Borrowing Nike’s January

Burger King has “Have it your way” , McDonald’s has “I’m Lovin’ it” , Nike has “Just Do It” ~ that’s the slogan I borrowed 😉 Had an idea since 2022 to have a YouTube channel as hobbymäßig, equipped with influencer tripod plus microphone. In 2023 made a short clip ~ geplannt für some introduction ~ yet, nothing happened…

Some people who has visited my place saw this tripod, I mean… it wasn’t hard to miss, were right there in the living room. Curious, I always say I want to do this and that but nothing concrete really came out.

One fine day at home, like an awakening moment #Just Do It. This is it, can’t be postponed anymore for God knows how long.

Preparation starts: take out microphone who has been collecting dust, opening the Bedienungsanleitung #Neh! kann ja nicht lessen, my previous Boss made a video explanations how to use it. Trotzdem bin nicht schlauer, decided to: not today, #Just Do It… without!

Took me a solid one hour of recording myself including all the mistakes, retakes, saying the same thing repeatedly. Geezzzz! Continue searching for old photos from my harddisk. As if I could see the lights at the end of the tunnel, come another Herausforderung, putting subtitle in YouTube! boahhhhhhh das ist echt eine Nummer.

On the halfway I want to just leave it, on the other hand it’s already half!!!! Nike Slogan appears again, well well well, here is the video 🙂