One by One October

Within this month I received a letter from my insurance and one sentence there caught my AATTENTIIIOOOOOONNNNNN #Marlyns shouting in Cages 🙂 It was something about prevention, diet, yoga class, 80%, maximal 75 Euro in one sentence…. hmmm interesting…. the second sentence was “for English service please contact bli bla blub at was auch immer punkt com” tadaammmm what makes you think I can understand a full German letter heyyyy 😉

Wrote them, got a reply confirming that my insurance will pay 80% or a maximum 75 Euro if I decided to go on a Yoga class but I have to attend at least 80% of the class to get the money. What??!! Germany I love you! This is the first time ever I heard that our insurance is helping us to get in shape!! For sure I registered myself!

I came to my yoga “Studio” it was written that the class will hold on an “Art” studio, so it’s not a real sport studio surrounded by mirrors etc. I went there earlier, a bit confused on where is the exact location until I saw 2 guys smoking in front of someplace and those guy have a yoga mat…. okay, this is the place, I asked them, they said yes, wohoo! found it.

I kid you not, it’s rather hard to find right? not the idiots records and not kugel pudel next to it but this Ken Kodak!

Inside of the Art Studio is pictures presented by Ken Kodak and Ken Kodak has different theme every other week or so, so the picture will changes from time to time.

Okay, back to my course, it is a small class, only for 8 people. The instructor speaks German and I kind of lost (read: big time) but since I’ve done Yoga before so I more or less know what are the poses. I still look to my left and right though to make sure that I wasn’t stay on the same pose while everyone already changed hahaha.

It felt so good to put on a sport cloth 🙂 My program is for 10 classes, one class per week. I like it! One by one I started to get back to my old life where I was very sporty haha

Namastay in bed no more…or maybe just lesser than before 😉 this time it will be more to Namaste #om