Germany has a public holiday that falls on Thursday…hmmm I smell a bridge-holiday here 😉 I will try to go somewhere! However some requirements are needed, such as a place that is within distance and set your mentality to only go to one place. Where will it be?
Tranquility is not something you will find in Southern Italy, I’m talking here about Neaples or in local language Napoli. I didn’t mean it in a bad way, it’s just a different vibe 😉
I was nervous because my flight is from Düsseldorf on Thursday (read: on the public holiday-day) I was told with the 9 Euro Ticket Germany implemented had caused every U-Bahn to be full, so does all airports. I am always an early bird teams in terms of going to the airport, as early as 2,5 hours before. This time my neighbors said “it’s not enough, be there 4 hours before!” Okay, went to sleep earlier, in reality wasn’t able to sleep, took a taxi to Dortmund Hbf, RE Bahn to Düsseldorf Airport then….. one hour delay! ckckck all this rush!
Flew for 2,5 hours, arrived Napoli Airport, Nico picked me up but we didn’t do much on the first day other than eating Pizza 🙂 I started calmly with only Pizza Margherita, indeed it tastes different! Then went to a supermarket near his home.
Second day is the sightseeing day and really sightseeing from dusk ’till dawn!
Breakfast in Napoli style with Pizza Fritta by Alessandro we only have the half moon, like what it’s written, only half of the size but it was already big enough! This Pizza is one of a kind! I like it 🙂

Then we visited Real Bosco di Capodimonte. Here you can see the view of Napoli city.
Next we went to Spacca Napoli-a shopping center street which are very narrow, having snacks and refreshments like Mozzarella and mini Aperol. Castel Nuovo, hiding from the rain at Galleria Umberto I, took some time to realized the rain won’t stop, decided to just walk through it to have Cuoppo (seafood in a paper cone-thingy) and Burrito.
Later on when the rain stopped, I ate Graffe, it’s kind of doughnut but made of Potato at Chalet Ciro and walk around the beach area Margelina Via Francesco Caracciolo from the background you can see the volcanic mountain Vesuvio. No wonder they called Napoli as in Bella Napoli.
Third day we went to beach Varcaturo, wogh can’t remember when was the last time I was on the beach….let me think…. almost 2 years! it was so good to put myself into salt water again! I was still amazed by the Cuoppo I ate yesterday even though I only enjoy mussels the most, I still want to eat it again. Nico said there is another place if I only want to eat mussels, say no more! bring me there! There are 2 types of mussels the one with only pepper called Impepata di cozze and the red one zuppa di cozze.
Fourth day I got a glimpse of Venezuelan birthday party, she is turning 30, yeay! finally someone around my age haha! Her name is very special to my ears, I got used to Adriana, Ariana but hers is a combination from both: Andreina. It was a swimming pool birthday beach party-ish, with dancing, games, pinata made by Nico’s mom and an obvious unstoppable food that comes intermittently.
I felt a bit of embarassment when I need to join for a game that supposedly only for children because there were lack of children therefore me and Anna joined, otherwise we also aware of how old we are. What make matters worse was the fact that I won haha!
After that I asked Nico to take me back to Napoli city center as I like the narrow area so much. So we went to Piazza Dante and Quartieri Spagnoli.
We tried to have a picture at Piazza del Plebiscito as yesterday they had a concert. So we decided to go the next day, guess what? they cleaned up the concert area so still construction here and there haha We continued walking to Margelina Via Cesario Console.
There is not much we can do on the last day other than woke up and went straight to the Airport. It was indeed a short holiday, minus flying day, it was literally only weekend. But I saw a lot within those short period of time, thanks to Nico who tried his best to be the best Napoli tour guide 🙂
Although the city itself is never tranquil, I found my tranquility 🙂