Ooops ooopss not wanting to say negative things about this month because it is not something negative at all, in fact it is the most positive form of negativity 🙂
Before Easter, I received mail from our Vorstand explaining that our company will conduct once a week a Schnelltest for everyone (employee and Besucher) who wants to enter our building. There also mentioned: we encourage you to use the weekly Kostenloser Schnelltest that was provided by each city in every pharmacy, test center etc. And being easily attract by “free” stuff, I was like “where the hell is this free Coronatest?” let the research begin!
I typed corona schnelltest kostenlose Dortmund or sth like that and I found one in the city center, need to booked an appointment, made sure that I click the free PCR 0,00 EUR instead of 39,90 or 79,90 EUR, mama no! I ain’t paying. In reality I don’t need to do it because A. I don’t have friends and B. there is no B only A mwahaha but… since no harm caused, let’s do it! I had one done before Easter so I can celebrate in peace 🙂
****************************Easter Time****************************
After Easter, I arrived office, our Hausmeister handed me a self-test kit, went to our smoking area to read the instructions and do it, said the result will come in 15 mins but mine came so fast, I was afraid it was a mistake but it came up negative so I know it’s not a mistake and I can be safe and sound entered our building 🙂
One week after that, our Vorstand informed us that we need to do it twice a week so right now I have self-test kit at home for my next office phase.
Knowing how easy it is to booked an appointment in the Stadtzentrum, I tried to do Schnelltest somewhere else like on a pharmacy, a pop-up tent or just somewhere, I became addicted by it.
One day I was sick, fever, runny nose, headache and I became paranoid, I got myself tested 3 days in a row from different testing place and it all came out negative #sometimes people just sick! it happened 😉
There is one statement from our Indian agent, Nilesh (as we know the situation in India is getting severe) we asked him how is he doing and his answer stuck in my mind, he humbly said “by the grace of God I’m still healthy” I let his statement sink.
First and foremost, indeed I agree with Nilesh. Second, we must be proud of ourselves too! We’ve been putting on hold every social activity possible into a higher level that never been done before. We’ve come this far, why don’t we come a little bit further, keep the bar high for our safety protocol until we see the lights at the end of the tunnel and when it arrives, I promise myself, I will celebrate hard! All of us deserves it!
I am very happy with the self-test arrangement from Nordwest, from my “lunch buddy” Hr. Meisner that told me he’s also going to test center every week to be sure, Dortmund City (I mean Germany btw) for all the possibility doing it for free.
Stay negative until the lights come!