The Shouting Message September

Its time for my fav month of the year 🙂
I spent it by going back home for a multifunction purpose, first is for making a new passport, second is to have a birthday and third is to travel to Labuan Bajo and Bajawa with Thorben and Marina 🙂

I am really grateful for my hungover games’ brother and sister, they are one of the reason why I stay in Shanghai for so long and the realization of the saying ”its the people that makes the city” and you can call greedy me as I cant get enough of them XX

Miguelito sent me a very funny video, it was him and Maria video called but it has a happy bday music with a creature dont know if the kiss bye was for me or for themselves? Hmmmm

See see see, are they talking to each other? or to me? and that kiss bye was for me or? mwhaaha I need to analyze this 😉 but funny video though! I like it! Thank you another M&M!

And the HG wrote me a message but I think I agree with Kwaki, they were not writing, they were shouting instead 😉

While me and my friends and my non biologic parents had dinner in Jetski cafe, we had seafood there and coconut drink from the coconut and ice cream cake!

Thanks to Darren, Evan and Calvina (read: Piko) that came all the way despite the riots that currently on going 🙂

Thanks to the early birds: Boramy, my very talented and artsy cousin Cyan 🙂 even though you are in USA right now but still to remember that Shanghai time was already passed midnight but since Im in Jakarta so the time is still 30mins to midnight 😉
The on-timers: Lars, my nicest cousin Santy, the photographer Daniel, Cher, Winny, Lu mamacita, homie Darren, Carlos, Les Frates Lexi, Yoann, Alex, Baptiste Soulard, Sveta, Agent Toni, Sebastian, Jeremie, JP, my already very seldom to break by back bones Brendan, QQ Dite, Eiman Beyonce, Alvin cepi, Gordoy, Elle Gerber, Chef Cungomon, The Bergers’ Family, Dennis Gao, Shierlla, 长辈, Oda, Sherly, Max, 亲爱的Leo, Laura, Marc that barely made it! Lucky him I was in Jakarta so still have one hour and two minutes before 27th Sept is over!
And late comers: another photographer Wyatt, Nan, Leyfa mamacita thanks for singing the Mexican song, Viki, Felix, Ling, Kay #pheww hahaha just kidding 😉

Till the next birthday!
