Hocus Pocus August

The magic of 9 Euro tickets are expiring, are we running out of magic? no nooo… another magic emerges 😉

I wanted to celebrate my 2 years in Germany which falls exactly on 28.08, how will I celebrated it? Easy! Let’s go to Köln, using my last chance of 9 Euro ticket to meet Leo and Tracy. Only? Nope! this is where the “magic” started to emerge, he said he has a bro, I have no idea nor ever heard of it, never ever mentioned once he has a bro therefore at first I believe he might act like someone who pretend to be cool, yeah I do this with my bro etc but this bro never exist haha!

I arrived not as early as last time, because Leo need more time to sleep, hellooo! priority! this is my 2 years birthday yet he chose to sleep more, no wonder he is my third class friends #pfffff

The train was full like full, no abstand. I think I was standing for solid one hour, die Durchsage said they opened first class door, however I was already in the middle can’t go anywhere. Anyway, Leo picked me up from Köln Hbf, we went to the street festival where I had my Reibekuchen and my favourite beer Kölsch.

Since Tracy has the same pregnancy age like my sisters, both Leo and I we looked for a children book. We found a Laden with a children book from 2,5 until 10 Euro. We wanted to buy it, just not now as we still want to stroll around. I already saw two toddlers next to us, said “I think we should buy now before we lost the competition against those kids” he replied “Neee they are kids they don’t have money, we will come back”

Fast forward, we never made it back, lesson learned people! Grab the chance whenever you got it! We had another Kölsch then go shopping at Rewe for our picnic day. Yes! this is Sunday and yes supermarkt in Köln not close on a Sunday. WOW! Impressive!

We arrived at the beach, lay down our Rewe food, Tracys made fantuan whoaaaa lecker 🙂 …. it is said…. to be exact Leo said his bro will be on the water and he will come to us. Who the hell come to us from the water? he ain’t aquaman haha but let’s just go with the plan.

In the meantime Leo was let me call my bro, bro is calling etc, oh I see my bro. Believe me, both Tracy and I saw nothing, noone, not even close to any of his bro.

While he kept imagining his bro this is my day! I need some picture for my ‘Gram 🙂 We tried to light the candle with what Leo’s called my middle age Streichholz or with his lighter both didn’t do the job.

Still no signs of his bro even though we get closer to the water, we did witness someone did a water ski boat. This was Leo’s word “I think this is the boat that my bro rents but if that so, that is the lamest water ski ever, he attached like 5cm away from the boat then he fell” haha! So yeah, we judged other people, not proud of it but at least we admitted it #not make it better, bottom line…we were honest.

When we were about to go to dinner, the bro called him, before he returned the boat, we can take a one drive around the Rhine. Leo didn’t join for the boat, he parked his car somewhere and take care of Dandy.

The rabbit being pulled out of the hat! The existence of Leo’s bro revealed 🙂 I can see some resemblance between them. No guys before you think I had dinner with the world’s richest man, he is Leo, not Elon Musk haha

Thank you to Leo and Tracy who made my 2 years Anniversary in Germany full of laughter, judgement, gossip, on top of that, fun 😀

P.S: now I know your complete family, you got a chance to be promoted to my second class friends 😉