Flew back to “home” not home 😉 my long-haul trip this year is to Bali for a fortnight. The plan was doing culture + activities with Irina for the first week followed by second week of relaxing with complete family including Sissy & Gang #Zuzi!
Emirates, takes my money! Did online check in, choose a seat in Aisle. Was in check in counter, hoping they would upgrade me to Business class like in 2022 http://marlynpraseli.com/story-of-2022/fruits-july/ …. but no 🙁

Arrived at my seat, wear seat belt directly, people keep coming, coming through….until reality hits….oh! no one sit in my row!
Repeating the mantra “boarding complete, boarding complete, boarding complete, please please please!!!”
Starring at all people walking pass my row….
My prayer got answered “Cabin crew, boarding complete!” Yesss!!!! I got my version of business class!!!
Leute, let me tell you what an opportunity grabber I am, once seat belt symbol switched off…. I did in this exact sequence: secure three pillows before stewardess took it, unbuckle, set all arm rest up, moved to my next seat, lie down, buckle up using two belts, you got the image right?
I can see people on the other row looking at me haha life’s tough! #Benefits of being bodily efficient. I think half hour into my lying down position, heard a voice of a lady speaking to a stewardess “oh I thought this row is empty” What did I do? I’m lying with my eyes closed, cause everywhere I look I see jealously 😉 Literally Inmediatamente! #Zack zack. Hey, this is my luck! Had I opened my eyes perhaps she would wants to take the last 2 seats, no no no, ain’t gonna happen lady!
I swear to God in this whole 6,5 hours flight, I lie down most of the damn time~ unless ofc when food came~ didn’t even go to toilet as often as I used too #Dont wanna come back with a surprise neighbor.
After some time, need to go to the loo yo, mark my seat! 27G, choose the lavatory straight from that seat, it is sooooo soooo soooo big!!!!! it was even bigger than the business class once! This toilet discovery leads my curiosity to how big is the loo on the other side? Meh, was a normal Economy’s size #Arrogant 😉 I had to take my phone then come back, look how spacious it is!
In a way, this flight was a winning for me, sadly didn’t continue, the Dubai Denpasar one was full. Forget about the flight back to Germany. I did the online check in late which cost me middle seat! Aaargghhh Karma is quick, perhaps it was from the lady to whom I pretended to sleep.
Regret? #Nah, didn’t think so 😉