Francois (pffff pleaseee you’re a Frankshua bahaha) and Luc, this two guys plays an important role during my student year in Donghua, the fact that Luc left school earlier so Frankshua was the one that has to stuck with me longer hahaha! Frankshua is (not was) hahaha my bestfriend and Luc is my brother 😉 we always eat in the canteen together after class haha! I met Haritz perhaps one year later after I met them, he also played an important part during my master scholarship application. So all of them had made an impact during my school year.
2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2014 2014 2014
The fact that Luc left school earlier and started to work and then he tied the knot on year 2016 🙂 both of us were there!
2016 2016
But still, our adventure kept going and of course we got additional friends but these two were always there 🙂
2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016
Frankshua moved to Beijing almost two years ago then we had another not so farewell dinner 😉
2017 2017
Fast forward to 2019! due to we have a common friend that had a farewell (Claudia and Gio) so he came to Shanghai and of course we need to meet again with Luc. We were supposed to meet with Haritz also but due to jetlag he wasn’t wake up at the time where we should meet hahaha!
It was sooo good to catch up with old friends, I am very happy that I met you two back then and for our brunch last week. We updated each other and among us, Haritz will be the smartest guy, he is doing post-doctoral! gezzz Hartiz! that’s soooo crazy, you always want to be a researcher and good that you’re on your way! Luc finally pass the driving test after took the test for 10 times hahaha 9 times in French and 1 time in English and he passed it, you should do the English test in the beginning haha 😉
Luc also bought an apartment, so he doesn’t need to move again, within the last 2 years I guess he already moved 3 times hahaha must be though! and he is so sure that this time is the last time he will move, at least he will have to move again perhaps when Lucien (his son) need to enroll to Kindergarten.
Thank you for all the memories guys! and for sure we will meet each other again, Haritz and Luc still in Shanghai with me and Beijing is also not far away #not so sure if I will visit you there 😉
Thank you for your appearance in my life and can’t wait for more years to come 😉
Jusqu’à la prochaine fois
PS: just in case the translation wasn’t right, it supposed to be “until next time” 😉