Stuck With You February

It’s time for Chinese New Year! Yeay another holiday yippiii 😀 Almost 6 years in Shanghai and I don’t think I ever gone home during CNY due to whatever reason, I always stay in Shanghai. I’m very happy that this year there was many people that I know that also stays in town, this will surely made the differences.

Aggy went home since end of January, Cher also came with Aggy and they were so dedicated, the first things they do when arrived Jakarta was doing F45! WHAATTTT hahaha but then she sent some pictures of Indonesian food which made me kind of miss home huhuhu

Thorben and Marina went to New Zealand for 3 weeks! yes people not one or two but three weeks! this is the best to discover all NZ, they will do road trip, Marina paid attention to every details including road trip playlist (I mean she always well-prepared haha). They will take turns on driving between Thorben-Marina and Felix, considering the fact that they will drive for over 3000 km I supposed, you definitely need to take turns haha 😉 The pictures from Thorben looks so awesome! I like when the 4 of them (Thorben-Marina-Felix-Tammy) on the hobbit house sooo cute! haha

And what I did for CNY was….having a raclette at our fancy’s friend-Anthony! Anthony’s is a very fancy person, he has a really good taste on putting his home decorations. This was my first raclette ever and I like it sooo much! the cheese, ham, potatoes all good! Idk why I got filled up easily hmmmm #confused…

Really thank you to Anthony and Freddoy for all of your efforts of carried the chair from Anthony’s office to his apartment while you were sitting backwards on the scooter ahahaha thanks God you didn’t fall down, carried the cheese, ham, potatoes, also the raclette what is it called? raclette machine? hahaha up to 6th floor so we can had an amazing dinner there 🙂

We also played card game called Sherlock vs Moriarty where apparently Anthony was always be the bad guy haha only once he was team Sherlock but nobody believed him 😉 Then we played Saboteur-where Aaron tried to explain how the game works but unfortunately he also wasn’t so clear haha and obviously Anthony was the one that less clear between the saboteur and the good digger 😀 #facepalm

I also catch up with some friends, Ricci, Courtney, Van and Kayla. I know them since long time ago but we were always somewhere and nowhere to be found hahaha and when I found out that they will also be in town, I definitely need to catch up with them and was so happy to be able to meet them again 😉 Not forget to mention….. The Food Nerds group! We were back to our Sunday tradition, BOGO pizza at Bar Centrale, we always order A LOT! up to the point where we don’t even have place to put the pizzas nor the aperol haha 😀

I am very grateful for this CNY that I am healthy! I remembered last CNY I was sick for the whole 7 days and I needed to call my friend- Oda to take care of me hahaha! I asked her to stay with me and then after that she’s the one that got sick #supposedly from me 🙁 haha sorry Oda! Hope you’re healthy around this time haha!

As I’m the one that stays in Shanghai while Aggy, Thorben and many other people was on their holiday, I think as long as I’m being “stuck” with these people, its not a bad options after all 😉 Thank you to all of you that “stuck” in Shanghai and “stuck” with me 🙂 wish you have a prosperous year in the year of pig!
