Slim Not Fit

Baggage delayed-checked, baggage broken-checked ~ Delsey oh Delsey, your journey has come to an end 🙁 Thank you for being with me, being lent to Andreas while he had a business trip to India, I have never been there but at least you had. I can proudly said you have lived your life 🙂

This is how my luggage looks like when it landed Düsseldorf. After being here for more than 3,5 years, I’ve learnt what the Germans are good about ~ complaining. As a believer of ‘masuk kandang kambing mengembek, masuk kandang kerbau menguak’ I became one of them, report the damage to Airport Claim Staff.

Done with registering, I was given a paper to submit my complaint within one week, don’t worry, I did it right away. Team Dolfi1920 took over my luggage swiftly, although I only get compensation of 72 Euro due to they count % of yearly depreciation #Mathematic, it is still better than nothing right?

I found a foldable luggage with the same size (length x width x height) as my Delsey one, hmmm interesting, I always wants to try this type of luggage, let’s have it! Little did I knew, the size written in the Dolfi1920 is already counted the wheel which means when it arrives ~ 2 weeks later ~ it is smaller than mine. I was so happy to get such a slim luggage only to know it’s not fit.

As I need to remind myself I’m not in China, delivery from Germany won’t be happening within 24 hours + we have national holidays in May + they don’t deliver after 18:00, I had to think about another alternative. How about if I bought a luggage-cover? with the hope it will last until it reach Bali where my mom will give me a new one #That’s the plan.

Hold on Delsey, I believe you, let’s do one more flight! 🙂

#We are ready!

The 2024 Secret Sessions

Approaching Taylor Swift Era’s Tour in Europe, my Instagram filled up with her new or old feeds. I am no more a rookie Swiftie, I know she held a secret sessions for her fans one month prior her album open for public. Well, here I tell you my own secret sessions, consist of secret people who all “failed” to keep it that way 😉

The first week of March was a busy week for someone who their works has something to do with importing tools from Asia as it was the Köln Fair meaning all Asian supplier will be there. In another word, our Agent from Far East are coming 🙂 We have a guest! Meet Nilesh, this was the first time I met him personally, all this time we only meet online. First few days he didn’t stay in Dortmund but once he stays here, time to turn the valve, let off steam.

Welcome to the 2024 Secret Session! The Errors Tour 😉

Remember when I told this secret is neither secret nor exclusive anymore? Who can’t keep it? First is Nilesh, he ask his friend Abhi to join, I don’t even know him. Second is me haha I told Esther about Amigo. He wasn’t sure if he can come as he live and work somewhere else but he will try his best to make it.

Me and Amigo texted few hours before on where to show Nilesh, options are Hörde or City Center. Unfortunately at that day there was a strike for Bus & Bahn. In the end we decided to just come to my place, do a home tour, have a drink nearby.

It was the first time Amigo step into my apartment, his real first one was only until stairs to handed me Rewe groceries as I was positive. I gave him my best slippers which to him the unmanliest ever. Hey this slippers has been travelled from Netherlands-Shanghai-Deutschland, very international!

I do the apartment room tour where these two kept commenting about how big my place is in contrast to how small I am, yo you don’t understand this apartment is generational!

We gave up the idea of waiting Abhi, decided to have a drink without him. It took him forever why? the real reason is not because there is no Bus or Bahn as my place is only 20 mins away from Hbf, rather a series of errors: Nilesh give him my address instead of Schmackes plus he carried a big luggage and two backpacks. Me and Amigo was shocked! O.O where is he going? what is his intention with those stuff? most important, what’s inside?

Why Abhi is not on the picture? Dude, we just get to know him, he didn’t earn his badge to be included on our secret sessions yet haha! We literally waited for him to arrived to take us that picture, why didn’t we ask the weiter? For whatever reason, it’s a no haha

Gracias Amigo for inviting us for drinks, just my two cents don’t do it often to the Alcoholic #You know who he is 😉

Marlie Jenner

Ongky recommended me to have an additional Zahnversicherung for prevention on real money coming out of pocket haha after giving it some thought…. why not? It’s necessary to do professional teeth cleaning once a year anyway, when you inserted the word “professional” meaning the cost is above 100 Euro. This cost won’t be all cover by my normal health insurance. I’ve done my research, chose the one Astra offered, starting from July.

Went to have a professional teeth cleaning right away, being reminded again that the costs is different from a normal teeth cleaning and not be covered by a normal insurance. Yep I know that is the only reason why I have additional insurance, proceeedddd!

I thought all this time I have a healthy teeth….until it wasn’t haha I have a condition called Periodontitis or gum disease, it’s not super tragic yet need to be treated. When my next appointment? in September! Oh… is it that long? there is no availability within…. next week? The receptionist said because they will write a letter to insurance to ask them to cover for the fee, it could take around 1 month #German efficiency, I need to practice my patience.

In the meantime I received a letter from my insurance saying they need to have a second opinion. Therefore I need to go to a Gutachten to check if I really need the treatment. Rrrghhh they gonna do the same check to my mouth. The Gutachten who also a dentist said “yes, I agree you need the treatment” #Pffff

One day before my appointment, I talked to my colleague Nadine, turns out she had just done it as well. She gave me a very useful insight to which I wouldn’t be able to eat for few days after that. Oh… auch! let me eat everything beforehand! I did eat a lot before my appointment, not regret it at all!

He was injecting numbing medicines things to my gum, after that “Bis gleich” hello?!?! how long? can’t you inform at least? I was confused, this is it? am I done? 15 minutes later they came back in, lucky them I’m still there haha The nurse put the Sauger hang on my mouth whilst Herr Doktor started the treatment.

I visualize all my teeth are being scrapped to the last layer, the nurse kept pulling on other direction. I’m not gonna lie, it seems as if my mouth is going to be ripped, worse case is I can’t say anything. After what I reckon like 20 minutes, they have nailed it, tears coming out from my eyes, the doctor didn’t do something as painful as the nurse. I still don’t have a control over my mouth, bloods were dripping. Had I could talk, it would be “wth yo! you almost ripped my mouth yet you didn’t saug it well” Thanks to you, I can’t wear the clothes anymore! the blood stain stay strong still! pffff

You can see how swallow my lips are plus every gum was bleeding. I can’t even close my lips hahaha! I consider my lips is now similar to Kylie Jenner’s, only mine comes from a natural cause. So, if you want a lip filler, just do the cheap version, go to the dentist, ask about a Periodontitis treatment 😉 #Broke tips.

In the evening it gets better, meaning I can close my lips haha that’s already an achievement I would say. Even for drinking water is uncomfortable, forget about chewing.

Next day in the office I still can’t anything. Krissy gave me a suggestion to perhaps have a Kakao as long as it’s still free (under testing period). What?!?! FREE Kakao?!?!

Say no more I’m getting it! Did I had one? No way man, I’m getting my second Kakao. But when I got the second one, the Kakao Seeds was low haha not as good as the first one.

Teeth insurance is important hey, get one for yourselves! I still have control after another control, it’s painful but since I already paid for it, I’m gonna use it all, we are not a f#3k!ng Charity 😉

Vitamin D – Part 2

I need to start with the fact that I’m not really a Museum type of girl. I only go there when the weather is bad, however exceptions applies #wink there are 2 famous Museums in Stuttgart. Are they a Castle Museum thingy? No! Instead…. Porsche and Mercedes Benz Museum! AAAAA

Let’s gooooo!

Took the SBahn to the Porsche Museum. On the intersection before entering the Museum, I saw one car that was so geheim, it was all covered, could be a brand new car from Porsche! Yo! I “witness” something!

The lady on the ticket counter asked if I’m a student, thank you Lady! Unfortunately no, then she asked if I come with DE Ticket, yes! so I got a Rabatt, who doesn’t like discounts?!?! 5 Euro entrance fee it was 🙂 She gave me an audio guide, let’s explore the world of Porsche!

They started directly by putting a racing cars, yes you can see some tractor style or just an expensive cars on the side but mainly its all about racing. It is really cool to see all of type of cars laying there to please your eyes 🙂 Funny things is I took a picture of a Porsche car who doesn’t have a door handle from the outside, find it?

They also have the let’s call it “ancient” car of Porsche, I have to admit, it has some style!

On the center floor, we could have a bit of Porsche Experience. They put a playing car like you have in Game Master Daytona, I played it for 3 laps to confirm what I already knew, I need to re-learn my driving ability. They displayed 3 Porsche cars, you can sit inside it. In my view, they are quiet low… followed by throwing a complaint to a car that I would never afford to have in this life haha Girl you got a discounted entrance ticket!

Oh what’s that?!?! One Disney Car caught my attention, from all the sports car available, I’m sold to a Disney Car! I thought it was the Susi-Car, a cartoon movie back then when me and my sister still small, we cried watching it. A story about broken car named Susi who looks exactly like this blue Porsche car. Susi was a Taxi Car yet no one wants to be on it as many of her parts were broken, therefore she needs a reparation. In the end, Susi had no other option other than go to the Werkstatt. But once she’s out, she’s new again! me and my sister were happy!

Getting closer to the plate, oh, it wasn’t a Susi-Car, it’s Sally Carrera from the movie Cars pfffff to be honest, I only remembered the color was blue haha!

I spend a good 3 hours inside the Museum.

Moving on to number 1 list to do when visiting Stuttgart, it’s the Mercedes Benz Museum. Oh! I read on the back of my Porsche Ticket that if I show it they will give me a Rabatt to enter Mercedes Benz, yuhuuu!! Money Wins! 9 Euro entrance ticket after the discount.

This is huge! like huge huge huge! the elevator took you to the 7th floor then you just go down in a loop like number 8. Amazing! My colleague, PV told me there are only 3 Mercedes car ever produced and one of them is in the Museum. This was my target, need to find it!

Back to the 7th floor, they showed us the history from only “the grandfather clock” machine

As I said each floor of Mercedes Benz Museum was design like a number 8, main car show in the middle, then pictures about what’s happening in the whole world on the one side of loop number 8, then “exhibitions” of some cars on the other side. This “exhibitions” could be a car for fire fighter, bus, football team, Pope. Ich bin echt überfordert!

I am already tired before I found the expensive car! I expect if one car is really only 3 exist in this world, it should be glass doored or at least with a security. I’m very surprise that wasn’t the case! Ladies and Gentleman, here is the most expensive car, the car that only sick people could afford. The 135 Million Euros’ car!

Imo, this car is geiler! Doesn’t mean it cost less money, nevertheless see the interior, color and design! TOP!

I felt satisfied to find the 135 Millions Euro car but not my stomach, I was hungry! Need to fast forward my walking speed! until I stumbled into….. okay I went there on the King Charles Coronation day. What did I see? a Mercedes that Princess Diana was once on it! ironic ehhh..

Reach 1st floor about the innovation of today with electric car and so on. For some reason it wasn’t so interessting, bring back the race car!

yes they did! Racing history 🙂

I spend a good 4,5 hours there, had I’ve been allowed to have some snacks while walking around inside the museum for sure I could reach 6 hours easily. At some point I was just tired and hungry, need to go out to eat or else I could faint!

Although I’m not a car-junkie I really think both are worth visiting for, only a recommendation, for Mercedes I really do think better go there after enjoying a big meal 😉

Little Rascal

Nordwest has an internal magazine that published maybe only 3 to 4 times a year named TeamGeist, the purpose of it is to let us know what is happening with all employees (at least that’s what I thought), when someone get married, a baby is born they can send the picture to the redaction team, new colleagues or what Nordwest has done during that period of time.

One of the example is this Family Day in May

Somewhere in May I got an email from one of our TeamGeist’s team, asking if I’m willing to have an interview telling my story about how I get to Germany. Yaiiissss was my answer 🙂 whether there will be someone who wants to listen or in this case read my story that’s a different things but for me, I am for sure willing to do it 😉 Not to lie, I was a bit nervous. The interview went for an hour, Sophie was very professional, she pushed the record button with an announcement “the interview starts in 3…2…1”

Life goes on for some time until Sophie finished her draft then asked for my confirmation. One day, Esther came to me said “There is a full page of you with your photo in the next TeamGeist” what? where? how do you know? She’s got an access to proofread the magazine first but didn’t show it to me nor to anyone else.

By middle of September, Sophie said “I think it should be issue in September, it won’t be long”

Few minutes before Mittagspause, the email I’ve been waiting for this whole time arrived!

Being a little rascals, I bloody make sure everyone stop what they are doing to read that specific email! Scroll scroll scroll, find myself there!!!

I am become TeamGeist advertiser for sure that whole week, “have you read TeamGeist page 12-13” with an intonation which has a sounds more like a statement instead of a question 😉

I was too excited to not read the whole sentence from the email so I didn’t know they still print it until I saw it in our Cantine, ofc you know what will I do, definitely took a couple of it!

Need to spread it to my family back home yo! One I’ll put it in my Opa’s shelfs that he considered as an achievement, not his own’s rather his children and grand children. I’ll make sure this magazine stands between thesis’ collections, graduations picture, a picture where my sister shake hands with our President #yes this TeamGeist is at the same level with all of those 😉 I’m your only grandchild that made it to bloody Europe heyyy besides that magazine will be the only one that’s written in German, although it wasn’t me who wrote it…. in my opinion…. that’s something needs to be count…#still!

I mentioned I took a couple exemplar didn’t I? Well, I’ll hang it on my wall too, make sure everyone who comes to my home sees it 🙂 Yes! this is what happened when I’m the topic of it, Werbung ohne Ende haha

This TeamGeist edition is full of the people that I want! Julia and Moritz wedding picture is there plus their Baby Milo!

Thank you Sophie for choosing to write a story about me <3