One of our department home office’s rule is someone presently need at the office always, it was quiet often to be me. During that period, I was responsible for a lighting project, which means I have to repeatedly communicate with one of the product manager named Sven. I’m glad it was him, back then I wasn’t able to speak much German ~ Of course he could feel our language barrier, therefore instead of explaining on the phone, he always come to me with printed version of everything. I am 100% sure any other PM wouldn’t bother to do what he did, nach dem Motto “nicht mein Problem”.
Definitely he has other projects with my colleague Andreas, sometimes he would like to speak to him but there was only me holding the fortress of our Flügel, asked “Wo ist Andreas?” to which I replied “Zu Hause”. This happened a lot until he comments:
- Bist du alleine?
- Du machst definitiv etwas falsch! deine Kollegen mag dich nicht 😉
- Du bist wieder ganz alleine, ich muss jeden Tag zu dir gehen um zu gucken ob dir gut geht oder was passiert wenn du hinfällst? Niemand wird es wissen!
He kept his words! came to check on me, I can see from the corner of my eyes when someone is coming proceed to scream “Sven ist da! Sven ist da, da ist Sven!” “OK, gut zu wissen du bist immer noch da or du bist nicht verletzt”.
Before long, the lighting project is finished, alas: his visits stops. However, I have an obligation to let him know I am OK or just want to keep the tradition. So…. I come to him…. almost… every… day 😀 Little by little the “Sven ist da” became shorter to only “Sveeennnnnnnnnnnn!”
His desk is not facing the door, that’s why he always shocked whenever I appears. Running, out of the sudden behind him, “Sveeeeennnnnnn”. His colleague ~ Carla constantly say “lässt der arme Sven doch in ruhe” Gurl, what were you thinking? no way, he can’t escape it. Whenever he do Home Office, I call him just to shout “Sveeeeeennnn!”. My colleague PV said “Oh Got Marlyn, der arme Sven eh”
It slowly started became a habit to showed him anything I have which considered as ‘new’ for example my collection of hats, shoes or any other random things possible in order for me to be able to yell “Sveeeeeeeeennn” His comment was never be longer than “Gut” or “Hervorragend”
Besides showing him something, I also consult about random things from residence permit, passport validity, apartment keys. He is very international, he and his wife were once stayed in New Zealand, went to Asia many times for holiday etc. He knows a lot!
His colleagues ~ Carla and Tobi already got used to my “Sveeeeeennnn” Andreas proceed to call him Sveeennnn on the phone. I did it all the time, including in form of writing.

One day, I overheard Milena talked to CB something along the way Sven will leave Nordwest.
- Was Milena? Hast du gerade etwas über Sven gesagt? Welcher Sven reden wir jetzt?
- Unser Sven
- Was? Sven? Sveeennnnnnn!
- Monica joined the group, “Marlyn que?”
- Sven und seine Familie werden nach Kanada auswandern.
- Wer? Sveeeennnnnnnnnn?
- Jap, genau, der Sveeennnnn!!
I talked to myself, “komme zu Sven” Monica followed me “ich auch” we both stormed out “Sveeeeeeeeeeennnnnn” his reaction was looked at his watch, “oh die Info ist schon bei euch angekommen”
The day when Sven will leave NW is getting closer. Asked Carla if we do something for him, she said no…. doch! Everyone in the room is doing / making / collecting gift for him except me haha I was there only for one last “Sveeeeeeennnn”
Makes matter worse, I wasn’t suppose to be there btw, see the original email hahaha this is the jungle rule when you’re not invited, you invited yourself! 😀 habe auch mit ihm gesprochen und er sagte “Ja, du darfst da sein”
On his last day in the office, I came to him like 3 times he stated “Ja, ja ich komme gleich” whenever he’s still not here I called him. PV reminds me “Marlyn, der kommt noch bestimmt” eventually he really came “Sveeeeennnnnn, Sveeeeeennnn, Sveeeeeennnnnnn” “ich mache eine Runde und komme ja nochmal, muss mich mit Marlyn nochmal verabschieden” On his final moment “Also, jetzt gehe ich” then we hug. When he walked out I kept screaming “Sveeennnnn, Sveeennnn, Sveennnnnn”
Tobi wonder “Marlyn, what should we do now? should I write in the job descriptions that the applicant should be called Sven?” Even so, Sveeeeeennnn ist nicht ersetzbar!
One thing I know, I will never come to Flügel 1 the same way again. All the very best to you, your wife, both of your children in Canada. Although Tobi reassure you are always welcome back… come on, you won’t 😉 Canada is something else #Stay stay stay.
Er ist in Kanada!
This conclude one more reason to put Canada on my bucket list!
Mach’s gut Sveeeeeennnnnnn!