Fighter October

Irina showed me once how many breads she got from Too Good To Go App for 5Euro, no jokes is really tons of breads. She said in the Netherlands the App is pretty common while me on the other hand was first time hearing it. There are 2 options here either I’m not up to date or is it not a thing in Germany.

Few days later on Mittagspause, Claudia mentioned about it too, my new colleague Patrick also knows it. Hmm….okay I have to accept in this case I was the one who wasn’t up to date hihi #shame shame. They are not a frequent users but I thought to myself why not, I am in Germany, all restaurants should have passed a standard food test even though it will be a rest food from that day it will still eatable, let’s see if there’s something I’d like to eat.

Downloaded it, check around, bakery, bakery another bakery, bakery again?!?! Yes where I live is surrounded by many bakeries, rest assured I’m not against it, I’m just not a big fans of eating bread or salad or fish or basically anything that wasn’t meat haha!

Until I found my favourite Sushi place in this App! #Heaven! Sushi in Germany is very very very expensive -_- well it’s all around expensive-even when I still in Shanghai and you never feel full from just eating Sushi! You need to eat like at least 20 pcs of Sushi to reach ground level of full.

HA! Reserve my Magic Bag! it’s called Magic Bag because noone can confirm beforehand what would be available as it depends on what kind of food that is übrig at that time. We need to be super on time to pick up as most of the place will only give a 15 minutes windows to take it up. Good that I live kind of in City Center, not in the middle of City Center but yes closeby so I can walk to the Sushi Restaurant and took it.

Wohooo look at this guys! 4,5 Euro!

Although at the beginning I told you I’m not a big fans of breads and salad, I am a normal human, intrigued by the price, no harm to try, it doesn’t cost that much anyway 🙂

And my result it…. I’m OK with bread as long as there is a Aufschnitt with it haha I think I will repeat the bread’s magic bag more often than the Salad 😉

They also have a Vegan options, I haven’t tried Vegan food but I tried Vegan drinks aka healthy juices and protein bar 🙂

The key about this App is you need to know what is the best time to reserve because they are sold out fast as they don’t have many maybe like 5 portions a day or maybe not.

Fighter of food waste is still count as a fighter too, right? 🙂

Give it a try guys!