It Ends Tonight

Nordwest would give a Lotto for the employee who had their Rundegeburtstag. Didn’t know about it but Julia did, she contacted Personalabteilung when I still haven’t received mine. At that time, Hainka & Me were the two who already works at Nordwest while had our Rundegeburtstag. He told me to download the Aktion Mensch App therefore they would inform us if we win it.

I looked at the Lotto, “Julia, if I win, does it means I got 3.000 Euro Netto each month for 20 year?” Yes, du kannst sofort NW kündigung. “Oh, mache ich! ihr werdet mich nieeee wieder sehen. Chao Kakao!” 😀 she said “don’t forget to invite someone ~me who make sure you got your Lotto” Never Julia, never! #Promised.

It became a habbit that every week I received a notification from Aktion Mensch to see if my number is winning.

It never does, 52 weeks are over 🙁

It ends tonight!

Seems I need to go back to work work work work work #Phew!

Or…. try my luck 😉 buy another Lotto mwahaha #Two sides of everything

The Last Man Standing Crew – Part 2

Last working day in year 2024, Monday the 30th of December. Rise and Shine, no-sunny-day in Germany. #Somethings stays the same.

Empty the Bahn, were only 2 including me in the wagon O.O

Arriving NW at the same time with Thomas, Krissy and Matthias were already in the reception. Hallo! Kollege des letzten Arbeitstages 😀

Who else? meet the last man standing crew from 2. Flügel 2 featuring Pörtner, Christin, Sebhil, Dennis, Thomas, PV und meine einjährige Tasche #Toddler who has a sister now! Stofftasche von Alina 😀 #Work work work work work

We have more or less the same member with last year #Wir halten die Stellung! Are we (still) the fittest amongst the fittest or maybe the one that should’ve planned their holiday better haha #Always 2 ways to see it

See you in year 2025 Nordwestler!

The Last Man Standing Crew

Last working day in year 2023, Friday the 29th of December. Rise and Shine, no-sunny-day in Germany.

Look at how empty the Bahn ist, were only 3 including me in the wagon O.O Arrived office at 08:18 greeted by an empty park place and a happy Gery 🙂

Set an alarm in 05:45:21 I shall leave the office. Until then, meet the last man standing crew from 2. Flügel 2 featuring Bernd, Christin, PV und meine neue Tasche, Marcel, last but not least Sebhil #Work work work work work

We are the fittest amongst the fittest or maybe the one that should’ve planned their holiday better haha #Always 2 ways to see it.

Alarm ring, packed up, see you all next week bzw. next year, Tschüsiiiii 😀