I only have like 40 mins of deep sleep, and that heart rate of 46BPM? That’s the lowest heart rate I’ve ever have! am I right Thorben? haha so if I maintain to have around that rate I will not have a heart attack when I turn 30 yo right? 🙂 usually my normal heart rate was at least 90, even when I just sitting, crazy but when I do my sport, it won’t go up thaaatt much maybe around 100-110 so those 46 bpm in other way scares me too haha

From the day I landed Germany until I got my negative corona test result which took me 4 days after my arrival, I stayed in one hotel in Burscheid-I always stayed there everytime I went to Germany, my lovely Schuetzenburg 🙂 the hotel is so cute! the staff-Marco is so nice and Penny is just directly in front of the hotel so it’s very convenient!

Since I didn’t make an announcement about me leaving to Germany prior my arrival in Germany, then…this is the time. The second day after my arrival was full of texting and sending pictures to my big family and what I meant by big family is really big family! you would never imagine how big Asian family is 😉 I told my sister that she need to help me with replying all the messages because I really can’t handle them, besides… I want to have a walk to the city center of Burscheid which is…. only 10 minutes away from my hotel haha

The population of Burscheid is only 18K haha! it is a massive cultural shock for me to be in a such not crowded place 🙂 I felt the air was much cleaner and fresher, the town is very neat and just very cute 😉 and literally no people around mwahaha! I was told a theory about finding where is the city center, try to see if there is a church, then you arrived at the city center.

It was such a cold Saturday so I can’t really stay outside for so long then I thought that on Sunday it will be more hype just because it’s Sunday! but I was dead wrong! On Sunday the city center is dead dead dead!

Stefan worried if I ever be bored during my stay in Burscheid but to my surprise I didn’t feel bored at all! I need some days to recover from jetlag and adjust myself physically and mentally to bring some awareness that I’m not in Asia anymore! To this day, I still find it very surprising 😉

One city is down, more to go! 😀

Documentation, documentation, documentation!

Why documentation is really important? one of the most reasonable reason is if something won’t happen in the near future 😉 and what is that? at this moment the answer is FLYING!! and more specific is flying on a BUSINESS CLASS! wohooooo

My parents bought me a business class from Garuda Indonesia for me to fly to Germany, hmmm wait let me rewind…. this is not my parents bought me but more I asked for it mwahaha! but but but! I asked for it for a reason! that is the luggage, economy class only allowed to bring 30kg while business is 40kg and if I sit on economy and pay for additional luggage then it won’t be that much difference from paying business in the beginning 😉 so I can officially said at that moment, it has more advantages to sit on business class *thumbs up!

Since this is technically my first time on business class, I took every benefits possible mwahaha, first they helped me to check it, so I didn’t put my luggages on the check-in counter, biatch please 😉 I just sit down on the couch #like a boss!

Then I got to their lounge, their lounge is a bit disappointment because the food wasn’t that much…. but the shower room helped to balance it, yes people! I took shower before my flight! so I came to the plane clean and fresh 🙂

Boarding! I was so happy to find where my seat was oooooohhh my the chair is so big and definitely have enough space for everything! “Do you want to drink?” yaisss, bring me fresh orange juice! they claimed its fresh instead of coming from the boxes of juice.

Ofc it wouldn’t be enough without selfie on it, you can see the chair is different right? haha!

Then the stewardess came and ask “do you want to have a dinner?” ofc! why does she need to ask? gimme gimme gimme! I chose salmon salad, salmon with quinoa and a surprise dessert 😉

My oh my I had a really nice evening 🙂 next, I lay down 180 degree and slept zzzz but I woke up at some point just to find #twinkle twinkle little stars

Then the sun come out, I had another juice and a breakfast-a nice one too 🙂

What a nice experience! and somehow the selfie doesn’t seem enough hihihi so here is another one, yesterday was selfie in the evening and now is in the morning 🙂

After that, I arrived Schipol airport and waited for 3 hours before my next flight by KLM, since the flight from Schipol to Duesseldorf only about 40 minutes, they don’t have TV 🙁 but they gave me cinnamon roll, just one whoaaaa! but the flight is too short to do or eat proper meal 🙂

Thanks Mom and Dad, I’m sure the moment Corona is over and you are allow to fly to Germany, you will buy the first ticket there, so… see you!