I flew back home….again…. 🙂 to attend my sister’s wedding ceremony on a Sunday, 24th of July. I took the same airlines, at the same time, from the same airport, my favorite Düsseldorf. Talked to many people in Nordwest about it, they all say “be there early, 5-6 hours before, every airport in Germany are lack of staff, nobody will load your luggage or do the safety control that’s why you need to wait for a long time on the line”. This sentence is like a chant, I heard it over and over and over as if its a broken cassette.
I believe, there are no harm to be earlier in the airport. I am not Angela Merkel, no plane will wait until Marlyn Praseli on board, went there 6 hours earlier. The check-in counter was still closed, yet people already queueing. Wow! let me join the crowd!
My turn to check in, the Emirates lady asked “are you travelling alone?” if she’s not working for the check in counter for sure I’d say “NO” to this kind of question #defense first but this time I had to say “yes”. She looked at her computer again, followed by “I have a good news for you, your seat from Düsseldorf to Dubai is upgraded to Business Class, however from Dubai to Jakarta is still with Economy. WHAAAATTTT, oh thank you that is enough, I’m sitting on the upper row!! What a dream!!

We all know the idiom “When life gives you lemon, make a resemblance lemonade” or sth like that. I think this idiom is not 100% complete, it should be added with “When you already have a lemonade, ask for a mango” haha that’s what I do, I have a business class boarding pass on my hand, hmmmm maybe they will let me in to use the lounge. I need to shower! I wear a very shitty shirts, the one that I don’t want to wear it anymore which not represents anyone who sit on a business class at all at all at all! Walk with confidence towards ‘Emirates Business Class Lounge’ gave my only business class boarding pass, sadly the guy said “Ms. Praseli since your ticket is upgraded, the lounge is not included, you have to pay separately” “oh….mist!… thanks, I’ll wait outside then” well at least I tried. So the fruits doesn’t keep going 😉
I’d say to myself “no problem I’ll wait here, once I’m on the plane I will eat everything what’s available” oh boy I meant it #devils laugh.
“We would like to invite passenger with First Class, Business Class, members of blablabla” no need to hear it anymore. Yep! that’s me!
Arrived at my holly s#!t seat! soooo bigggg!!! but first, let me take a selfie selfie selfie selfie selfieeeee.
We were there for a long time, some usual business class customer already complained “I won’t catch my next flight if you keep delaying blablabla” me on the other side just had my orange juice btw it’s a real orange juice as they still have the pulp, did they make it fresh? no idea, try to figure out where the hell are those buttons for, what is the function of the iPad there, where is the table, what are those white fabrics thingy near the window, wearing their headset, take another selfie, look at their goddamn shocking menu and so on and so forth. Me ist busy bee 😉
They asked what do I want for a drink while waiting, oh yeahhh! Mojito pleaseeeee. It came with a small plate of olive, trust me, I don’t eat olive in Germany or at all but for some reason I am willing to eat it dieses mal. It does taste different when you’re on a business class seat hahaha 😀
We finally took off, they asked what would I have for lunch too bad I had to choice I would’ve eat ’em all 😉 then I saw the stewardess carrying the white fabrics that are under the window, I paid attention what is that for, the passenger stood up, he put the white fabrics which later I found out it was a matrass, oh! let me take mine, then he was infront of me “excuse me Ma’am, would you like me to put a matrass for you?” “no, I can do it myself” “do you know how to do it?” “hmm… just laying it down right?” “yes” what else can it be haha. So I’m sitting on the matrass ladies and gentlemen!
Some people slept after the food, I bloody damn sure I won’t sleep on that 6.5 hours flight to Dubai, I have 8.5 hours flight to Jakarta to sleep in my Economy seat.
Then I stood up, went to the front as I know there were the toilet behind that curtain, I heard one stewardess behind me asked “excuse me Ma’am, where are you going?” “äh, to the toilet?” “that is toilet for first class, toilet for business class is on the back” okay okay whoaahh let me walk behind aaaaaannnnddddd what did I found?!?! what is that?!?! A F#ck!ng Bar!
As if all of this lavish not enough, the stewardess who were on the bar also Indonesian, jackpot was she got similar name like me, Marlene! Owh we are sofort best friends! I don’t need to drink but I ate the small cakes, chips, nuts! Other passengers kept ordering their drink whereas I’m just keep eating. I know I need to wait 4 hours then another 8,5 hours in Economy, I won’t get half of this food, gotta use all the benefits 😀
I can’t stand there forever ehhh so I closed my piggy belly with Espresso Martini then happily went back to my seat. They gave us ice cream to close the journey.
What a wonderful flight 😀
With a full belly and a happy mood, I am ready for my sister’s wedding!