Unfortunately the time has come, what time are we talking about? Time for me to get infected by Coronavirus 🙁 sad truth! One small part of me kind of glad I got Covid because everyone here and there surrounding me has down one by one so it’s just a matter of time until everyone got it eventually. However big part of me was very upset for the fact that I must got it few days before my trip!
Few days after Easter holiday, 19th of April was the first day I felt my body was on the way to “sick”. I possessed with me Corona self test, being very aware of the situation I was in, I took a test by myself, the result was Negative that night. Relieved, took Paracetamol, went to sleep.
The next day on 20th my condition didn’t get any better, doubt started to emerge. I went to a Testzentrum behind my apartment, feeling worse than the day before. The nurse came in and said “Leider habe ich keine gute Nachrichten” follwed by showing me the test result. The worlds falls apart, I kind of know that I might have Corona but when the fact shown right in front of your eyes, some part of you still refuse to believe it. I am not a person who easily cry but at that moment I really cried.
First I informed my family, Nicola, Daniel, Andrea, Tabitha, April, QQ Dite, Shirley, Jimena, Christopher, my German class, Rama, Thorben’s sister Rina and everyone that I met for the past 4 days in order to asked them to inform anyone that they met too. Then I started to call some of them, ofc it was still early in the morning in their working hours so not everyone can talk to me. I was in complete panic and shocked so when Daniel picked up the phone “Halo Marlyn” , me on the other side “Daniel, I’m crying” then really burst in tears.

When I got my PCR result which I know it will be positive so its not a false alarm anymore, I inform my bitches from Iceland Trip that I will miss the weekend trip to Keukenhof with them. Okay, one trip down! And the lady in the Hostel doesn’t show any mercy “oh yes but Amsterdam is free, you don’t need to do Quarantine, it is Germany rules that you can’t come here, here is the cancellation fee that you need to pay” Bitch! I hope same things happens to you too #I know you shouldn’t wish bad for someone else but meh! this is an exception.
The first two days was soooo bad I couldn’t sleep because I had a terrible cough, the dry one, makes matter worse, it was unstoppable cough that woke you up at 3am, 5am, 6am and 8am. Daniel and Silvia were the two persons who brought me food and save me from this misery.
Silvia was the one who’s not afraid to visit me, well she had 2x Corona anyway so she’s already don’t even care haha Thanks to the GeloMyrtol medicine that Daniel bought, my coughing getting less and less but my nose was blocked for like forever!
Second trip is / was my first ever trip to Italy! I suppose to fly on 29.04 = day 10th since I first got Corona but my self test result is still positive so don’t bother go to Airport just go back to sleep. I did managed to apply for a refund for some tickets and hotel cancellation but there are also some that I couldn’t do anything about it.
I kept asking myself what is this situation teach me for? It feels like “the calm before the storm” I meant on Easter holiday I still went to celebrate Nico’s new job, went to Sauna, restaurants, Latinos Bar, eating ice cream with Andrea just enjoying the days the Sun decides to stay more in the sky.
Then the storm came, day by day doing Corona test, hoping when will I just see one line. Asking people as if it will works the same as reference of how many days it took them to be negative again, which doesn’t work btw because it just creates anxious when their time is up but you are still showing two lines. I’m a type of person that really likes to stay at home but being Positive for 10 days really takes a toll on me, I almost go mental.
Finally, day 11! Freedom! Right before the Testzentrum will close forever I got my negative result.
Something bad really need to happen to you so you know what is the meaning of good. Who knows that a walk to a supermarket behind your apartment can be something joyous to do! I still try to understand the meaning behind all of these “loss” both literally and figuratively.
What’s clear for me after this 10 days is that I am surrounded with people that cares about me and my well being. Nicola keeps trying to give me a good mood by saying “it’s OK go to a test tomorrow, you will be negative” , Silvia who has no fear whatsoever, QQ Dite who I discussed what is going on with my trip, my colleague Daniel, Tracey, Julia, Claudia.
At least I got to spend Nicola’s 25th bday, I didn’t go celebrate with him to Dusseldorf because I am newly Negative but failed flying to Italy also bring me some quality time 🙂 Andrea did a really good job to pick up the cupcakes from Tatis Cafe in Nordstadt and deliver it to us ins Stadtzentrum. Yes I know she loves me otherwise she’d prefer to sleep on after her crazy food poisoning trip and drinking evening the day before.
What a month! Fiuh, so glad to be healthy again 🙂
For all of you who are currently Positif and in Quarantine, don’t do test everyday (you’ll only get frustrated and this won’t help your healing process), be patient and you will get through this! #Wir schaffen das!
Sending hugs <3