On my second day in Munich, I was the only one who still on holiday, don’t want to disturb the Home Officinas, I went back to die Wiesn. Gio gave me some tips such as Teufelsrad + Tobogan + Käfer Zelt where all Promis located, Kaiserschmann for sweets, Old Wiesn~ have to pay 4 Euro entrance ticket. This time when I re-enter die Wiesn, I really take it all in, looking at all the stands, row by row.
Had to had some snacks wie Bretzel, Mais, hot chocolate because it was still considered early, the attractions hasn’t really started yet. I made some note in mind about where is what, what’s here that are not on Kirmes, what would I do. I was always outside, which means later on it’s (read: I) kind of getting cold.
I went to watch Floh Circus with zero expectation what is all about, didn’t even know what Floh means. The guy explained in German yet it was Bayern German, have 0 understanding whatsoever, all other people seems to got it. What I know is the Flea are somehow tight into a “cable” thingy, their movement combined with other tiny stuffs result into some “performance” named it kicking a ball or other things like what people on Circus do. Thank you for the ticket lady who gave me Student price haha you made my day <3
Being inside the circus for 10 minutes inspires me to go to another insiders, proceed to the Teufeulsrad! spent almost an hour there chilling, watching how the same kids keep holding his position as last man sitting! The MC divide the participants by saying, now is the age from 1-8, 9-14, 14-17, all the seniors or so. Some kids really good at it, when the round need to change but the last kid still there, come the Lasso! I would like to join however when they said “Erwachsene ab 18” all the guys as big as rugby player just jump in, I was like whatttt???? they said “we need some ladies” no way in hell I’m gonna compete against those guys, #Intimidated 🙁
Usually the Reihenfolge always from younger to oldest, not-usually, it will depends on the MC’s mood. He had special round for paramedics, then special guest from Australia. Ich so hääää, am I hearing it correctly? Australia is….far….? it knocked my concentration out. Doch the MC said it again! “Here is our special guest, we are doing live show from Münich for Australia, hope the Übertragung works, we need lady with Dirndl”. That’s me!!!! my bad I wasn’t ready at all, was busy drinking water from Claudias foldable Wasserflasche, wasn’t fast enough to drop everything then join them. One of the German lady was so excited she managed to snapped some pictures, make an eye contact with her colleague to record a video with him. I thought these two Ozies guy must be something, lets have a selfie with the Promi, this is my Ziel anyway! Nervous, started slowly, getting closer to them, whatever! tapped one of them, got it! Wohooo Proudly send it to Sissy only to get a “Huh?” comment.
Second special guest, which are Youtuber, meh he looks like a normal German. Literally how my colleague looks like, selfie’s not needed. I already forget their Youtube name, Zauber? Zabeer? something with Z. He did spelled it to me, in a hurry…. porque?
After my encounter with the Promis or so I thought haha they inspires me to keep my eyes open for another Promis just like the first week of Oktoberfest where my Instagram were full of Bayern Fußballspieler wearing Lederhose, posting picture with one mas Beer, hoping I will see one of them.
Mission hopping around from Tent to Tent, searching some subtle signs, looking for someone who being interviewed or followed by cameras. Result: don’t see any Promis 🙁 Those two were the one I kind of managed #Right place at the right time. Approaching 16:30 I wasn’t allowed to get into the Tent anymore as they are only for RSVP.
As the final act I wanted to try the Tobogan escalator, obviously holding the guy’s hand. I mean… if I fell down hahaha there are thousands of people watching at the bottom. Them, myself included laughed at some people who fell down, as a believer of Karma, they would do the same to me. Therefore I decided to get his help from the beginning.
Not only it was very fast also the surface wasn’t really smooth, consist of connecting Holz, not one long Holz, in between you will fell the separation that’s the moment where some people lose their balance.
Closing the day in the Wiesn with seeing the view from Tobogan “Tower” is top hey, tomatoes tomatoes with sunset on the beach hahaha. I will for sure come back with the same program: one day with table RSVP, second day without! Had to be honest, you are tempted to spend your money here, every Mitbringsel are eye catching. I was looking at Oktoberfest shirt cost 30 Euro, I came to my sense, meh! my Dirndl cost 200 Euro, this is the real Oktoberfest outfit! #Willpower vs Running out of money already, depends on which sides of coins you are looking at 😉
Since I only had snacks at the Wiesn, stomach is calling for real food! We three had dinner in an Arabic? Lebanese? oh my, now I sounds racist. Regardless, it was a very good one, all people that were eating there were considered authentic, we got no tourist from the Wiesn 🙂 have many meat dinner!
Oh, don’t forget to mention how me & Claudia somehow matchy matchyyyy like sister from another mother, Gio needs to be out from the picture hihihi
On my third day~ the so called departure day back to Dortmund, I met QQ #unbedingt, I always informed him if I go to South part of Germany and Krisma a.k.a my neighbor in Karawang when we were toddler, we never met again up until now!
I craved for Asian Noodle, Gio said Max Beef Noodle is the place to be, that’s where we go #nomnom. Afterwards QQ went to Wiesn whereas we continued with having Kaiserschmann 🙂
Thank you my friends, Claudia & Giovanni for sowohl hosting als auch dinner invitation, QQ & Krisma for having the time to meet me. We will see us again, I still have to make my half accomplished mission to full accomplished 😉 until then….auf Wiedersehen Wiesn! You’d been spectacular #wowed