Ask Not What Your Country Can Do for You

Stop right there! We definitely need to ask!

OK some background stories out of it. Remember Lisa? The German Lady from my walking tour in Estocolmo? We had lunch together before visiting Vasa Museum, she said that everything in Germany is not much cheaper than in Stockholm, they are kind of on the same level, Germany is getting “more expensive” (with the inflation). Look at this, I bought a 72 hours public transport ticket, it cost me 30 Euro. Yes it is still more expensive than Germany but not much anymore.

After hearing the price of the public transport, I feel quiet weird because every time I tap my Master Card it’s written 0,09 SEK = 0,10 Euro… Automatically I felt I have the Vorteile of not buying it as it only cost me 10 Cents each time. I am not the type who put fuel on the fire, so just let it be when Lisa said it, I won’t say “btw I only paid 10 Cents” reason: a. it’s not helping; b. this is so not true at all! hahaha

Fast forward to end of the month, Erin need to renew her monthly card, to which I asked “why don’t you just tap like me?” see it’s always 10 Cents. I actually don’t understand why because if I eat in the restaurants, the real value is there directly, for example dinner 1390 kr = 119,94 Euro or 980 kr = 84,43 Euro. All are correct other than public transport one.

Moment of truth ladies and gentleman!!!! I was completely wrong the whole damn time! I have 0 idea why, SL (the public transportation) need 2-3 days until the real value came up to my Master Card. It all depends on the exchange rate sometimes one way fee was 3,33 Euro or 3,44 Euro or 3,67 Euro. Verdammt! She was right! Rrrr should’ve trust the Germans for sure she did her research before! Aaargghh! had I knew it, I would have bought that damn 30 Euro card! I used all public transport like no one ever just to know it hasn’t been charged completely!!!

Fuck fuck fuck! what can I do? Now it’s not lohnt sich anymore to buy the 72 hours as my trips approaching the end. On top of it, I already visited all the necessary sightseeing with always tap tap tap tap #Running out of money! What can this Scandinavian country offer me? Erin sent a link “free museum in Stockholm” aha! that’s what’s I’m gonna do for the rest of my trip with the rest of the money I have. How about public transportation? Nope, I’m gonna walk the whole damn day!

We will reveal it one by one:

First: The Medieval Museum

I chose the locker number that represents my age 😉 then I read a sign there will be an English tour whoaaaa There is a part where I remembered clearly is about a punishment for adultery, the woman need to carry a 30-40kg of weight on her shoulder while the man’s private part will be tied on a string and they have to walked all the city. However! most man will get away by paying the money while girl doesn’t have much money to begin with. What?! I hope I understand that part wrong except I wasn’t…. Oh see the brick wall? that was the real wall from ancient time, they found it when they dug die Erde to make this Medieval Museum.

Second: Moderna Museet with Erin

The free entrance was 2 hours before it’s closing. We did went through all exhibitions, sometimes our reaction were only ‘hmmmm’ didn’t think I understand it 😉 I do however understand one paint with thinking “are we in Asia?” once I got close yep! inspired from Thailand 🙂

Moving on to one part where they provided us a book of a conversation between Rashid Johnson an Kevin Quashie called ” Thinking-In-Action” in Swedish and English at a corner called “please have a book”. We happily taking the book thinking “oh we got ourselves a souvenir!” Only to find out they didn’t put the Q and A on the right page, or maybe this is still a part of the art? where I need to guess on which page the answer will continue?

Third: The Jewish Museum

I came exactly at the hour when it’s free for public. Followed by many people after me, hello not paying customers 😉 #I’m not the only one

What really strucks me was this videos:

The first lady’s family were hosting Jewish girl from Berlin when she was 9-15 years old. She didn’t like her at all, according to her the Jewish girl came out of a sudden to her family and everyone need to feel sorry for her. She gave her a real hard time. Then they met again at age 40ish. She asked her about her experience on living with her family? To her surprise the Jewish girl replied “that’s the best year of my life”. Then she said “you know I was hard on you”. The Jewish girl didn’t felt and never thought of it. She is not religious person but she prayed to God for forgiveness for hating her.

The middle lady remembers a Hitler songs in German: “if a Jews’ blood drip from the knife then life is twice as good” I could still see the fear on the video when she recite it.

The third man said when he got older he understood the reason why every time he visit his classmates’ home there will be coins on the floor and it’s to see if he will take it. That’s when he felt what is the meaning of being offended.

Fourth: The Swedish Holocaust Museum

This Museums tells the story about 7 Jewish survivors who came to Sweden. They have the part where we can ask questions with AI’s help unfortunately by the time I came we can only ask in Swedish.

I bought a book from them, it’s very…. I can’t read it in one go, not because its too think, rather the content is just so wow in a negative way.

Fifth: The Living History Forum

There’s one corner about the story of Per Anger, a diplomat of Swedish Embassy in Budapest who issued a fake Passport for Jewish people. He saved so many Hungarian Jewish, there was a time he went to the train full of Jews asking “who has Swedish Emergency Passport?” only two people has it, then he spoke to the Hungarian if they have any receipt whatsoever anything that looks like legal? The German officer won’t understand it anyway. They did have that and Per Anger talked with the German officer “their Swedish Emergency Passport just got delivered, here is the receipt”

Thank you very much for standing up Sir! That’s why your name and your best friend’s Raoul Wallenberg are still be remembered to this day.

That was it, all the museums I could visit as my last resort against the cold and against the money in Estocolmo 😉

I’m so happy that Stockholm offers this options. Germany! do it please! Take a good example from your neighbor European countries!

P.S: Here is the link

Je suis Susi – Part 4

Susi will be my niece’s nickname for a long time, it suits her well #Stay with Susi.

Their final destination is Frankfurt Airport, distance from Colmar to Frankfurt is a bit too far, too much car seat time for Susi. Therefore Sissy and Schwager spontaneously decided to stop at Baden-Baden – stay one night in Heidelberg – next morning Frankfurt Airport.

Susi woke up just in time for Schwager to make an exit from the Highway to Baden-Baden. Priority: Susi!

DM has a baby changing corner, complete with wipes and diapers sizes. From all the sizes on the below shelf available, of course Susi’s size was empty!

Credits needs to be given though, it’s my first time seeing a changing station in DM #Thumbs up.

After Susi has changed, we were more relax for sightseeing and lunch.

We walked passed one museum, making fun of the Peaky FUCKING Blinders! #Arthur’s voice. The fans would know it, the Faberge Egg’s scene.

We were very happy at Baden-Baden, not sure why? maybe just because the name is Baden-Baden 😉 we stayed there longer than we planned. Jumping on the stones, visit the church, had ice cream- I ordered Casis, don’t do it, when in doubt, chose Hazelnut #Sissy wejangan.

Suits ourselves, continue drive to Heidelberg. It was a Saturday afternoon, Heidelberg was packed, I meant packed packed PACKED PACKED!!! I still didn’t do the justice of how packed it was. People everywhere, all parking place were full so full to the point we were waiting on the line to get into the Parkhaus. One car out from the Parkhaus = one car move in from our line and so on.

What do we do while waiting? called our Hotel to ask if they have a Parking Place. The receptionist asked under which name the rsvp was made. Only for us to hear “I can’t find your name, please just come here and we will sort it out”

In the meantime Schwager check his mails, we booked the wrong date! Let’s just carry Susi with Björn, go to Hotel maybe they have free room for tonight.

All three we went, no free room. We asked her if there is something today, to this she answered, “nothings happening, it’s just normal Heidelberg on a weekend”

Me and Schwager went to few hotels & restaurants nearby asking if they have a room: zero squared. Only then we realized our attempt to stays at Heidelberg crashed in front of our eyes. It was a sea of Menschen, impossible to find a hotel here.

Let’s make a cut, quit Heidelberg, snap some pictures here as our hotel was exactly on the city center, this is the only chance we got haha so we could say we already went to Heidelberg 😉 The focus at this moment is to find a new hotel for tonight somewhere else. Get out from the Hype-Heidelberg.

Schwager kept driving on the highway direction of Frankfurt. We will passed few cities beforehand. When we read some name like Weinheim, Heppenheim, Bensheim, search on Google- Hotel.

I felt like a Detective in the movie, with 3 phones + 1 GPS looking which directions should we go, should Schwager took an Exit to any Heims-City or keep going. I said the hotel name, Schwager put it on the GPS, responded “no it’s another direction” next, next, next we were like that for def under an hour, although at that time it feels like forever. We do have Stau so Schwager can type something on the GPS.

The call was always “Hallo, wir sind 3 Erwachsene und 1 Baby. Haben Sie zufällig heute ein Zimmer frei?” always got replied “Nein, tut mir leid” fuck fuck fuck! No, don’t take exit on Weinheim as there is no hotel anyway, keep on the lane to next city, Heppenheim. Sissy entertaining Susi or keep feeding her banana. The stakes are high, we all knew the moment Susi cries it’s game over.

We kept driving directionless or we gonna end up at Ashley and Ongky’s couch haha I swear if it’s only 3 of us, without a doubt we would slept on the car, doesn’t really matter, go to a restaurant, use the facilities, we already got spot in the Parkhaus anyway, next morning go to Frankfurt Airport earlier to use their shower room. Since it’s not possible, keep focus!

Just to add some tension, the Benzin could only fit for 60km left. AHA! icing on the cake #face palm. It’s getting dark too hahaha strike after strike after strike, give it full gas to our last day. Relax? what’s that? #Hold my beer.

First priority sofar is unfruitful hotel searching, now our second priority is catching up with our first’s, which is to find the Tankstation. Took an exit, fuel some Benzin, next to it there is a McD, Sissy said “let’s sit down, we need to eat something”

We were not really a big fans of McD but at this point we were already desperado haha

We were still calling many hotels near by to no avail. We know we needed to be in big cities. It’s logic, no way in hell all hotels in big cities are full. The situation now is Susi still happy, we all are full, we are secured. The -Heims are small cities maybe the kind of hotel was family own which only have 4 rooms, that could be one of the reason.

Schwager called one last hotel in Darmstadt, hole in one! We got direction on where to go, finally! Now I look back realizing of how calm we were actually. We were just in disbelief or denial phase but not panic since we all aware there will always be a hotel for us, it’s just how far should we drive. What the hell is happening on this Saturday, is it Oktoberfest? yes it’s the very first day of Oktoberfest but we are not in Münich, why would be the reason of this full-ness?

Btw if you wonder how Susi was doing when we were unter der Druck setzen? She was soooo calm the whole damn time! didn’t scream, she even slept! that makes a loooottt easier. I was very very very proud of Susi for being so considerate as if she understood the situation.

Susi was so happy in the new, bigger hotel 🙂 Plaza Western PLUS you saved 4 asses that night! We will never forget you.

We slept so damn well, happy to have a refreshing shower in a big bathroom. Overall, this hotel is better anyway than the small hotel in Heidelberg.

Checked out is at 12, distance from Darmstadt to Frankfurt Airport was only 20 minutes. My luggage is already done, Sissy hasn’t finished hers. She can’t find her legginggggg yet it’s already time to check out. In order to not get a late check out fee, we just checked out first the re-open Sissy’s Koffer in the lobby haha! Schwager started moving Susi’s travel cot or some other Kram to the car on by one. I played with Susi, meaning: Susi is eating my handy case while in return I got Susi’s headphone. At some point I ask “why Susi only wear diapers?” “Where is her pants?” the hectic has taken all of us, here wear the yellow one! Now we all are decent.

Off to Frankfurt Airport. We were all in one toilet in Baby Room in Airport until we got a knock haha All in! It takes a village 🙂 It was amazing that I met them 3X within one month, always come and go, one weekend, next week and one full week. It was so hard to be parted with this kleine Mote since she’s very menggemazkan hhmmmm.

I witnesses the moment she articulate Papa, Dada, played “hide and seek”, peekabo, screaming, number 2, mingkem, cengegesan. So many once in my lifetime memories created and stored innerhalb der kurzen Zeit I have with small Susi. Next time I see you, you’ll be already able to walk, will be very seru!

Big big big thank you for Sissy and Schwager to include me on their trip. I’ve seen + been on tons places because of you. We had so so so much indescribable fun, I’m very happy 😀

Danke – Merci – Terimakasih – 谢谢

么么哒 Kuss

May the force be with our for our upcoming trips

#When you know, you know 😉

Swarovski in a Non-existing Rose Garden – Part 2

….continuation story…..

Feli feel tired, therefore she chose to stay put, doing some Cafeing whereas I was heading towards Adolphe Bridge, only to meet with another walking tour participants (at this point I didn’t know their names) the same girls we met at the entrance of Bock Casemates. They wanted to see the Rose Garden, I already forget this option exists! I asked if I can join, they don’t mind, so here I am, one party changes to three party. Maria said: Netherlands is famous for the Tulip, Luxembourg is famous for the Rose. She also mentioned perhaps there won’t be any at this time as this is not the season. However, it didn’t reduce our spirit to check. The result was: there were no rose hahaha but one of the girl found something else 🙂

What’s next then? I’m not sure if I’m allow to follow them again as I kind of crashing their party of two hihihi I asked and they don’t mind so here we are in The Gudde Wedder. Spoiler alert, this is where the night getting excited! we grow to an even bigger + exponentially funny party. At this time I already know their names, Franzi and Sabine. Franzi is a German live in Luxembourg, Sabine is a Mauritians on the way to USA. Franzi asked “where is your friend? she can come here too other than waiting alone” OK, send picture + location + write Feli. Done from my side.

This place is always full, there is no waiter who will search a seat for you. You just have to run once a table is free, pretty Barbaric I’d say. The plan was we sat anywhere first, if we see one of the table at the side is free then moved. Our seat was the middle, next to us were 4 guys. I thought all of them are together until I realized they too separated into 2 and 2. Franzi whispered to me “they are Germans”

Mistakes happened by one of the guy’s order that caused a conversation which lead to the best unexpected night of my life. 2 Moscow Mule for free! My brain and heart already locked to Pisco Sour therefore Sabine and Franzi took it but I also had few sips #slurp 🙂

They talked, I zoned out from time to time until I saw the perfect corner table is empty! I don’t care what were their conversation is all about, it was worth to break it. Guys! Empty table on the corner, run! get it! the guys talked “should we move?” “yes yes moved!” both girls said thanks for the drink to the other guys, I didn’t even see them. Focus focus, tadammm!!! party of 3 becomes party of 5!

We have one more empty seat that could be a hot seat between Feli or Franzi’s housemate. Knowing the party will be bigger, one of the guy (at that time I didn’t know their names yet) said we wont be asking chairs from another table anymore rather asking for a table. Funnily, both of them arrived at the same time, I asked Feli to “run, run” but she ignored me, she was the last one to get the seat 🙂 How many are we now? party of 5 become party of 7! After we complete, now I know all the names, they are Lukas, Tobias, Sabine, Feli, Ivy, Franzi and moi!

We will treat this corner as generational, ain’t gonna move our asses. If someone needs to go to the toilet, we will guard the sits with all our hearts. Don’t be a beginner like the French guys sitting next to us pfffff. Okay, French guy asked in French if we have a paper for smoking, none of us understand so he spoke in English, we all “no, sorry we don’t smoke, we don’t have it”. The three of them try to asked the restaurant I think, they didn’t realized….they have left their table!!! In three seconds, two ladies already grabbed their spot. Me and Franzi was looking at the girl giving thumbs up or trying to say “I don’t think the guys meant to left the table” the moment the guys realized, it’s too late. Lukas said “it’s because he didn’t put the towel in the chair as a mark, the German towel really is sacred”

Lukas, Tobias and me still have a bit of drinks, meanwhile Sabine, Ivy and Franzi are ready to move on for Open Air Cinema. Lukas gave Ivy his “Towel” (read: jacket) to spot the chairs for Open Air Cinema. Once we are done, we walked to Place Guillaume II, “you guys continue, I forgot my bag” ahhh Tobias… we didn’t realized he walked without his bag #face palm Lukas said “I need to take care of my bag because many people (myself including) said I have a nice bag”

I was the one who made itinerary for the trip so I know we are passing the Corniche aka the “most beautiful balcony of Europe” When I told the guys their response was “OK, checked” me on the other hand getting a selfie “Have you see yourselves on the camera?” Lukas answered “I am right there!” We arrived at the Open Air Cinema, the movie is Singing in The Rain with French and German Subtitle. The German Towel doesn’t serve the purpose of 7 seats, we have to scatter around. I was sitting with Lukas, Feli with Tobias, Sabine with Franzi, Ivy prefer to stand.

Once the movie is finished, Franzi and Ivy already gone but we got additional member which is Tobias’ housemate, Pedro. We kept strolling around until we reached one pub only to use the toilet haha noooo we stay just a bit due to our AirBnB is quiet far, we need to catch the last bus. On the dance floor we received a good news that Lukas was accepted into a University in Mannheim, whoaaaa! Congratulations!!!!

The level of Dopamine from that whole day was very indescribable, one of the night you don’t want to end, not in my wildest dream I would expect any of it. It is like finding a hidden gems or Swarovski in the most unexpected place like a non-existing rose garden.

Hey! I’m serious, Franzi found it and she gave it to me 🙂

Made in Germany, found by a German!

I will remember all of you, Ivy who study her PhD, Franzi who work in EU Parliament, Sabine who always manage to get into private swimming pool at any Hotel in Mauritius, Tobias who studies Data Science if only I can turn back time, I’ll tell myself to study that too, Lukas whose backpack was stolen 🙁

Sorry to deliver a sad news… I know the next day that Lukas’ great backpack has been stolen. I was very shocked when I heard it, damn! how about bank card + Personalausweis + keys etc. When we met the guys, I even more shocked because he can turn the negative into something humorous, that is the skill not everyone have. Lukas himself turn it into a joke that leads to running gag for the whole day, such as “they dropped my AirPods and I have the box back home, so now it’s complete; well, now I can’t pay anything; I need to chill, good thing is I can’t get lower than this, they took everything from me; I wear the same clothes because they took all my belongings”. Ah yes forget to mentioned Lukas literally just arrived Luxembourg when I met him so his backpack is all his stuff for the weekend. Anyway, my personal opinion, with this kind of mentality, he will be able to go very far in life.

Moral of Lukas’ incident, follow the quote from How I Met Your Mother, “when it’s 2 A.M., just go to sleep. Because nothing good happens after 2 A.M” I told him I believe in Karma, something stolen from you, it will be stolen from the thief in another way too, for example something bad happen to their family that would cause damage more than your iPad etc. He said my words are too dark he didn’t intend any bad things to the Täter, oh yes bitch I am Indonesian, we have Voodoo Master hahaha don’t mess up with my things or else……#devil’s laugh

Back to the good side of me, you guys have made my weekend unforgettable. I owe you a big thank you, I wish you all success in life. See you when I see you #you’ll never know 😉

Swarovski in a Non-existing Rose Garden – Part 1

We started with Twentytour / walking tour guided by Maria from Russia, my initial thought was that she is a local Luxembourgish as…she speaks the language hahaha such a standard to define if someone a local or not. She mentioned, it is very normal for people to be Polyglot, your language ability will not be treated as skills but rather as a part of life.

We gathered at the Jan Pallach Square in front of Monument Dicks and Lentz who supposed to have a red lion as symbol of Lux’s flag. FYI, you saw the correct lion, it is not red. Moving on to Place Guillaume II where they have market until 17:00 in front of a building called Hotel de Ville, it’s not a hotel nor a Villa, it’s a Town Hall. We walked passed Place de Clairefontaine and Grand Duchess Charlotte Memorial.

She explains how Luxembourg become very rich due to steel and agriculture. When we arrived at Grand ducal Palace + Chamber of Deputies, she informed that the Prime Minister- Mr. Xavier Bettel is a complete regular guy, you can find him on the street, the bar etc too bad, he is on holiday. How do I know? because there is no flag hanged in front of the palace.

There is some interesting pole in front of it, on top of there is a face, everywhere you move the face is following into your direction. It has a symbolic meaning as the people who works on the palace is being watched by the Luxembourgish people.

Next is we visited Saint Michael’s Church who is the oldest shrine in the city. Right outside, adjacent to it we arrived to the most picturesque of Luxembourg, Bock Promontory = the cradle of the city of Luxembourg.

There we met our new friend from Brazil who lives in Ireland, Brunna. I like her mentality, she asked if I can take picture of her as a proof that she was there. Girl, we are the same! Picture or else it didn’t happen 😉

We walked in circular movement for about 5 Minutes tadammmm we reached The Grund.

We closed our tour by visiting Cathedral Notre-Dame de Luxembourg + Place de la Constitution, saw from distance Spuerkeess and….Adolphe Bridge, p.s not gonna lie I was shocked to hear the name of the bridge.

I felt myself not really myself, I need to eat before I turn into Hulk. What is the best options in this situation? Italian! its very hard to make it wrong. Brunna agrees too, ha! same mentality proof! #high five.

Right after I feel satisfied, we three went to the Pfaffenthal elevator, re-do what we did with Maria only with more time haha we also visited Fondation Pescatore. Brunna wants to crossed the bridge. Which bridge? the only bridge that matters, the red one. It has a name no? Yes it is, it’s Pont Grande Duchesse-Charlotte. Feli said we might only come until the middle as we have Bock Casemates at 16:45. However as what Maria said, it looks far but it ain’t. We finished crossing the bridge plus come back to the city using Bus.

Brunna didn’t join for the Casemates tour so we separated there. On the entrance we met with two other girls from the walking tour, she bought the ticket for tomorrow visit while we already have it.

Here it is the one that I have been waiting for, Bock Casemates! What is that exactly? Its a Unesco world heritage fortifications and old town Gibraltar of the North – that’s how its written on the flyer hahaha in a normal language, it used to be a fortress for underground military defense system. The view always faced the same, nevertheless it didn’t reduce the beauty. We saw the same thing on a different level.

Here is the video of the views from different angles:

We walked back to the city center, enjoying the last chance of shopping until…. who do we met randomly? Brunna!!! She somehow had a feeling she will meet us again 🙂 We have to separated for the second time as she went to a supermarket then fetch her stuff to catch her flight back to Ireland.

We seal our good thoughts deals of meeting each other again in the future which are more likely to happen, thanks to so many reasons: we live in EU, she has a German boyfriend, she knows if she’s in Köln she has to text us or we do it the other way…. we visit you in Ireland. Whatever or however it will be, we will see you again Brunna 🙂

…..story continues….

Daddy-Daughter’s Moment Gone Wrong

We arrived at Labuan Bajo! On a sunny 29th Sept 2019, checked in to a cute hotel called La Cecile, the hotel was only 5 mins away from the airport.

The hotel rooms are downstairs so our room were 205 and 206 and it means 2 floor below the ground and obviously no elevator.

We were just chilled by the pool and I decided to jump on the pool, Marina was reading her kindle and soon after Thorben joined on the pool. He was doing the dive and I dont know how to do that, I know how to swim but not doing that or salto in the water so he was teaching me how to do that.

I got up and do the dive many times but somehow the way I dive still wrong and the water either hitting my face, my chest or my belly and those hurts besides I dont have energy to keep climbing and do the dive again.

This is after some times trying to dive in…and still cannot do that…

For some reason we decided to take a baby steps learn by doing the dive in the shallow end #yeap the gone wrong moments started!

We practiced by keep my leg straight while I did the dive, the first and second dive I think it was better than before, Thorben hold my legs and I just dived in…but on the third try, I think this is the moment where I suddenly able to do that still with the help of Thorben but sth special happened this time and that’s…. I hit the ground! #panic!

I could feel that my head near my left eye hurts but wasnt exactly sure where… I turn around and said “Thorben I think I hit the ground” he looked at me and agreed “yes you did” he pulled me directly from the pool and we got out.

Marina was taking all of our stuff from the pool and cover us with the hotel’s towel, I was of course bleeding but Thorben said its not that much but stitches needed. The hotel staff was so nervous and they said we can call the doctor to come here but Thorben said “no, we need to go to the hospital, she need stitches”

I was either cool or scared because every time I heard stitches its bring back the memory of me hit the wall when I was 4yo and the blood was crazy so I kept asking him if theres a lot of blood or not. I dont know if its a concussion or panic or anything else apart from my childhood memories I was worried if I will have a brain damage, if I will lose my memories, if I will have a scar, if my forehead skin will got distorted etc but Thorben answered no to all of them and he recommended stitches so that I wont have scar. Hopefully there will be no scar!

Marina said it was really above my eyebrow so even if I have the scar it would be barely visible and then I was worried if my left and right eyebrows will be different but she said no my eyebrows will still be the same. The next day we will see Komodo and if I’m bleeding the Komodo will eat me so Marina said the stitches will close my wound and I’m not bleeding anymore so the Komodo won’t eat me. Okay then, more reason of why I should go on stitches.

The hotel driver directly took us to Siloam hospital, all 3 of us were on swim suits only Marina is dry, I forgot when Thorben wear his shirt because he kept covering my eyes and I can only see with my right eyes so I dont really have a clear view what I know is we arrived at Siloam hospital and I asked Marina to put pants and flip flops on me so I can arrive hospital with dignity.

It was Sunday afternoon, we were not even 4hours arrived Labuan Bajo and this small accident happened #facepalm!
Lucky me that the doctor was there and I directly went to emergency room and Dr. Koko stitched me 🙂

Thorben checked in to the hospital as my father, he said that “we need to let the doctor know that her heart rate is very normal” I asked Marina how much is it? And she said “yeah 130 pretty normal for you” When the doctor was doing their preparation he asked Thorben to leave the room. I was with Marina when Dr. Koko gave me the anesthesia and when he stitched me.

I was still on my bikini and hotel’s towel, by the time I was done with the stitches, Marina helped me to wear my clothes and she said “it’s good that my shirt is a button-up shirt” as if that I prepared for the “surgery” 😉

What worst is at the beginning I don’t want to tell my parents but I swiped my credit card which will send SMS to my mom, they said at the end of the day I need to let them know so Thorben asked me to smile on the selfie and send it to my mom.

He said “ok, now smile”

Then we were back to the hotel with my big bandage and I feel like a celebrity where everyone starred at me 🙂 Im fine, I survived! I took shower and Marina stayed in my room just in case sth happen and we figured it out of how can I take picture without being so obvious about my bandage? and we found it out, the photo has to be silhouette, from behind and from some specific angle and she instructed Thorben of how to do that haha, of course my big hat be a very important property 😉

I went to hospital again to check before we flew to Bajawa and the wound was not closed but there is no blood.

Hopefully I can take the stitches out before I fly back to Shanghai! Lesson learned! and now I am banned from the swimming pool #phew!

Byeeeeee pool!