First of all, let’s congratulate ourselves that we have survived 2020, that itself is an achievement :p
My first Christmas in Germany is very special, we are on a second lockdown, while my best friend in SH, Elle is already far gone. We both are the one that addicted to Christmas market, decorations, carol and our highlight was always taking picture with (plastic) Christmas tree! Rest assured that I miss you too Elle! hope our next Christmas picture will be in Germany-German Christmas Market.
Nevertheless, I still am very happy with how my December turns out 😉
Christmas is a big things here, starts on 1st Dec – 24th Dec where the hype of Advents calendar begins, another chocolate days by St. Nikolaus on the 6th Dec and just chocolate here and there 😉
Claudia asked me if I will go back to my family during Christmas and ofc it’s a no, I’ve told her I will stay in Dortmund and she was very sad knowing that I will spend it alone so she asked her boyfriend if I can stay over for Christmas Eve and Julius agreed, yeay! I won’t be Marlyn – Allein in Dortmund 🙂 Julius even prepared all variety of German chocolates for me, I came over to their house on St. Nikolaus day.
Near the week where most of my colleagues starts their holiday, our Boss- Stefan had a very nice idea, he became our Weihnachtsmann, he did a Weichnachtsmann Tour by stopping by at each of our home who WFH that day and gave us some snacks and drinks for our Christmas virtual meeting 🙂
Only one person is missing here!
Nordwest already set up the Christmas tree maybe by 1st of Dec and I’ve told Julia “it looks real” and she said “because it is a real tree” haha the concept of real tree is very foreign to me as I only know it from American movie and we in Asia always have a plastic Christmas tree and we use it all the time, wrap it on and off again, very economical 🙂 oh! in the office we have a monthly tabloid and I made it for this month! as their…new employee 🙂
For Christmas Eve, Claudia’s father made a Kale for me uuuuuuu I like it so much #drooling it was really good! for dessert they baked an apple stuffed with marzipan and almond and we ate it with ice cream vanilla #slurp
After that, we played the classical game: JENGA! We made it until 30th layer! I really like this game! it’s very staple, we talked about it and Jenga already 20+ years old, see! when its a good game, it is timeless.
Then I went over to Julia’s home on 27th we had Gluehwein in one of her friends and we need to stay outside in their garden and due to Corona they had a time slot for us unfortunately it was a bit snowing and unstoppable rain, of course I was happy because I was invited but I was more happy when I need to go back home because I can’t feel my toes anymore, I was really frozen! #let it goooo, let it gooooo.
We went home at 7PM and ordered a Pizza donner with salad as the topping, I instantly felt very healthy 🙂
Of course, whats Christmas without a Christmasbaum and as someone who really loves Christmas, I need to have a picture with die Weihnachtsbaum, the real Baum.
Claudias Julias
That’s so far the things that me and my friends do at Christmas and what are the things that I do for myself? I prepare myself very well so I fit with the theme #wink wink look at what I bought especially for Christmas 2020 🙂 I really hope I will only keep the Puli for next year 😉
First, der Pullover Second, die Maske Third, andere Maske Bonus mask! imported from Taiwan Thanks Vanessa!
I really don’t expect that I will receive any presents on Christmas, we don’t do that in Indonesia. Thank you for all presents that given to me in many ways, personal or non-personal delivery, in form of things or times, I really appreciate it. To me, it is not important what is it, rather the person who gave it and the thoughts they have behind that makes them want to give me a Christmas present.
10 Euro is hiding behind the plate 🙂
I hope you all have a merry Christmas and Guten Rutsch! 😀