Good Karma

It was end of January when I #wie immer sleepover at Claudia’s, we were in the living room, Alina proposed an idea “let’s do Murmeltierlauf for 7,5km” it’s the virtual walking activity, you walk on your own then upload your results.

She meant to do it only for the three of them as they always do Sport on Saturday, the place was about 3 km away therefore they thought let’s walk to Sport and walk back. The Mascott is a very cute Murmel, Claudia even thought to buy the Medallion too, decided against it, cost too much money, let’s just pay the registration fee 5Euro. Alina clicked next “oh the Mindesteilnehmerzahl ist 4. Julius immediately “Marlyn, danke dass du da bist” #ins Schwarze getroffen. Haha Okay, let’s do it then, I’ve done the 12km Firmenlauf, I can do 7,5km lauf. “Willst du aber?” fragt Claudia, yeah, it’s OK but then we have to do it on a Sunday as we can’t really time the Saturday if the Bahn will be on time or not to catch your time after sport. With that say, I came back to Claudia’s the following week.

I’ve got the favourite number for every Chinese, 800! This will brings me luck!

Julius does have an extra tracker that he couldn’t wear anymore due to Metal allergie, he lend me #behaupte his Withings. We did the set up, at their place there are a lot of Bluetooth devices, “maybe this one?” nope it’s my watch “how about this?” also no it’s my phone.

We managed to find the correct Withings Bluetooth, we couldn’t connect it because Julius still have the App on his phone. He removed it and I said “don’t do that, I will only wear for today” of course not, it belongs to you now. Whooaaaaa!!!! good karma, what goes around comes around 🙂

I simply have to be on the right place at a right time so they can participate, in return I got a new watch with Fitness trackers! Thank youuuuuuu.

Since it will be like a normal spazieren at Nordwest, I wear jeans + leg warmer + sunglasses + heiße Veste + Jacket; while the three were sportier, they all have proper Wanderschuhe #Germans, always prepared!

Alina brought Wilma, a very smart dog! we walked on the Berg, the weather really plays a significant role, it was brezzy yet bearable. I did have a Gevelsberg view from the top. In the km where I thought already half done, only to get it shattered completely, was barely 2km hahaha oh nooooo. Julius commented “my friend, you need to walk” Hey I’m moving but I need to decide where to put my feet to the not so muddy grass.

Almost at the end, Alina found what could be my Lebensversicherung for this year Kirmes? Had it’s not broken, we already saved 13 Euro 😉 How long did it take me? Almost 2 hours haha FYI Father, don’t worry I’m not the last 🙂

Egal, Hauptsache we made it! #Sunday well spent, good job! Here is the compilation videos made by Alina 🙂

Stand Up Weekend

What I stand up on? it’s on a Paddle Board! Tried something new last weekend with Claudia and Gangs 😉 who are the Gangs? Claudia + Julius + Alina + MOI!

It all started with a conversation or rather a statement Claudia made in the office, “this weekend I am doing SUP” To my ears it sounds like Soup = die Suppe that’s why I wasn’t really tune-in, oh she’s cooking soup okay, PV continued the conversation until I realized it wasn’t anything close to a food, joined them to got my Aha Moment, SUP = Stand Up Paddle Board.

I have never done it, I have seen it when I went to Möhnesee with Andrea. Claudia asked “do you want to join?” Hell yeah! followed by a loading moment….. wait, this is not like Kayak right? because if it is… I’m gonna out, memories from 2017 Kayak with Nicolas in Kuching flashed back, it was a big no no, ain’t gonna happen. Being convinced it was something different, confidence boost. Julius check if I can swim, Claudia check if I can get a kids board, done. Let’s goooo!

Took Euro Bahn then Bus. Alina wrote, get out on the next station, we are directly behind your bus. What a perfect timing 😉 We arrived at Claudia’s parents home, put our stuff, 4 of us gathered in one bathroom for eingecremt, irgendwann geht langsam komisch. We did really übertreiben about the amount of sun screen we used, it’s like all over although we wore T-shirts on top of our swim suit.

Martin is the trainer, he is Claudia’s cousins tralala haha. We started by taking out our SUP Board from his Lager. I get the small plus wide one hihihi. We were briefed on how to hold your paddle, how to get on and off, start with the middle point, “cut” the wave, don’t forget! most important = whatever happen… keep moving.

Kneeled position as starters. Seeing someone doing it it’s pretty easy until you really on the water hmmm…. balance, balance, yoga yo! the damn water is keep moving! boaaatttt! aaaaaaa, does my Yoga help? I don’t think so, the whole surface was moving yet you can’t simply move to left or right like you would have done on the road. I kind of take some time to weather my board. Honestly, it was fun! I paddle my board slowly but sure, Martin said I need to give power, so I will go faster to catch the others #face palm.

Martin really played with us, asked us to lie low in order to pass the bridge….hmmm inner peace, calm down, the hell I’m gonna go from standing up to kneel down to lie on my belly in the middle of moving water? steady steady down! then back up again yeaaayyyy, erfolgreich!

We also trained on how to go backwards and make a curve. He said it’s easier if I go back back back back far away from the middle point then make a curve. Indeed!

The moment I want to go back to the middle point, splash! fell down! how the hell am I suppose to go back again? although I managed it, it’s didn’t reduce the scary feeling as we are on a lake yo with unseeable + unreachable bottom.

Remember the tons of sun screen we applied? alles umsonst 😀 at the end of our Schnupperkurs, the warning sign already blitzed meaning we must get out of the water immediately. We chilled a bit, had ice cream or non-alcohol beer, took shower, head back to Claudia’s home for dinner with crazy rain as our background noise #inner peace

What a nice experience! Now I know what to do when I have Urlaub and there is SUP activity available. Thank you Freundin 🙂

Lost Cause

On the last weekend of June I suppose to have some kind of eating weekend #too good to be true. There are two food festivals, the German one aka Gevelsberger Kirmes and the Indonesian one aka Festival Soto dan Sate. Like always, there was not the case.

I didn’t know about Kirmes in Gevelsberg until Claudia and Julia was talking about it, decided to join either one of them. On the D day, obstacles arrived one by one. Claudia had a Wasserschaden, Julia wasn’t sure what time she will be there because she will gather in Dodo’s apartment together with other people then go to Kirmes. I adjust my plan, instead of meeting them there, I’ll go to Schwelm to be with them first.

On the way to Dortmund Hbf, checked which Gleis is the train boarding to Schwelm, got another news instead: it got cancelled!. I could took their alternative way by taking RE + Bus + RE Bahn meh! too much trouble. Texted Julia, skip Kirmes this year, took Straßenbahn back home #failed.

Few minutes later got a WA from Andrea asking what am I up to. Well, since Kirmes is falling off, I’m free again. Both of us went to Phoenix See, had Sushi in Bestfriends Sushi #We are Best Friend yoooooo hihi. Your visit to Phoenix See is not complete without ice cream at Kuhbar, for sure we’ve done that too #yummy!

Only to know later on Monday that Rene was also in the BestFriend Sushi, didn’t notice him, he merged well in the German surroundings. Anyway he didn’t shout or wave or whatever #German! told him by next time he should’ve scream #Asian

DB Bahn please works on Saturday! I want to attend the Soto and Sate Festival in Sankt Augustine. During the whole 2,5 hours journey I texted with Pascal, the German guy from Frankfurt event last month, unfortunately his train got severely delayed whilst mine wasn’t #surprise, for once DB Bahn does it’s job.

It was an outdoor event with 3 tents, before I got the sit inside the tent, I stand under the shadow of a tree #what a Baum! Look around what could I have, there it is, Soto Bandung! the portion was rather small, asked if I can get more she said no as it was instructed that way with the purpose to still have space to try another food pffffff, I ain’t tourist yo. Ashley brought me pinky drink, contains nothing but sugar + chemical stuff hahaha it’s good though! definitely needed under that kind of weather. I forgot to take picture of it, saw another girl having it too, approach her to take pictures using her still full drinks. And that’s kids how to make friends 😉

Her name is Heba from Syria, she was sitting on the front line where the consulate should sat… at that moment, there are still free seats, why don’t we took it? sat our asses #I ain’t moving. There is a box of bread in front my eyes, according to her “oh it’s belong to the consulate as well but I saw other people taking it too”. Girl, I am one of the other people!

Ashley started her Angklung Performance, we ate the bread then Pascal arrived! He knew I would be on the front because of my friend’s performance, yeap good guess! Later on, Heba didn’t want to take it anymore and I said “we already took one, its not ours so we already steal one what’s the difference between stealing 1 and more than 1? it’s either don’t steal or keep going” #logic.

Instead of coming back to Dortmund, I went to Frankfurt with Ashley and Ongky plus two additional passengers Vivi and Anira 😉 it wasn’t planned until Ashley asked if I want to join them running the next day? They registered for Staffelmarathon…. gave few seconds to thought, I was wearing my new on schuhe, let’s go, I’m ready!

When Ongky was on the dentist, we went to have Boba Tee from The Alley! Boba Boba Bobaaaa! #Boba Queen. Went back home, had Sate Ayam. Perfect!

On Sunday I called my birthday Sister, her first birthday as a mother!

Right after, we met the other 2 runners, Bunga, Rubi and their little daughter. Little daughter sitting on the stroller being pushed by Rubi #thumbs up! We did start pretty late, it was already 10:30 the sun was crazyyyy I could only ran for 2 km, the crew go further.

Sat on a bench for a some time, walked around 1km, in the end we meet again to eat Japanese food.

Feel so ashamed as they finished 6km whereas I only 2km #fufufu -_- The conclusion is I can’t do sport under heat, this is the 3rd time I felt bad because of it, can’t do it anymore #lost cause.

P.S: I’ll choose another sport 😉

Birthday icons created by BankSeeNgern – Flaticon

Love icons created by Vectors Market – Flaticon

Girl icons created by Paul J. – Flaticon

ABCDEF (not you)

Although I didn’t mean to sing Gayle’s song, I can’t help myself 🙂 I wrote a series of Vitamin ABCD without slightest knowledge it’ll continue to the next alphabet, yet here we are!

What would be the representation of letter E?!


Never heard about it? #me too. It all started at the end of April when I met Ashley and Ongky for the first time in Dortmund. We “knew” each other because my father and Ongky’s father are friends. Ongky had a Seminar in Düsseldorf then they drove to my favorite Italian restaurant 🙂

Prior to our dinner, I always texted with Ongky’s wife, Ashley. Thinking back, it was kind of our blind date as we didn’t have any video call before, I mean…. we are Asians in Dortmund, it won’t be that hard to recognize 😉

During dinner, she told me there will be an Indonesian Festival in Eschborn. The Indonesian Consulate General asked her if she’s interested to participate on selling foods. She hasn’t really confirmed at that time, however as the times goes by, I know they will have a stand, so I’ll definitely go! I already realized right there and then that she is a good cook as no one would offer her a stand if she can’t cook and it’s true! She brought me her signature PemPek TOP TOP TOP! I couldn’t sleep that night, woke up at 23:30, fried the PemPek, proceed to ate it! I slept happily after that heavenly snack!

Times get closer, let’s dig into more serious matter, where is Eschborn? its about half an hour from Frankfurt using S-Bahn. What a coincidence is my Archery photographer, Daniel Cuesta also in Frankfurt on that weekend, I told him, he’d better be free on Saturday to go with me to the Indonesian Festival 😉

We found the place! we were a bit confused with their disguise entrace. I thought it should be an outdoor event therefore I kept looking on tent or something that could represents as an event going on, na ja! it’s inside the building. OK. First mission, found them!

The building was OK, many people already sit on the chair… which not belong to them yet they treat it as if it’s generational, they won’t leave it for a seconds! We had to stand in kind of sharing table thingy. Good things we stood there though, we met another guy, precisely he was standing with us eating, I heard him saying “the sound system could be better” directly whispered to Daniel “he’s 100% German” “why?” “German stereotpye, always complaining” 😉 he was indeed completely right! the sound system, the mic, the loud Indonesian customers on behind, everything was horrible. I can’t hear anything what the speaker said. Poor man!

We started to talk to him to some point he asked “why are you speaking in English?” because this Mister right here is from Mexicooooo haha he’s not Indonesian, come on, dude, it’s written in all of his face. We asked the basic stuff until we know he came a long 2 hours S-Bahn journey only for this Indonesian fest! what an honor! thank you! what is more surprising about him is he was everywhere in Indonesia! from the most touristic place to less touristic place, he already plan for his next holiday to Indonesia, on top of everything, he had a Spotify playlist for Indonesian songs, boah! respect! Finally I know a foreigner who comes to Asia often other than the other way around #once in a blue moon!

At 18:00 there were some culture performance on the second floor. Me, Daniel and Pascal were confused (again! nope we are not dumb! the building floor plans confused us) where the damn stairs? I saw a kind of back stairs with an A4 paper stick to the door written “hausmeister” “treppe zur Bühne” guys lets go here!

We arrived, they haven’t open the official stairs yet but we were already inside. Few minutes later more crowds are filling the so-called auditorium. Opening speech, memorable ‘plakat’ were given, yeap, skip skip skip, performance please 😉

Dancers, singer, angklung performance were all out. Guess what? Ashley played Angklung! She didn’t tell me before, what a nice surprise 🙂

In the middle of the event, I was a bit worried if Daniel got bored… on the other side, he cant do nothing anyway hahaha suck it up!

A rather “old guy” (he refers himself like that) sit next to Daniel, he got some questions… so I, being an Indonesian, answered him. He came with his Philipine’s wife, he knew Bandung, from all the place?!?! turns out his ex-girlfriend was from Bandung haha. They stayed until the end, for the whole event I was sitting next to him. Until we were about to be separated, his wife wanted to take a selfie then he said “let’s ask her (read: me) to be in the camera too” I took it as if they won’t mind to have their picture here 😉

A saxophone + band act as our closing performance, they were amazing! all photos and videos about the performance comes from Pascal’s phone.

Here is the recap of Indonesian Performance

Hey! its a culture exchange thingy, they do have some performance by the Germans 🙂 The choir did sing one song from Mexican folks, La Cucaracha. Daniel was “whaaaaaatttt”

That’s our experience in Eschborn 🙂

Daniel comes with me to Dortmund, one step back on the Alphabet 🙂 we didn’t really do much… due to the reason, there is not much to do here haha here are some activities we did when he was here, the rest off to Düsseldorf + Köln by himself.

Jump to alphabet F, I had a seminar in Frankfurt from Facebook regarding finance thingy. Since the seminar is in Frankfurt meaning I went to Ashley and Ongky again yeayyy!!!! their apartment is amazing! the one you wish you could have #Genie, that’s one of my 3 wishes!

On Saturday morning we had a video call with my family so my father could see Ongky again after some decades aparts. I had PemPek as breakfast! best best best! Sister said “for sure Ashley is a good cook, otherwise Marlyn won’t come to Frankfurt” #Im sold easily by food 🙂

They drop me to my Seminar hotel, Ongky said “make sure the Seminar is really there” I was afraid it turns out as a scam or MLM that’s why I prefer to go alone. Long story short, it was actually a nice one, I might join again as a paying customer if they hold it next year 🙂 Afterwards, we went for a Korean food.

We also did some sport heyyy! run 5km! we gained calories while not burning so much haha #this is life!

Thank you beautiful people! Something as regular as eating, watching, sightseeing, even fucking running is more fun when you have friends around. Happy to be able to do it with you 🙂

Checkbox: ticked!

Backwards, I meant way backwards like really backwards, yes that far back to 1st January 2020 where most of the people, myself included make their version of resolutions for 2020. Some people really working towards their resolution and some…don’t #ehem, you know who 😉

One of my resolutions was to do more sports so I can be an active individual, ha! it is very realistic, only require not more than self-discipline and 12 months ahead to fulfill it… piece of cake! #at least that what I thought. Unfortunately or fortunately, the Universe has his own mind, the moment I wanted to be more active, Corona came and all studios shut down #and followed by another bunch of excuses!

Long story short, fast forward to 11 months later, I had done zero sports >.< being not so proud of myself of course as this is the promise I give to myself, I shall not break it. But life keep goes on, still strolling on my Instagram where they had many challenges of running, I kept looking at them but all of them were too long for example a run for 10km, 15km or half marathon, yo chill out! can’t they have something for Anfänger? Until…. the advertisement from appeared! the Universe has heard me! I registered for a 5km lauf and guess when? on Silvester! haha! last day on year 2020, thank you for giving me a chance to fulfill my own promise 🙂

Okay, so I registered and I thought yeah 5km easy! I’ve done that before but when I tried it the first time I think I only made 1km and I almost dead! I asked myself, why oh why Marlyn you do this? However, I still determined to do that Silvester lauf, just need some practice! There was still 7 more days before Silvester so my plan to run 2km every day, do not forget to mention that the temperature is never warmer than 4 degree.

I took a practice day off on 30th to have a rest before our big day #exactly how athletes do haha I’ve told Julia about my running plan on Silvester and she interested to do that too! so we can run together, yeay! running alone is really hard as you focus too much on the run and felt tired or cold easily. Julia asked Tina if she wanted to join and she agreed too! cool! so 3 of us will run together!

She picked me up in Dortmund, drove to Wuppertal and why is that? because they have an ex-train rail that they built as a running track so it’s total flat, a very good medium for me!

We got ourselves ready by putting our running number up!

The view there was really good actually but I don’t have time to stop by and took some snaps because yo I have goals to do!

Someone said to me that I need to finish 5km in under 1 hour so #challenge accepted! honestly, logically thinking, of course I will finish it under an hour, if not…. its called walking! 😉

Wogh! I directly stopped when my mi-fit said “you run 5km bla bla bla” Im done! by all means, done done done! Julia and Tina ran more than 5km because they kept coming back to “pick me up” so I won’t get too far away from them haha

I just ticked my checkbox of being more sporty, I deserved some treats 😉 Julia went to the bakery, thanks God one still opened consider it’s almost 12:00 she bought me “sweets” for Silvester, the lucky pig and the cleaning chimney guy.

Then I submitted my timing and my GPS to and they will analyze which position I am in but who cares which position, I ticked my checkbox, that’s more important 😉 btw mind you the weather was 2 degree!

Someone said to me that I should continue my running habit in 2021 and when I asked him warum? he told me “because you will feel good about yourself after sports” no way! mir ist kalt everytime! never ever I feel good after my run! haha I do feel “good” knowing that I’ve done something useful though 😉

Anyway, with this Silvester lauf that I did on 31st December 2020, the 366th day out of 366th day, I am officially closed my weird yet magical year of 2020 and officially able to shout: WE SURVIVED 2020 🙂

Stay healthy in 2021 and more years to come!


Hoop Hoop (not yet) Hooray

Living in China for almost 7 years give you the advantage of having 2 times to set your New Year’s Resolution, just in case the first normal New Year didn’t go as you expected you can always make a new one on a Chinese New Year 😉

One of the resolution that I always have is: I need to have a routine exercise! On Zero Gravity pole dance studio, they had a new sport called “Aerial Hoop” I had that class once before Christmas but back then the instructor-Cleo went away for having Christmas and New Year’s holiday, but on the first day of the CNY I had another class with different instructor.

There was only 3 people that joined the first year of the rat class 🙂 Me, Joasia and Joy and ofc our teacher-Sia. Joy and Asia was much stronger than me so they already went to different moves while for me I kept practicing my own moves mwahaha they went from movement 1-6, I just kept “perfecting” my first 3 moves haha!

And mine! Well, for the purpose of taking pictures I will hold all my strength and hide the hurts with the smile 😉 Asia said “think for your instagram” 😉

I never had a class with Sia before because she only teach the instructor so imagine how dead I was when I got her as my teacher!

I hope the virus will be over soon so Zero Gravity can re-open and we can be hoop-hoop-hooray soon!


Love Life

We had Rich’s farewell archery on Tuesday 🙁

He booked the hungover games for us, usually we will have 7 people in one team but this time there was no team formed it was whoever wants to play will play, so the number of people wasn’t really 28, it was more than 28.

He will not called Rich if he didn’t bring any weird stuff with him, he brought a banana floating things and a bow and arrow that made out of plastic haha

Rich has special power on that game, whoever shoot him, he or Rodi shout “doesn’t count” so he can play on haha and even another one shoot him right after the first shoot, it’s still “doesn’t count” 😉 there was one game where he just ran to the safe zone first and grab the bow and arrow and while we all run to the safe zone, he was ready to fire us, that was scary moment! wogh!

It was a really fun and relaxing game even though at one game Aaron tackle me while I was on the safe zone and getting my bow and arrow hahaha I didn’t expect that! And Freddoy shot me right on my left ass that requires me to put analgesic cream the day after #facepalm followed by Aaron again that shot me on my right ass, so I was kind of balanced in a weird way pffff.

Rich has the very climax way to close the game which is we played 10 against 10! We don’t even have the bow and arrow for 20 people so some people will have the bow and others will catch the arrow. I don’t think we need referee for this last game as one simple question of “How?” hahaha how to decide who got shot, who caught the arrow and who come back to the field like who who who?! Rich also had his special power where he just moved from opponent team, crossing the safe zone and go to other side and joining our team haha. It was just chaos in the most fun way #I’ll allow it 😉 At the end of the game, I was trying to catch the arrow from Tim and he was trying to do it for me so that I was able to catch it and Rodi said “If she catch it, we all go in” but then his shot was too high and I missed it arrrgghhh! Rodi said “washing machine, you almost did it!” haha

We were playing until 9:45 ish, then he has a movie that he wanted to show us! So we gathered in the bar to watch it 🙂

The movie is a memory of Rich and his disturbed family 😉 and there was a clip that I found very funny, when Rodi was asked what does disturbed family means to him but he was drunk and still on his bed, he just replied “roaaaaaaa” I think that is the perfect answer anyone could ever asked for 😉 There was also a sad clip in that movie, throughout the end when Rich had sth to say and he recorded it in his apartment that is already empty, we were “awww” because we know exactly what was the furniture that were there before 🙁

Please be assured that you’ll be missed by us #obviously, perhaps also by Missy, your apartment security, neighbors… I mean they will get less pocket money because I don’t think the new tenant will hold party as much as you did 😉 #if you know what I mean haha

Thank you for the movie and for the last archery farewell with you!

Here’s the fun farewell day on the video:

Look at how many people that was not willing to let him go by kept sending him off to the taxi. Even the traffic light agree with us by giving us the longest red light ever. When he was trying to pull up the window we were “Nooooo!” We all just stood there, holding kleenex tissue and waving at him 😉

I can say that Rich is someone that really loves life and life loves him back. I do know that Shanghai loves him and I believe so will Paris <3

Thanks Rich! XX

The 4th League Has Spoken

Another round of Hungover League, another round of creative jersey’s design, complete ornaments, adrenaline rush, shouting scene on Cages 😉

Credit to Aaron who made this flyer!

This time they will have 4 days of League with elimination day! so for 3 weeks they will play with 6 teams and on the last week there will be 2 teams that got eliminated and only 4 teams will go to Final. Who are they?!?! Here I present you:

Bowhemian Rhapsody featuring Captain Marco, Raoul, Cher, Andreas, Hutch, Eileen and Florian. I like the name so much! #Radiooooo someone still loves you teret teret tereett

Arrow Hub featuring Captain Nikita, Aaron, Eric, Ben, Agu, Aggy, Kwaki, Brenda and Alfred.

Arrrchery featuring my running buddy Captain Miguel, Gene, Jason, Anderson, Thorben, Viki, Gigi and Ricardo…. plussss 3M First Mate!

Rainbow Seven featuring Captain Felix, Viktor, Hudson, Jose R, Tammy, Christine, Helios, Jose Q.

Machines featuring roomies Captain John, Rodion, Gordy, Qi, Kun, Kate, Uliana. Just like what Cher said, you need to have Washing Machine! just imagine where everyone got a serious machine and then there you go, a washing machine photo printed on your white shirt. It is so cool and such an important machine, I can’t believe you didn’t take washing machine as a consideration phewww. I am fully agree with you Cher!

Lethal Laowai featuring Captain Zara, Lars, Radu, Jerod, Adam, Kayla, David and Benita. At first when Zara said his team name, I heard it Little Laowai and so did Luis! so I’m not alone and we were “why is it little?” and she said “no, not little, it’s like lethal weapon” and we were “ooooo”

They are all very discreet regarding the names of each team and their jersey’s design, I need to wait until 7th of May to see it 🙂 The team according to my eye sight divided to black and white haha! it’s good that rainbow seven wear green pants and arrow hub has orange color so they are kind of easy to differentiate. Team Lethal Laowai doesn’t get their jersey on time so they are wearing black shirt but I guess the real jersey will also be black #smart Marlyn!

Arrrchery is very prepared with the cheerleaders ornaments! they have a big flag, small flag and even jersey for me! wohooo I’ll scream for you arrrchery!


There was accident happened 15 minutes before the league start which is Aggy fell down and she twisted her ankle 🙁 so Arrow Hub played with only 6 people. Imo they were so brave and they really played well! Come on Captain Nikita! You’re doing good!

Me and Marina was sitting on the bench, we did hold our big flag but then we blocked Aggy as she was sitting behind us so we use our small flag. Marina always prepared, she made protein balls and ginger chocolate snacks and we- me and Sveta ate them, not all but quiet a lot 😉

The first target game actually Arrrchery was always “almost win” so in terms of technique they are not really far behind but then on no-target game to my surprise Gene and Tonic get out almost every time by the first 5 seconds, come on Gene and Tonic! I know you can do it better. I was soooo happy when finally, FINALLY on a no-target game they got full point 😉 They were far behind but this only the first match and I believe in you, Captain Miguel!

Team Rainbow Seven was really really REALLY! good at the target game, all of their team are so precise! and just shot directly to the target and bam! one white target was out and this going on and on and on, probably it’s the perks of having a German captain, everything need to be well calculated 😉

What surprising for me on the first match came from Machine! Qi was Shazam! He was everywhere, this side, that side, caught the arrow from Viktor! this must be feel like a victory to be able to caught his shot! He also did the famous jumping shot- even though both of the jumping shot that I saw wasn’t really shot anybody but it was really really cool and what a privileged to see that 😉 Rodion always constantly good so it’s not a surprise that he performed well, but! he really gave me a surprise when I saw the way he dodged from the arrow, since when he became flexible? just like matrix reloaded movie where Keanu Reeves dodged from the bullets, that’s more or less or probably you need to use many imagination to think how Rodi did that 😉 but the point is he was so good at dodging from the arrow. This is what we called match! I said to Rodi “Rodi you guys were so good and really tight with the opponent team” and Rodi said “we played to give entertainment to Marlyn!” wohoooo yeah! this is what I’m watching for! and of course without a doubt, Machine won the first match with 6.5 points! Impressive!

At the end of the game there was “another one bites of dust” music playing from the Bowhemian Rhapsody and btw there were only half points behind Machines!


All teams were kind of equal as the final points were between 4-5. So it wasn’t a big difference like the first match.

Before the game started, Qi said to me “Are you ready for the entertainment?!” He even put a tape around his leg, when I asked what is it use for? He said its for Machines!!!

Gimme your machine style, Qi!

Arrrchery got another support from the sub-Ricardo! They are playing better than last week and are able to get 4 points! For the first two games they lost and the third one it’s Arrrchery against Bowhemian Rhapsody, first I could feel that they will win because they still have 3 targets attached and BR only 1 left but then the they got stronger so both of them only have 1 target left and I was like “No! Not again!” Me and Marina was screaming like hell! “One more! shoot the target! go!” and I don’t know what words that came from our mouth what I can remember is Marina’s face got red after that hahaha We were sitting, standing, getting closer to the glass door it was all of our energy was pour to that match and they won! Followed by a massive, I mean MASSIVE scream from the spectator side-btw this time not only me and Marina but ALL the people that was watching and since Ricardo there, he was running around the field with the big flag 🙂 haha

There was also funny moments when Thorben and Anderson forgot to wear their mask #facepalm. Also when at some point somebody spill water on the spectator’s side and Rodion was almost slip and he said “Somebody tried to break the Machines! but the Machine’s not easily broken! ROAAAA” and he said to me “See Marlyn, before there was water here but now it’s sticky because Machines was here!” #Rodi is so entertaining. I started to like Machines 😉

Aaron from Arrow Hub is really cool, he was almost the last guy that always hit the last target and his response was only “yes” without a sound so it was only a hand gesture kind of yes if I was him I could scream out of my breath!

Ummmm hello to the girl that has black purse? Your alarm ring at 10PM! is it time for you to wake up? I’m afraid that you might be a vampire that wake up at night #woooo getting spooky!


I still couldn’t believe what I just witness from yesterday! I guess because there will be 2 teams that got eliminated so all the teams are getting super super super serious, they are taking everything to the next level. The level of shouting, screaming and agitated was escalated pretty quickly. I think shouting and screaming was my area of expertise but I was so wrong, definitely they are many of the players that having this area of expertise as well, not only the man but the woman could scream the same level as me #Marlyn’s not gonna let her screaming throne slip away 😉

Before the game started, I thought Machines gonna be unstoppable, I mean they will win the game again but turns out no! Machines was stoppable! Let’s see who’s able to stop the machines 🙂

Arrrchery is missing Thorben because he is in Thailand but Marina kept reporting to him who we lost against mwahaha but also who we win against! And after 2 times lost we finally win over Machine!!!! It was such a nice game, the target was still attached to the bunker, if they moved the bunker the target will fall off so when finally Arrrchery hit it we were so relieved! and since Ricardo play the subs for Thorben, I was the one that responsible for carrying the flag.

At some point we know Arrrchery will not make it to the final even if they win all the games it’s just mathematically not possible, so what did the cheerleader do? We forced everyone to support us! I mean, Marina made a nice muffin cake, in order for them to have it, they need to hold the flag, with dignity! This will be the last chance for them to hold Arrrchery flag! Ling also supported for us when Arrrchery is not playing against Bowhemian Rhapsody and there was some match when me and Marina sang one of Queen’s song 🙂

For the non-target game we finally won against Rainbow Seven! Btw this team is CRAZY! it’s like witnessing Game of Thrones season 6, not season 8 and definitely not the finale episode of season 8 mwahaha they were brutal! they were so brave, all of them was unstoppable shooting, not from behind but from the front line! everybody was upfront and keep firing each and every opponents! Viktor was going all the way! so when Arrrchery won against Rainbow Seven it was really an achievement and here I ran my duty again 😉 Machines was always on the entrance gate and they are all tall people mwahaha but they let me in saying “yes this is your team you can ran the flag” thank you Machines!

Christine from Rainbow Seven was kind of “Mother Theresa” she always calm all her teammates down whenever something happened that bothered them, even when her teammates tried to talk out of it, she just stopped it by saying “OK, stop, don’t talk about it, let’s be better on the next game” awwww <3 what a chill Mama 🙂

So who was the one that able to stop machine?!?! the winner for the third match goes toooooo…..Rainbow Seven with a full 6 points, amazing!

The leading team so far was Bowhemian Rhapsody with 15.5 points, followed my Machines with 15 points, Rainbow Seven with 14.5 and Lethal Laowai for 13 points, soooo close!! Need to remember that there was one match on the target-game where Cher was the one that shot all 5 targets, that was super! I think that deserves a credit 🙂

Unfortunately Arrrchery and Arrow hub got eliminated, still, thank you for Arrow Hub and Arrrchery for being spare no efforts during the match 🙂 #They don’t seems so upset to get eliminated 😉

Congratz to Bowhemian Rhapsody, Machines, Rainbow Seven and Lethal Laowai for going to the final! Btw I received a noise complaint, but since Arrrchery got eliminated so I don’t think you guys should worry about any noise on the final.


I arrived Cages wearing Arrrchery jersey and first reaction from Aggy was “’re still wearing that” haha only me and Marina that wore it even their own team Gigi and Thorben didn’t wear it booooooo. Met Chadsey and I screamed “Chadsey, Chadsey, Chadsey” in front of his face like everyone else and he just stunned there he said “Perhaps if I’m not moved she will think that Im not exist and just let me go” Well, Chadsey it doesn’t work that way 😉 I asked Tim “Can I shout in front of your face like everyone else?” and he said “Yes, only you can shout in front of my face” wohooo what a privileged.

On the final since there was only 4 teams so they need to play back to back and rest only one time and play again wogh! that’s require a high stamina! There were many winning and losing between all the 4 teams which was hard to keep track on. All of them playing soooooo well!

At some match, Qi was always the last man standing from Machines and he kept fighting like a soldier or should I say like a machine 🙂 but somehow Machines was not winning as much as before 🙁

However, I like Rodion, he’s always so funny and entertaining, he said “Seems the machines is broken, machines doesn’t perform well, machines need some oil” haha

Machines got many supporters from another Russian speaking country and of course me and Marina like to shout “Machines!” it’s just their name is the shortest one so it’s easy to shout 😉

As I said the final went so fast and one team that kept winning the most was Rainbow Seven! They are unbelievable! There was no words to describe because almost all the match they won and I was “What?! Again? R7 winning again?” it’s beyond belief! Especially on the non target game, Tammy wasn’t even holding her bow and arrow she was all super ready to catch any arrow that was directed to her, and she caught it! Not once, not twice but a lot! like really really a lot maybe 5-6 arrows! that was amazing! she was like a watcher, keep watching everybody 24/7! Christine was a fighter she kept firing the arrow like the guys but sometimes she got shot but at least she’s giving her best. The guys were super good as well! Viktor is without a doubt no need to explain but what surprising to me was Jose R, I’ve never see he’s playing but turns out he’s pretty good at both catching and shooting the arrow and with Helios, Hudson and Felix, this team was just complete!

I didn’t keep the record so I wasn’t quiet sure of who’s winning but after seeing R7 kept winning the match I started to think that there’s big possibility that they are the winner. And then Tim announced the winner and it goes to….. Rainbow Seven! 

Congratz for Rainbow Seven! Also good job for all the team! That was a hard final and you guys really proved that you have a good stamina to be able to fight till the end.


We really need to give the special thanks to all the referee, Tim, Wyatt, Chenzi and all other referee from the team like Chadsey, Arron, Thorben and who else I forgot haha without them this league will not happened and thank you for having a big heart and accepting all the shouts that was pointed directly in front of your face 😉

Thanks also for Arrrchery for involving me as one of your cheerleader and for taking care of all the ornaments including all the snacks to a higher level 🙂

Thanks to all the archers!

And last but not least! We have additional archery member! Baby Lowe!

Baby Lowe, I promised your father to put a pic of you as long as I made a good references to the dad… And I think I did…or? haha 😉

P.S : All the pictures was taken either from whoever that shares on the group or on their wechat moments and special message for Michael Sun, we missed you! There is no professional video made because you were on a business trip 😉

The League Has Spoken

There you go!!! The 3rd round of Hungover League. There were flyers in wechat moments in every players and I will copy the sentence from our Katniss-in Chief Tim 😉 #permission should be allowed haha!

Three weeks of carnage and incredible skill.

Because this is the 3rd league so the stakes are higher and people are getting more and more serious!

Like all the previous leagues, all 6 teams (consist of 7 people each and need to have 2 girls on the team) will have their own team logo and team shirts. I always like the team shirts because they are so creative and so funny in some way.

Thorben was in John’s team and Aggy was in Aaron’s team and mind you that I’m not get chosen for the league so I will be the narrative of this league drama 😉 It’s a win-win anyway, I won’t get hurt and I watched their playing with the supply of Bormione’s dipping sauce and Marina’s healthy oatmeal cookies.

I remember Thorben said that John wants the team name to be as short as possible while Aggy said that their team came up with a very long name one of them was “To Old For This $h!t” haha because Aggy’s team consist of the earliest people that ever join the hungover games. But in the end their teams names are:

Cher‘s team was “Catch You Must” with a logo of someone from Star Wars that I don’t even know because I don’t watch Star Wars! huaaa sorry for all the SW fans out there 🙁 But at least I know Cher’s character, Cherbacca it’s like Chubaka sth like that haha. Andy was Stormtrooper at halloween but in the league he was Andy-wan Kenobi, then we have Raoul as Darth Burger, Tessa as Princess Tessa, Tammy as Queen Tamidala, Agent Toni as Toto C-3PToni (why suddenly it seems like coding stuff), Qi as R2-Qi2, Luis as Luis Solo.

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John‘s team was “The Fantastic Beast” with the Harry Potter hand writing style of logo which I found it really cool and the names of each person were: roomies John as Johndledore , Marco as Mad-eye Moorco, Lucy as Lucy Lovegood, Thorben as Dementhor, Boramy as Bormione, Hudson as Hudsini, Syuke as Severus Syuke, David Chadsey as Chadsey Shacklebolt. They even got Bohai as additional supporter that came with hufflepuff coat and a wizard stick! haha winggardium leviosaaaa!

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Christine‘s team was “The Heartbreakers” with a black and pink touch because quote from Miguel “We will break somebody’s heart” let’s see if you can do that 😉 The team that will breaks your heart is Christine as The Drop Dead Gorgeous, Brody as Bro-die! don’t die yet please, Benita as New Girl, Adam as Puto, Nikita as Nya Kita, my running buddy Miguel as My Jelly and Kun as Only Hunting Bear? Seriously? Bear?! ahahaha

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Jason‘s team was “Archery Anonymous” with the uniform of the beer name. At first I thought they buy the shirt directly like that hahaha I don’t know if they customize the clothes but Thorben said “they did, they put Archery Anonymous there” but it wasn’t so obvious I think haha sorry guys! but at least you were the colorful one. They have Ben as the Australian Beer, my neighbor Lars as Probably The Best, Felix as Cupid, Eric as Works Every Time, Kwaki as Extra Cold, Kayla as Bullsey and Jason as Pink Elephant. I am so sure that this is not even a beer name hahaha

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Gene‘s team was “Magnum Shang Hai” with very Haiwaian clothes and it looks so comfy just like you are going to the beach haha and I need to take pic of them behind the bar and not on the field haha! Zara brought a new fashion sport haha look at her! she’s wearing shorts over the legging and somehow it looks good on her! this will be a trend I guess 😉 And also Anderson’s beard was purple actually hahaha he has purple glitter on it. This fashionable team has Hutch with his movember look that looks like father of Bella from Twilight hahahaha, Radu, Anderson, Viktor, Gene and Tonic 😉 Brenda and Zara.

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Aaron‘s team was “Retro Rockets” with a very interesting logo and name of each team players for example hahaha Fredoy as Asstro Boy and yes it’s a double s, I didn’t do typing mistake 😉 , Yves as Lord of Uranus, Aggy as Princess Laid Ya, Brendan as Luna Corn, Rodion as Darth Vaper, Aaron as Hand Solo and Viki as Venis Fly Trapa. Well well well, people see by yourself 😉

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I watched the kickball of the league on 13th Nov, I mean the 1st day of the league, maybe I should not say kickball as there is no ball to kick 😉 hahaha.

There were a game where The Heartbreaker vs AA and it was only Kwaki left if I’m not mistaken and from The Heartbreaker still either full but at least much more people like 4/5 and she caught two arrows in one time therefore 2 of her teammates back in the game, and the 2 arrow shooters from The Heartbreaker need to step aside and then another arrow got caught by AA and the situations was flip around, you go GIRL! all of the spectators went crazy and we were like “Kwaki! Kwaki! Kwaki!” Thorben arrows was being caught a lot so he need to step aside from the game 🙁 huhu I was like why Thorben is on the side again? I don’t see he got shot but yeah turns out his arrow got caught, but it’s OK still 2 more days to change the situations goooo Thorbinator!! Aggy’s team doing pretty well, RR is neck to neck with The Heartbreaker which is really surprising to me ahaha. The Heartbreaker played very well in the opening game, seems they succeed on breaking someone’s heart today. Well, well the winner for the first day of the league was Retro Rockets! yeayyy congratz Aggy and teams of course 😉

I missed the second day of the league on 20th Nov due to all you can eat Schnitzel hahaha! it’s not even BOGO deals, it’s infinite number of Schnitzel! *droollinnggggg 😀 .Marina kept me update regarding the second day of the league and Thorben was doing pretty good! she said that he didn’t step aside like last one and on the first game he even stayed until it finished! wohooooo there you go Thorben! but then Aggy’s team wasn’t perform well 🙁 huhuhu my handsome Freddoy, you should’ve wear the mini shorts again for the finals! hahaha At some point because I was asking Marina “ok now who against who?” and she said “Okay gotta watch” ahahaha yess! be my eyes for today girlll! later on she updated me with the list and Magnum SH is the new winner! Hellooooo Hawaiian shirts, let’s go to the beach each, let’s go get a wave 😉

As what I heard from Aggy, on the second day of the league, Viktor was so awesome, he can catch the arrow from different angle from the top, in front of him, bottom, behind him like everywhere. I saw Viktor caught arrow before so yeah if there was an award for MVP player it won’t be a surprise if Viktor got it.

This is Viktor! haha It’s hard to see who is who behind the mask 😉

The finals was on 27th Nov! and I was there to witness it! What a surprised that team AA was on the bottom of the rank but they played so so soooo crazy well! There was a game where Eric was the only player left against Fantastic Beast and somebody tried to shot him but he caught it! and this kept going on and on and in the end AA won that match, I was like this is such a joke, many players from FB against Eric! gezzz and they won against almost everyone! If I allowed to judge the final game, I think Eric saved their team very much. There was also a game with FB against heartbreaker I think, and idk why Boramy just sit with us and watching. And then there was one bow and 2 arrows left in the middle…. Marina said “who’s bow and arrow is that?” and then Boramy finally realized “OMG its my team!” hahaha and she ran inside the cages 😉 such a silly Bormoine haha

During the match, AA points are getting higher and higher. I really think AA performed super well on the final day. And then there was last match for Retro Rockets against Fantastic Beast. If RR win this last match then they will be the winner of the 3rd league, if RR lost then AA will be the winner. So I can imagine how nervous was Jason as this is the moment between his team or Aaron’s. Thorben asked me “which one you choose to win? its me against Aggy” and this is such a hard question haha I cannot even answer that.

Last man standing was Hudson, he was hiding and trying to catch some arrows behind two bunkers and only few seconds left but RR team was getting more and more aggressive and unstoppable arrow was pointed at Hudson, on the last few seconds he got shot first before he caught so that’s the game. It was such a debate because both arrows pointed at him very fast so as the spectator we might see that he caught the arrow first but 3 referee said that he got shot and then caught. And RR team was cheering because their points was 21 and AA team was 20.5, it was sooo sooo sooo close! Congratz Retro Rockets for winning the 3rd League! Aggy stayed quiet long time on the league yesss! make Indonesia proud ahahaha 😉 Aaron played really well on the final game, well done captain!

Go get that trophy Retro Rockets!! Aggy was a warrior in this video, Thorben made an appearance on this video also but he gracefully exit the field 😉 haha I was also on the video with the RR! wohooooo

I am so happy to become the spectator, shouting 8!tch3$ all the time with Marina, sang “stay aliveeeeee iveee iveeee” with unnecessary echo, ate chicken sticks, complaint, became the commentator that for sure no sports TV want to hire us haha , watching players slammed their mask, arrows, bows, hands etc whatever it is hahaha but be in mind that me and Marina we were not annoying 😉 we were farrrr from falling into annoying categories hahaha. Well done to all the 6 teams! You must be proud of yourself that you just finished the very intense game! thumbs up!

We also need to thanks Tim, Chenzi, Wyatt that has prepared the game, trophy and be a referee for this league is such a pressure! I bet Tim’s blood pressure for this month has raised hahaha

As for me, I am happy that Aggy’s team won, because the ratio between Aggy-Thorben and me was 1:1:1.1 winner, 1 participants and 1 didn’t even get drafted 😉 hahaha Well, at least I’m on team Leyfa the mamacita! Yeah 8!tches, Por Favor is Coming 😉 *snap snap.

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See you on the next league Archers!

PS: All the pictures were taken from the group, either took by Wyatt, Sveta, Uliana, Lu with her unique camera and from whoever that shared it either on the group or on their moments haha 😉 the professional video was made by Michael Sun.

The Triumph Of Making New Friends

After being turned down by Thorben and Aggy- they chose to do archery because they both will play on the league wohoo then the one that wasn’t get drafted for the league which is me and Gordy we went with one of travel agency to do a day trip to somewhere located in Suzhou… supposedly (I mean, I don’t even bother to search where was the location and nor does Gordy hahaha) to do “paint ball” BBQ and “hike”.

We were about 27 people on the group and I only know Gordy and so does he and he asked me on the bus “Are you ready to make some new friends?” and I ‘enthusiastically’ said “yeahhhh” ahaha then we both know what does that “yeah” implies to 😉 therefore we have kind of our own competition of how many new friends can we make, not that the numbers matters the most but at least we will try haha

The ride took us for about 2 hours, and I was so sleepy because I am on the way to get cold, I got runny nose and I sneezed every time and Gordy he went to KTV the day before until maybe around 2am, he said he was sleepy but I don’t think he sleep on the way. I mean this is not a sleepy person would do… pffff…

And then we arrived to the “paint ball” and BBQ place, the weather was awesome! I was able to only wear a shirt! This place was kind of hill or something, you can walk around or you can play the paintball which is what we do but it’s not the real paintball like I was expected. It was only bubble water gun, no color and even if you got shoot you still can play it just pretend that you don’t get shot, and we don’t even wear the full body costumes, only the body protection and a color shirt to differentiate which team we are playing. So this wasn’t exactly what I signed up for but yeah we already there anyway, and while on this hill there was a plant that when you touch them they will stick to your pants, so…. after the game I got this seeds all over my sports pants which is not very favorable 🙁 but I still had fun in some way 😉

Then it was a noon time, it’s time to eat! In this BBQ I met Elle and Wesley! Elle and I bonded because of the seeds that was all over my pants haha, she’s helping me to pick it one by one aawww 😉 but me, Elle, Wesley and Gordy we didn’t really do proper BBQ because the smoke was everywhere! like we need a gas mask to do so haha so we just put our food and then go behind the tree or somewhere else to hide from the smoke.

When the tour guide said that we can add some more food then we add more bread, corn, beef from the so called pantry andddd! while I was eating my corn, I saw something wasn’t quiet right, and I asked Gordy “Gordy, what is this? Is this what I think it is?” and he said “It’s a bug”, Wesley and Elle did what a supportive person would do especially when they were not the one that ate that “It’s protein, it will be healthy for you” and I stopped eating the corn after that 🙁 but I continue by eating the other food ahaha. From all 2 hours of our BBQ time, Elle only made one bread haha that she was very determined to cook it by her own because she was so busy hiding from the smoke 😀

Next destination is only 5 minutes by bus from this hills, we went to what so called “hike” but I know it wouldn’t be a real hike, more like a brisk walk with steps and so on. Gordy was expected it to be less people but I think the people on the hike was OK, not super crowded. Two guys was trying to talk to Gordy but because they can’t speak English so I had to translate it in between, and when he asked “帅哥来自哪里?” Gordy said “加拿大” and they said “Oh your Chinese is so good” while to me they just said “Yours are OK” I was like heloooooo, I was the one that doing translation the whole time, he just said one word! and I said mannnyyyyy….. pffff white privilege hahaha and with this it’s motivated me to go hike either faster or way slower to make some distance from them hahaha and long story short we lost them 🙂

The hike was actually pretty good and when we reached the top the view is amazing! and the temple itself its very nice decorated! thumbs up! When we kind of reach half of the top, I tried to sing “The Climb” from Miley Cyrus but then Elle said “It took me a while to realize what song it is” haha I know my voice is not like Mariah Carey but pleaseee hahaha

I was soooo happy when I arrived at this temple, and after the tour guide said that Gordy can use his drone then this is when he had his bonding time with Wesley haha and the picture from the drone is amazing, this temple is surrounded around the greens! *Slide for more awesomeness!*

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On this drone video, you can see that Gordy caught a group of birds flying around the temple.

Well well well, then it is the time for us to ride back to Shanghai, I think most of us slept on the way back. When we arrived we wanted to have dinner at Bar Centrale because it was BOGO pizza but we need to wait for more than 1 hour so Gordy decided to go to Barbarian and I was so heartbroken that I cannot eat the pizza 🙁 but the food at Barbarian was so good as well, me and Gordy had the proper BBQ skewers while Elle and Wesley had a burger, Elle said she doesn’t want to have BBQ again and she ordered a salad as a side dish just for her dignity 😉 haha.

In the end, Gordy revealed the question to Elle and Wesley, a question that “Will we make a new friends from this trip?” and they were laughing. Gordy, I think we did make new friends with them 😀 and this make the whole drama of eating corn with worms, getting seeds all over my pants, the torn was stuck on my finger, the very uncomfortable feelings on my leg was worth it 🙂

Gordy won the what I called “moment of truth” we need to see whose the one that got added on wechat first haha and Wesley added him first but he was humbly enough to say “it was my drone that won the moment of truth game” Way to go, champs! 😀