On the 3rd January came an Email from our board, I could only understand Flic Flac circus, free, 3 minutes, today and Familie Simon. Hesitated should I reply should I reply, noise started to be heard between colleauges, ach kom, reply: ich ich icchhhhh! who knows, it could be me.

Indeed I am, few minutes later, I got his reply back, only then I re-read his first email, now with care haha questions after questions starts to appear. Where is Flic Flac? it’s in Dortmund, in a Circus Tent. What time I should be there? What does he means by Familie Simon? Oh it will be going to a circus with his family. I’m not gonna lie I was a bit nervous because he is our Vorstand yo but my Asian blood is thicker than my shame, for a free circus ticket I’ll go!
Next is the logistic! Luckily, I live in Germany, planning is embodied their blood. The Germans (read: Herr Simon) also thinks about it. He called to ask if I work in Nordwest or in Home Office. I am in Nordwest so does his family therefore we will meet where his car parks, the number 1 in the parking lot 🙂
Fifteen minutes to three, hop hop, done working. Said goodbye to all my colleagues in my department, they were like “aaaaa you got chosen, had I know you got chosen I’ll reply it too” #Andreas. I’m not sure if I’m the fastest in replying the email, I just knew I want to reply, send, I think it’s count as #think fast 😉 Stefan, byeee Im going to Flic Flac, he said “Neeeeee” Maik heard it thus comment “gucken oder mitmachen” haha yes for sure I’ll do the acrobat. Met Jason at the kitchen he asked “why are you off work so early?” Oh! I’m going with our Vorstand “Aaahhh that was you!”
Sabrina and Christian were asking “what are you doing in the smoking area” I’m waiting for Familie Simon, his car is here. “Aahhh you are going to Flic Flac?” Yeppp that’s meee!
Few minutes later, he came with his daughter and his wife. When we all on the car, Mr. Simon said Caro will also come but her husband cannot make it so that’s the origin of the one free ticket, it’s a nonrefundable one, if nobody goes it will be a waste. Ain’t gonna waste on anything! Thank you Caro’s husband!
We arrived, Caro’s too then at last Maren’s boyfriend. They are all very welcoming although it is still weird for me to call Mr. Simon on a first name basis, I try to vermeide it by kept saying Familie Simon all the time mwahahaha
We had a bit of a drink #Proseco before we went to our seat. I got a call from one of PM Mr. Vahle, eeehhhhh sorry I can’t really talk to you right now becauuusseeeeeeee I’m on Flic Flac with our Vorstand #priorität! Hung up, back to business!
On the first round, I sit in front of them, that’s how they bought the ticket. I got it for free, need to behave! don’t want to separate a family. 15 minutes break. Second round I sat with them as there are still empty seat so we all in this together, once we know that we are, we’re all stars and we see that #high school musical
The clown! I got to understand what the clown said! well, its not that hard anyway he just kept repeating “Kaputt” over and over again hahaha there was a Yoyo performance plus the crazy balance performance done by Asian looking man, yaissss boys! proud of you! Also proud of all the performer too! Look at those muscles! The performance, stability, acrobats, flexibility, actions, tensions were all great!
Caro asked how many people replied to his Email, he said 3. I don’t feel bad for the other two mwahaha I’ll make sure I’ll read every email from Vorstand as fast as I can and if I don’t get it I promise I won’t get furious 😉
Next day, I felt like an informant. I have no idea why and how colleague from other department like Jörn, Bastian, Mr. Külpmann, Anja, Frau Blasberg knew it, “how was Flic Flac with Familie Simon” läuft! who told you that? haha
Here is some of the video from the circus 🙂
Enjoy 2023! #For sure I will 😉