Sometimes when I take the Ubahn to the Office at certain hours I will meet our cantine lady either Larissa or Irina. I asked what is the Adventskalender hanged in the cantine? How can one get it? She explained: it’s from us to you, it could be anything for example free lunch, drink, snacks etc. We will set a timer from our oven randomly to play a Christmas music, whoever at the cashier counter when the music play will get the card.
On a very fine day ~ Wednesday the 11.12. paid my lunch then tadammmm heard the music I never heard before, realizing it is from the Oven!! Yeaayyyy, they joked you need to dance first, consider it done 🙂 #Sold to food. Made sure everyone knows I was the one who in fact won #Twirling

Took out the card, what did I get? The most German staple ever! Currywurst mit Pommes 😀 When? right next day, we always have Currywurst on Thursday.
In my case, it happened to be on the 12.12.
Pretty number hey! Who ever thought it leads to my superstitious thinking for the next 48 hours
Superstitious started, realized everytime I looked at my phone or computer screen, logged in – out, it’s always a combination of 11 and 12. Never had I ever pay attention to it #Become obsessed. What’s even good coincidence is on 12.12 I came to office at 08:08 and logged out at 17:17. Too many double numbers to be true.
On the last day where the Cantine operates before Christmas holiday, I saw there is still one voucher left for date 24.12, “hey, who will get the last one?” Irina responded “Okay, let’s put some music, Marlyn wait for one minute” #wink. Was already at the Counter, the music hasn’t gone out, stood still…. pressure come in because collueages begin to piling next to me. Irina did an Oscar worth performance, she clicked her screen “oh I made mistake, what do you order again? cancelling, reentering the correct value” come a distraction from my Aufzugs Teammate who won 2 sweets so she choose which one to pick, one more interruption from someone who treat Cantine as lost & found by bringing Kolja’s Laptop bag.
Hmm… this one minute already passed, where is the music? Feeling it was too peinlich geworden, she said “put your Dongel” #Really appreciate the effort though! The oven still didn’t ring, don’t know what happend #You can’t cheat, no matter how much you tried, the numbers doesn’t aligned.
What is it Universe???
What have you store for me?
Are you trying to show me something?
So long 2024 – thank you for passing by with your twist and turn. Now it’s time for me to decode the enigma of 2025. #Show me how you do 🙂