Nerd November

Also #not English “also” btw! that’s a German word! 😉 for the whole November our boss #not the company boss but the real boss in Germany made a decision to have a so called “light lockdown” that means for restaurant, cafe, bars, sport activity, studio und so weiter are closed, we can only do take away or delivery; only office, school, supermarket and shops are open. They already announced that Christmas market will not be there next month nor Silvester nor Carnaval, in conclusion it is pretty though at the moment aber what can I do? There must be something…. or somethings…. meh! who cares about grammar at this point as my brain always mixed up between Chinese-English-Indonesian and now German X_X

Here’s what I currently doing, all around the clock 😉

There are my 1, 2, 3 guides to learn German, 1 is the comic that I bought simply because it komish, 2 big ones are my Sprachkurs book and the 3 colorful ones are the story books.

I was watching youtube video from lingoni German, the speaker name is Jenny and she recommended a book by Angelika Bohn to learn Deutsch for beginners it has an interesting and easy story. I looked it up on Amazon but I wanted to see if I will understand a bit of it so I decided to go to a bookstore in the city center, unfortunately they don’t have it there, rather I found the funny colorful comic also for foreigner that want to learn Germans. I was in doubt whether I should buy it as it is very basic but who can say no to a colorful comic?

Since Mayersche doesn’t have it so Amazon it is, and I was consumed by the advertisement “frequently bought together” so I bought all 3 haha! Even though my level is still A1/A2 but yeah I will keep learning anyway and reading while on a lockdown and facing a German winter sounds like the best idea 🙂

Although I was a bit skeptical how can someone have fun while learning German with word orders, cases and genders that drives me crazy??

But I was wrong! I was very happy when I can understand what the story is about, not word for word obviously heyyyy only approximate of what is happening! and that is fun!

I was quiet surprise myself 🙂 and when I finished reading it, I even more surprised that it’s written “printed in Germany” wowww a made in German books! finally I have something that is not made in…. you know where haha! God made heaven and hell and the rest are made in China 😀

I am atm very satisfied with the books, wahrscheinlich I will re-read it over and over to know the grammar she used and increase my vocab. Nerd is on 🙂

All in all, Germany is still…