I’m glad to start new year with some cleaning stuff, it wasn’t meant to be literally cleaning Bewegung rather cleaning from inside #wink.
Trigger warning: not as peaceful as it sounds.
I tend to have bumps on my skin whenever I drink alcohol, red wine especially, knocked me out almost immediatamente! This bumps will appear all over my body, the way I overcome it, is by drinking a medicine which makes me sleepy within 30 minutes then woke up with all bumps gone. Most of the times, I knew the reason, some I don’t. Maybe a skin rash due to heat in summer? Later it happened again in winter.. caused me to crossed out heat reason…. hmmm perhaps bed sheets, detergents? Although it’s annoying, it’s not annoying enough for me to find the roots of it.
Until! I had my second Covid last December, I only drink water or tea, stayed at home, took shower regularly, maintain the cleanliness, sorpresa! the bumps came up again. This is the moment when I became Paranoid, what is happening to me?
Decided to take some pictures to show the doctor the next day. She said I might have Histamine Intolerance. Brought me back to my first memory to ever heard the word Histamine, was from Andrea when she saw my bumps after I drink alcohol at her place. Ich nehme es erst nicht zu ernst, as in… why should I?

Only after I heard it again from the doctor, ah! she was right from the start! Now I will tell her. She said the pills obviously help, however what more help is if you don’t eat food in high histamine, you should google it. Not gonna do the same mistake twice, did what she told me. It took me solid 2 days to realize what type of food I shouldn’t eat. Langer Rede kurzer Sinn, I have been consuming high in histamine food this whole time.
How can I do it? I found 2 very informative blogs: Max at Low Histamine https://lowhistamineeats.com/low-histamine-foods-list/ and The Fibro Blog https://www.throughthefibrofog.com/low-histamine-recipes/
I started to Meal Prep, found the ‘fun’ in it. I love Sweet Potato, never know I could make pasta sauce out of it. Yes it all sounds repetitive, its not many variations yet as I am still beginner in it. An apple a day, keeps a doctor away is not valid anymore as I eat more than one in a variety of way #Apple is Marlyn’s besfriend. Psst so does carrots and broccoli 🙂
My Histamine medication lasted for 50 days, nevertheless I am willing to continue on low histamine diet as often as possible. In some way I am shocked, in other way I am happy to finally comes clean of what the roots are, it’s not skin rash nor Bettwanze, obviously nothing to do with how many times I showered. Simply, you are really what you eat.
What a nice way to start with a realization, I believe it will be the year where everything will falls into place, into a good place with you and within you <3