Irina, Sophie and Tracey talked about the good from an app called Vinted since long time ago, it’s a second hand shop mostly for clothing. So far I act as a passive listener until the point where I feel I owned too many Klamotten, had to get rid of it, therefore I finally downloaded it.
Usually I always give it to the Altkleidersammlung things that supposed to happened regularly each month. For some reason I didn’t find any notice anymore.
Let’s give it a try, shall we? sorted out my things, took pictures of my clothes and shoes that either I won’t wear anymore or already with me for 100 years yet too seldom to wear it, meaning I don’t really like it or it’s just not suitable for Germany or any thousand other reasons. Think what caption I should write etc.

Since it’s a second hand app so the price is really really cheap like für ‘n Appel und ‘n Ei ha! thank you Youtube video from Deutschplus! without a doubt you can sell it with a higher price or any price you want, if someone wants to buy it. In my case, I sell it 100% für ‘n Appel und ‘n Ei.
I had to say, the moment many people favorited my listed items, I got a feeling “should I remove it? maybe I’ll use it again, just in case” It did give you some kind of dopamine feeling that they validate your fashion taste haha.
Let’s move it to the next level when someone really buy it, man oh man! Out of the sudden someone who never favorited my shoes decided to buy it through the app. I received an Email from Vinted your item Sold! Of course there are excitement as I didn’t really believe it at first. Shit! should I not sell it in the end?! what kind of excuse I need to tell? lost it? got eaten by a dog? being thrown away accidentally? oh no I have to separate with my stuff for real now! #farewell sucks
When I was about to pack it, guilt trip is coming. I believe my shoes is still good, I not only could wear it more often but will wear it too, it’s really fit my feet tralala. Okay Marlyn, here is the harsh truth, I had this shoes for more than 6 years and I only wear it less than 6 times for sure. Let the emotions side out, you gotta send it, it will be happy to have a new home.
I’m gonna embrace sad feeling 🙁 Need to learn how to let go of things. It’s different from when I suddenly had to left Shanghai almost 3 years ago. That was a force majeure, I can handle it. But this time! I have enough space in my apartment! huaaaaaa T.T
Here the funny things though, the moment you let go of the first one, the second becomes easier. You were more like please buy my other stuff too so I can make room for a new one and indeed it happened again. My summer dress that accompanied me in Australia got sold, honestly it wasn’t even mine, it was my sister’s. Thank you dress! or sister! #wink
Do I still feel emotional? yes but not so dramatic as my first shoes. They really chose the two most expensive and best stuff out of my “need to go” collections #smart buyer!
Did I buy from the app too? I did 🙂
this Nike Huarace shoes from a mother of two 😉 I’m sure it was one of her children’s shoes.
and for sure I will do #determined It’s more like we are supporting each other hahaha in the end, less waste 🙂
Go download it! It’s is a really good app that’s worth your phone’s capacity 😉