I haven’t been doing really good the past weeks, my stress level was high, much needed a Erholung… at this cold month…. where else other than to my happy place in whole Europe-Italy. Everything about it makes me very thrilled!
Which part then? Since this is out of sudden trip, I ain’t prepare a budget yo #Broké haha sounding like a French to make it a bit high classy broke. Scrolled my contacts, Tracy! she lives in Florence once I got her green light, my appetite immediately pumped up: imagining I will only eat Pasta for the next foreseeable future with my holy trinity drinks: hugo + aperol + limoncello #Nomnom
Although my initiate dosage of Serotonin received, I still have tension at work that caused me not really have much time to plan what will be my itinerary until it was only few days before, it was so out of my behavior. Good I mentioned to my colleague PV relating Florence, he said “You can go to Pisa” What? The leaning tower Pisa? Is it close though? We looked at the map, OK this weekend I’ll guck in Ruhe.
Let me remind you when I bought the ticket, I’m not in a position to check in details, for some reason I was lead to believed I bought a direct flight. Until it was online check in time, okay… it wasn’t. Doesn’t matter, maybe I can just sit in the plane, wait until the next passenger come on board #Also a no. $h!t, how many minutes do I have to change the gate? 45 bzw. 30 Minutes in Münich…..hmmm… running the possible scenarios just to create more strain in the air, called Lufthansa customer service, they said it will be on the same terminal, in theory I should be able to catch it.
Approximate at the same hours, come this email saying the flight is full and they can check in my hand luggage for free. Ha! my not so distant memories still attached in my head where I do what the email told me to do, only to come back without my luggage. I am fully aware transiting from one gate to another without hand luggage is easier yet what if it wont arrive Florence on the same day? this is not my home base, don’t speak the language, not gonna tempted for this batman trap. The plane was indeed full, I need to put my hand luggage + personal bag on the bottom of the seat haha.

Somehow pressure need to be added, my first flight got slightly delay which leads me to only have exactly 20 minutes, it’s literally boarding time when I touch down Münich. I was sitting maybe 3 rows from the back, thanks God Lufthansa people can go out from back and front from the plane. Oh suprise! Need to take the bus to the Terminal, damn! no reason to rush as the bus will wait until the last passenger come out pfffffff when I need the Germans to be efficient, they aren’t. Well well well, my next Gate is not directly reachable, still need to take shuttle train #Turbo mode.
Not doing any look to left or right neither bathroom break, very goal oriented to my gate number, what a convenience to know my second flight got delayed by 15 minutes, the exact additional minutes I need! All of this hassle triggers my stomach, he wants rice ahaha
Fast forward to when my trips ends, the same transit time 45 minutes bzw. 30 minutes in Zürich. Before I want to go to the airport, I received emails from Swiss International almost every 5 minutes informing the changing time of departure. Hmm… doubt at what time should I go to airport best? Normally, I am a firm believer to be presence at the airport 3 hours before the flight, Tracy shook her head “why? it is very small, barely any restaurants, there are only 20 gates, each gates like 2 minutes apart, there were never a line on security check” With all the delays, I got what I always do, 3 hours before the flight hahaha.
They send another email saying the flight is full, they can check my luggage for free, let’s do it. Guarda! how spacious the space now 😉 what a relief too when I see my luggage on the conveyor belt! Yes! you didn’t messed it up.
In the end this Batman Trap isn’t really a trap after all 😉 #Mal so Mal so