I wanted to changed my Wifi Provider from German Telekom to 1und1 for a long time actually. Except! it is not that “easy” to switch it in Germany, as everything based on a 2 years contract. Obviously I made a beginners mistake where I remove one service from Telekom without knowing that it was count as “updating” the contract therefore the count of 2 years contract re-started from 0. Pfffffff…. I need to wait until November 2023 to cancel it, make no more mistake, set an alarm according to their Kündigungsfrist- 3 months in advance, I’ll come again to see you.
Went to the store in August ‘dropping’ the news to the Verkaufer:
- I would like to cancel my contract.
- What happened?
- I would like to get a better offer + I was informed the necessity of cancelling the contract in order to get it.
- It’s not always like that, how old are you?
- 31 (PS: I said it proudly)
- Oh I don’t think you will get a cheaper options because we only offer it for a youth-user
You motherfucker! I’ll write it down as one of the supporting reason to quit Telekom! I’m sure I saw him 100000 time, makes matter worse, were always with him each time I have question about my Wifi yet he still not remembered me, how many Asian do you have as customer hey?!?! not so much I believe… overall we are in Dortmund…
Went back home, surf on 1und1 website, they don’t have a physical store so everything has to be either online or by phone. It is always the most cost effective option, I knew it since the beginning where Julia tried to get my Wifi from 1und1 on my first apartment. Since I lived far away from the city center, the signal didn’t reach my home, long story short, it was a failed mission.
As long as I stay there, the only option was to go with the most expensive provider ever, the owner of most cable in Germany, German Telekom. Over time, I moved to a city center where I checked from their Website if the signal from 1und1 could reach my new apartment. Guess what? it does! wohoooo 😀
Called them immediately! to make sure my übergabe from Telekom to 1und1 went smoothly, this is my proud moments: I can speak to them! Someone I couldn’t even understand a single words 3 years ago! The Verkauferin convinced me that it’s a Kinderspiel to install the router. I was skeptical, like in Asia we never took care of it on our own, there is always a 师傅 for everything.
Received the router one week before Telekom terminate my contract, asked PV where to plug in, he said “the middle one” are you sure it’s in the middle? maybe at my home it will be the left or right? he added “nope, it’s always the middle” okay, next is what do I need to do on the D-day? he said according to the letter actually nothing, it shall go automatically, if it doesn’t then here is this step by step on the manual. Oh je oh je! bitte nicht!
On the Umstellung day, 10th of November it went trouble-free 🙂 I only used my mobile phone data for max 15 minutes (using about 1 GB) until I realized my new Wifi name appears, put the password tadaammm I am all set!
Agree with the Verkauferin: it’s in fact a Kinderspiel…NOW, not 3 years ago!
It is time! #Dramatic orchestra featuring Simba stepped on his Pride Rock, let Telekom go and welcoming 1und1 again! You were right from the beginning 😉