Why is it Winner Winner Chicken Dinner? Did I win lottery? nope, not at all. But I did something that I thought I would never be able to do it! which is fasting! Yeayyy! (only for one day 😉 but it’s still a celebration for me) haha
Monday 6th of May was the first day of Ramadhan and I support my friend, Eiman to do it with her on the first day, yeap just first day and it’s enough hahaha at least I will do my first day in a correct way 🙂 Roberta also fast on the first day but she will keep going until Friday, you go girl! E said that we have to stopped eating at 3:35 AM and will finish at 18:37 PM.
I was so nervous on Sunday 5th of May and I kept stuffing myself since 9PM until midnight like every hour I need to eat something until I really bloated haha and my roomate-Darren made me a boiled egg and I made avocado juice with nutella before I went to bed and only avocado juice to eat at 3AM and I woke up at 3AM to eat those and went back to sleep again. When I woke up it was 8AM, the sun was there and it was the time when reality hits you “ok, now I cannot drink and eat” #things are getting serious!
Thanks God the first day was Monday so I got a lot of works to do but I was sooo fixed on my desk and chair, I didn’t go outside because why would I? I cannot drink and eat anyway, I got a bit dizzy and sweaty palm at 12 PM-ish but E texted us to see how we were doing and I kept doing it, it’s only half day more! Paolo said that I might break the fast but nope! I won’t! at least on the first day I’ll do it with style and do it right and I did! wohoooo. Up until 3 hours before we can break the fast and fast forward to one hour, never ever I was so excited to count the time.
E said that we can come over to her home to have dinner together, she said she’ll be home at 6:20 and cook and we can eat at 6:37. Man! how is that possible? are you Gordon Ramsey or what? cook a meal in 17 minutes? hahaha She also offered me a very special place to wait which is on the sofa of the receptionist area if I arrived at her home while she’s away to City Super to buy the chicken 😉
When I arrived at her place, Alevtyna and Roberta was there and then Shiham and Mike. E was stressing me out saying “Marlyn text Mike now to bring 1L of water” Relax girl! me and Siham went to the store to bring 4L of water each! You have enough water 😉 E made pasta, quote “I don’t want any of you saying Eiman invited us to her home and she didn’t cook anything so I made a pasta” hahaha no we won’t say that come on!
I was so ontime, I arrived at 18:38 and we could break our fast but E didn’t realize it because she was still cooking and preparing the meals, Roberta was putting the City Super chicken to the microwave and the microwave was broken somehow haha Alev was cutting the cucumber and I was observing 😉 so everyone was busy until 18:44 and E said “we can break our fast!” and we had dates.
I never felt that water could taste soooo good, I probably drink the most from the 4L of water, and the meals are just like Christmas, only this will be for 30 days 😉 #quote from Siham.
I did compensate a lot though, I don’t think we are suppose to do that…. 😉
Siham bought the tastiest chocolate ever and I was so happy knowing that she brought 2 packs of this chocolate instead of one.
The dinner was so good, I’m not sure if City Super really have a good chicken or probably because I don’t eat for 16 hours so everything literally EVERYTHING are so good!
I met Alev like one or two years ago, Roberta and Siham was last week, I met Mike from time to time as he was always on every Eiman’s events. It was such a nice dinner with funny conversation especially about “free pass from Alev to Abu” and “how to do the right fireworks” that was the best of the best, and it came from Eiman so no offense to everyone 😉 I also like the story of University CV’s that Eiman’s mother sent to her #if you know what I mean 😉
Thank you guys for the dinner and Ramadhan experience and Ramadhan Kareem to all of you and to all the Muslims 🙂