Somewhere in September 2022, Andrea from Marketing sent an Email to a bunch of people asked if we want to take a part in Employee Branding Photoshooting.
My group’s name was “The Azubi Teams” although I am not, never was, never will 🙂 the 3 of them are at least 10 years younger than me haha. It was a fun photo shooting, took us slightly less than one hour with a break in between as the crew: Andrea, Ina and Alex need to adjust for the second session where they separate us into two groups. The results was sent to our Email.
The camera quality was top notch. I always wanted to post it yet have a doubt if I allowed as this is a company campaign.
In October 2022, NW launched a campaign with a slogan “job gesucht, heimat gefunden #nordwestler” on the first page of the website there is our picture! It was the first time for me to see which photo they chose. From all of the options, they only put that 1 picture. To be honest, I didn’t think Marketing will choose that photo. I felt bad as in one they cropped Nils, in the others they cropped Lina.

The website link:
In March 2023 they printed catalogue, that’s my face again 😉 I’m not sure where this catalogue goes, I don’t think it goes to NW’s 1200 Fachhandelspartner.
In middle of July 2023 they made small flyer, put it on each NW’s desk haha we are talking about 400 people in the office. It’s one of our campaign “mitarbeiter werben mitarbeiter”.
Yes, NW is really doing advertisement. I still think that was all it used for. Nothing more than internal usage.
Cut to 14th August, Claudia dropped me in the Rombergpark Ubahn Station. It was a normal afternoon, walked pass the stairs on my left side from the people who are coming under the bridge. Until suddenly I stopped! The corner of my eyes catch something familiar…. Went two steps back to that stairs, turn my head to the left…. WHAATTTT?!?!
WHAATTTT?!?! indeed was my first reaction. Of course within seconds the corner of my eyes catched something familiar, I mean….how more familiar can it be, it’s my own face!
My Ubahn come in 1 minutes, the hell with it, I’d rather wait for the next 10 Minutes. Priority yo! Went down to the stairs to see it with my front eyes 🙂
This is no more for an internal usage hey! Two big giant Plakat literally hanged on the wall, under the bridge, before BMW, for outside people to see! To me, it was such a nice surprise! On one hand I am beyond shocked, on the other hand I am overjoy! I really take the time to see myself on a big Plakat! For a split second I felt like I’m a superstar until reality hits again 😉
Yes it is a big Plakat however I’m sure not everyone pay attention to see it… well, this can changed…. as I won’t shut up about it, every Nordwest people need to drive slowly under that Brücke haha Bremsen Leute!
Obviously had to post it!
I hope no body will do a graffiti on my face, better be! or else they will get curse #devils laugh. I asked Anna from Personalabteilung, she said there are 3 Plakat in Dortmund, in Bushaltestelle etc. I haven’t found it yet, I need to find myself again hihi
Before there will be another new Plakat on top of my bzw. Nordwest Plakat, cause it was never mine or before “I can see us lost in the memory, August slipped away into a moment in time, ’cause it was never mine” here is the full version of the photo 🙂
OMG! Update! I just met with Andrea (the photographer who took us that pictures) she said du “bist sehr berühmt!” I asked her where did she placed it.
Never ever in my mind, I would guess the number….they print 28 Posters! 2 is the Posters under the bridge, the rest of 26 is a Citylight (that’s how they called it) a smaller version and under the glass window thingy. The same day morning, Felicia found it in Dortmund Hbf 😉
I can’t wait to meet myself again!