
As we all are well equipped with Smartphones, we are familiar that our phone create memories using Photos available in your Gallery. It is a pleasant felling to know your friend’s phone made a collection of your own photos.

From Julia, it was a mix between work & pleasure located in Shanghai and Germany. Preserving memories from our Saturday’s habit at our no longer existed place-Zapatas 🙁 The controversial M1NT Club with its shark tank entrance to which I remember Thorben was so against it.

Apropos Thorben, second video was from his phone, displayed mostly pleasure, in form of delicacies #Yum! nom nom… or parties 😉 located in Shanghai and my hometown.

It’s enjoyable to be reminded of the past times; what did you do, ate, happened to you, your whereabouts.

Tausend Dank for still having my pictures in your phone!

How I Met Thomas’ Wife

On the 5th of July, one of our pioneer member of Food Nerds had his Civil Marriage in Bozen. They are legally married <3.

Alas couldn’t be there on their Standesamtliche Trauung, sure I’ll be on their Hochzeitsfeier at full length 🙂

They planned it so well for us all, shuttle bus pick us up from Castel Latemar, we had some time to get our first drink until Manuel and Rickard aka Thomas’ bestmen ~ not a typo, meant exactly for bestmen, as in men, not man, got it 😉 ~ guided us to sit on the benches.

Music starts, Thomas came out walking side by side with his mother, damn! it built up some feelings in me ~ not yet cry. Seeing Thomas stand at the sogennante ‘podium’ waiting for Janine who later walked with her father. Jackpot, this is the moment where I shed some tears, I’m sure Cecile and Sara too #The scene was just too beautiful.

The dual language bestmen explains who was involved in making stars aligned for them. Vows exchanged, put on wedding rings, opened up the champagne with knife! ain’t it cool? The both nailed it!

It was a very memorable moment when both of them looked at us from their ‘podium’. Come here, we are ready to give you hugs! We really did our job by blowing the bubble soap. Claudia, Sara and I was very total on it, we blew it as if our lives depends on it.

Before they went to have their own photo session, we gotta have ours, the Shanghai group. While they’re gone, we got many many Appetizers, lecckerrr!! At some point, me, Claudia and Nino decided to stay inside, it was warm + we could sit + quiet until…..

…..the Xelom guy arrived in style. I was like häää? what’s the sudden noise? what’s happening? oh we need to get out? we saw this giant machine ~ I think it’s called Tractor / Schlepper / Bulldog have no idea what’s the official name is. As a matter of fact, I don’t know how did it got there? We drove passed it with shuttle bus yet didn’t see those machine parked.

Engineers life, one wrong button caused whole gas coming up! just like what the Xelom guy said “this is how it feels like to work with Thomas every day” I said to Nino who is currently heavily pregnant “wear your mask”

Thomas’ colleagues prepare some games. First is Janine need to drive the machine, seems doable eh? no no no there are some tricks, they changed the program, I think left to right and front to back. She managed it! took the present out: its a Bobby car. Second game is Thomas’ turn to drive it, they played a Folk South Tyrolean song from the mountain haha #that’s what Philip said. Janine gave instructions how Thomas should drive, in the middle he need to sing a song whose lyrics was only “Auto fahren Auto fahren Auto fahren” for the whole 3 minute-ish, continued with parked the Bobby car.

Since I’ve never been to any of it, I use the chance to get in into this machine. At the same time, Sara and Fiona was on the back of the truck jumping, dancing, screaming whatever things they’ve done in Shanghai, they did it there. Of course its provokes other people too such as Cecile, Chris, Armin. Out of nowhere Rickard brought me there. Fiona said “the Xelom guy seems not very happy about it” Dude, we are doing a drop / endurance / jumping test on this machine, they better be grateful 🙂 Then one of the Xelom’s daughter also join us yeayyy!!! #We are TNT, Dynamite.

Getting in for Abendessen, there was no seat arrangement, me, Diego and Claudia need to count many times if the seats are enough for us or not haha. Appetizer, main course was very good! On the other side from my table is a group of football fans, I felt FOMO need to come over to see Switzerland vs England.

Followed by dessert and pinata. The Pinata was kind of a revelation how scary when two sporty people comes together. They didn’t hit it, in another word they missed… nevertheless, their swing was so strong! Everyone need to abstand halten, if they hit you with the bat you are having Feierabend.

Their first dance was so perfect! Have no idea how long they trained for. Janine was “be careful, we need this space” They really do need that space, spin around, backflip, what the hell just happening yo? Suddenly jingle “All the single ladies, all the single ladies” we lined up but none of Food Nerds get it. Claudia said to Sara “You didn’t even try to catch it” It’s OK Sara didn’t get the flower because Diego got the Garter #Same same but different 🙂

Remember I’ve told you about some people on the other side of the table was a football fans? She’s still going on, on the dance floor we knew Netherlands went to the next round! Janine moms change our Limbo game into tug of war #Impromptu games. The “Hey DJ, we want Avicii song” banner being showed, I’m sure this is 100% Rickard as a Swedish himself. What’s more? dancing after dancing after dancing!

At some point during the party, the hat occasion which worthy of story by itself. But for now, we can introduce it to the crowd 🙂

Obviously the Food Nerds took the last shuttle at 01:30 #Right on schedule. As I said we’ve been there at full length.

Thank you for letting me to be a part of your wedding. It was really herrlich you gathered up the Food Nerds Gang again! I miss you all so much! We should do this more often XOXO

I am very proud of my friends; Christian is a loving father to her daughter Juli who won’t put pressure on her. Ooops, wait let me correct my sentence directly, he put 北大 shirt on Juli when we met at the Bus Station from Bozen to Karersee, he did said “no pressure” hmmm…. right, that is exactly how no pressure looks like 😉

Sara & Diego is buying a house on the beach! They said the water from the beach is literally there, I gotta visit them yo, next vacation destination confirmed! #Take my money!

Fiona with business of homemade butter, chenpi lemon balm and jujube ginger balm. You gotta make more products for some people aka me who don’t eat bread hahaha I’m very excited to try two of your products!

Claudia & Giovanni, the power couple who constantly become the heart of every party. Always involving people, knows how to have fun, never missed a chance to party such as inviting us to come to their home for Oktoberfest where perhaps we will all sleeping together on the floor #I’m on! Claudia in any circumstances is very beautiful like a Princess but be careful she is very crazy at the party, we know her…. for a long time 😉

Last but not least, to the man of the night, Thomas my friend. I am very grateful we met back in 2016, watched F1 either live or in Cages Sports Bar, our eating rituals at Bar Centrale, explaining pros & con of studying MBA, introducing me to Food Nerds gangs with whom I’m still friends until now, you are a part of my Shanghai life that made it more colorful than it would be, I have you to thank for. I am very happy you met your other half, big congrats once again on your wedding, wishing you a lifetime love and happiness 白头到老!

It was a legend….. wait for it….. dary, legendary!

And that, kids, is how I met Thomas’ wife 😀

Photos + videos was taken from all of us on the group, I can’t really remember other than Armin and Claudia’s. Visibly the high quality professional pictures are from Gabriel Eisath / @gabriel.eisath /

Heart icons created by Kiranshastry – Flaticon


I got the opportunity to meet both planned + unplanned friends during my stay in Bali! Before I continue, needed to say: just because it’s planned, doesn’t mean it was lacking element of happiness.

Schieva. Obviously this is not her real name 😀 rather her character in one of computer game. I know her since we were still studying in Parahyangan University ~ in another word 13 years has passed by!

She picked me up at the airport, went for a Cafe near Sanur which brings back my teenage memory of reading Detective Conan, Ninja Hatori, Nakayoshi, hmmm where is Doraemon!!!

Back when I’m still on planning modus in Germany, told her I wanted to go to a Viral Doughnut Cart called “Lucky Donat”. Why it’s viral? the Mba is such a lovely lady, she met Isaiah Garza who pretended not to have any money, gave him 3 doughnuts for free. In return Isaiah came back, gave her house, open a Doughnut shop located in Tabanan. Why do I know where it is? Because Schieva turn into Detective, did her research, was so proud of it. I need to be there to take pictures with the viral lady, of course buy her doughnuts too.

She is my Alpha and Omega, welcomer and goodbyer haha if that’s even a word. Before I flew back to Germany, she came bringing Pempek! ~ craved out of nowhere, need to have it ASAP! she was my rescue! Two times, one for my stomach second for my bag! I need a carry on bag, mine wasn’t enough, Tokopedia it is, however I didn’t have an account, she searched for seller in Bali then send it to her. She also give me scarf plus notebook, so colorful, so me, love it 🙂 Thank you so much Sher! yep, that’s part of her real name haha I wish you success in you along with Oyke’s Bali Shisha Service business (IG: balishishaservice)

Rivi. She was involved in one of the “Aib” from my sister and me! We tend to cover it, nevertheless can’t runaway from it, we three formed a band when I was on my 5th grade whereas they were on their 6th grade haha She is the best friend of Sissy ~ in another word 22 years has passed by! She knows everyone including what is happening to my long time 阿姨 Mugi where she got hypnotized, sadly lost all her money during her mudik time or that her husband suddenly passed away however now she remarries haha. Her husband was amazed by all the updates.

I am Schnorren Nummer 1, stayed in their Villa for 1 night. Hey in that way I could meet her! not her children though 🙁 They were waiting for me to come home after my Uluwatu trip with Irina. I brought one of the key from the villa, it didn’t work as my sister put her key on the door, luckily I heard their voice, called Sissy! open the door, I’m outside.

Made. He was the element of surprise, he knew my coming to Bali but we didn’t fix the appointment. Made is also my Uni friends in Parahyangan ~ in another word 13 years has passed by! The timing was perfect, I was in Ubud when he was in Bali just for 1 business trip before he’s back to Bandung.

Oh Remember what Detektive Schieva done? Made is the executor of finding the Lucky Donat. After hearing the opening time is quiet weird, followed by a coincidence that Made was on the area, I asked him to check only to find out her place already became a Sushi shop 🙁 I don’t know what is happening with her nor her shop. Wrote a comment, tagged Isaiah Garza, hope he can check it someday.

Anyway, what I found out about Made is…. he is a fake Balinese haha he only got Balinese name yet was born in Bandung #Funny!

燕巧 Yian Chiow. The word of right place at the right time is happening to her! She posted her picture in Wechat diving + hiking in Kintamani area. What? what? what!!! As far as I know, she couldn’t swim….. fact checked: she still can’t swim yet do diving! Bravo!

On her last day in Bali, she stays at Kuta area, let’s go to Hard Rock Cafe. We talked about who is moving to KL, still in Shanghai, who is already became a mother ~ almost all, she still remember my 弟弟们, talk about our best teacher for 留学生 ever 何老师 without him we will not have hot water haha.

We met in 东华大学上海延安西路1882号 still remember the address by heart! She was the one who asked me to join Resident Advisor, encouraging me to not be afraid for blood test for applying for my Scholarship, still remember her phrase 你怕抽血还是怕拿不到奖学金呢? Without her, my stays in the dormitory would be a living hell. She was one of the person who bend over backwards to help someone. The word considerate, patient and kind are not enough to describe her. The only person who gave me flower on my master graduation, that was the last time we met in person ~ in another word 7 years has passed by!

Thank you for squeezeing your time to meet me! I really appreciate you all crossing my path. Wish you all happy, healthy, luck, money! #I’m Asian haha until we 再见 us again!

Keyboard: Piano icons created by Smashicons – Flaticon

Bingo No Bingo-Part 2

Bingo bingo bingo! this time I also succeed to make bingo! Yeay! However, while I’m looking back on the pictures for this bingo I kept rolling my eyes “why oh why Marlyn you need to wear that clothes?” but you have to consider that it was taken few years back and I’m sure at that time I thought it was the best clothes ever 😉

This bingo came from Susan: travel!

UK! oh no this is the moment where I rolled my eyes the most but again be in mind I went there when I was 16! Not even a legal age to do anything! haha 😉 and I went there for a homestay program from EF for 2 weeks with the hope that I can speak English after that and guess what? I didn’t speak any! haha I still remember at that time the currency between IDR and Pound-sterling was crazy 😮 (year 2007) and the fee was still crystal clear in my mind: 5000 Pounds! I went abroad before to Singapore but it was by boat 1.5 hours away so I didn’t really feel that I was in another country haha that’s why UK will always be my first country and perhaps that also the reason that it hold a special place in my corazon 🙂

That girl yes obviously that UK girl was the most beautiful girl I’ve ever known, very fashionable and very bubbly that unfortunately taken way too soon, she died on the age 19 (at that pic she was only 12) due to getting hit by a car when she was about to go to her part time job in a supermarket 🙁 Rest in Peace Katy Pancott, I will forever remember you!

The very first time I visit France and Netherlands was together with my UK trip. I was very mesmerized by the Eiffel Tower (and still am), I don’t really understand Netherlands at that time I only knew it smells bad but fast forward 10 years later when we went there again in year 2019 (read: when I grown up) I knew what kind of smell that was 😉

Korea was my premier trip with my sister, I think this time when she more or less graduated from Unpar so we were still very young, beginning of 20s haha

New Zealand was the first country where I rode a helicopter and I saw ice! not snow! but ice on the mountain, the snow is already on the road so I didn’t see it fall down from the sky but the snow was thick enough and super super enough to make a South East Asian girl very happy 😉 also the first country that I ever wear the wintery outfits and felt so cool to finally able to wear a leather jacket haha We went there because my sister graduated from ANU and we had a trip to NZ.

USA! I was only tag along actually it was my father that has a program from a bank where he worked to study in US for 2 weeks and I was still a student in Indonesia and on a semester break so yeap I joined the trip 🙂 actually he was supposed to go last year but he went to hospital instead so lucky me he postponed it to the following year haha the jetlag was surreal so while my father went to class, I was still sleeping at the hotel until afternoon 😉

Singapore, many many times! The first ever Universal Studio opened it was soooo hit in Indonesia and the Marina Bay Sands hotel! it’s a must to have a picture there 😉

Cambodia, a beautiful Angkor Wat!

Taiwan, the country that distance wise is very close with China but without a USA visa, I can’t go there as I need to go back home and apply it in Indonesia but lucky me I had that USA visa! so I can go there! and I really like Taiwan! although I didn’t read their characters because its written in an old traditional way but Taiwanese people are so nice and helpful!

Vietnam yaiss! I went there with my 2 little brothers from Donghua University. They are my friends for my whole student year! and I love them both! I called them 弟弟们 because at first I don’t speak Chinese that good and their Chinese name is so hard to pronounce let alone their Vietnamese name so I called them 大弟弟 and 小弟弟 which later on changed to just 弟弟. Thank you so much for picking me up at the airport, be my tour guide and let me stay at your place. Psst, one of them the 弟弟 already become a father! and his son is exactly looks like him! haha

Next is Thailand, I went there with my classmates from Donghua-Nan and Pisen, thanks for Nan family that drive me around and treat me like their own child. Also Pisen that kept quiet while we were all sleeping and you get lost when we want to visit Chocolate Village haha and then on some trips to I met a France born Vietnamese family and it was so funny because we all wearing the same kind of shirts! the elephants while riding the real elephants! and the local guide thought that I was one of their children as well haha well at least I got 3 brothers and 1 sister from that trip 😉 and I met with one of the brother again- Vinh at Paris few years later! and a memory that me and Vinh won’t forget was he got his first tattoo in Thailand and I was there to witness it together with his other brother Khang and Khoa they should made one also but they backed out haha!

Japan! Went there with my sister, my mom supposed to go also but she accompanied my father for doing unplanned surgery in Singapore on 10th Nov 2016! I still remember the day perfectly! We went without enough money so we kept withdrawing from ATM but the food etc was and is so expensive! and in the end because we all on a very tight budget we ate Ichiran ramen 5 days in a row not only because that was the cheapest and worth kind of a meal (I think 1100 JPY sth like that) but it was so good! and we like the concept of on a hmmm what is it’s called? small own table? the one that no need to interact with people around haha

We met with our cousin- Adhi that was studying in Japan and me and my sister bought Kansai pass that is basically a transportation card that valid for 3 days (thank God it’s not consecutively) and we want to use it to the fullest so we kept using it and go to a very far place in the end I was dead tired 😮

Then my motherland, Indonesia!

China, my second home! thank you for hosting me for 7 years there! and thank you for having literally everything! the most impressive one was Harbin! thank you for giving me a feeling what -17 degree Celsius feels like! I have no idea how many body warmer sticker that I used and when I want to go out I need to wear 4 layers and inside the restaurant it was +20 degree and I was sweating hot this feeling is very uncomfortable.

Australia, oy oy oy! the home of koala? kangaroo? no it’s the home of my sister 🙂 I like that there are so many Indonesian in Aussie haha and Indonesian restaurants! wohoo the best!

Malaysia!!! my neighbor country that I got the chance to visit on year 2018 with the best crew ever! The crew that made my life in Shanghai more colorful than a rainbow <3 Big credits to Brendan that asked me to join this trip, he asked me on his bday party in Unico (this place doesn’t exist anymore) after midnight and after so many alcohol- his side, not mine 😉 so not sure if he’s aware what he’s asking but long story short I said yes! and heyyy the gang was awesome! I forever owe you a big thanks! haha

Germany and Italy! I went back to Europe after 10 years! It was for a business trip but I stole some weekend so I can visit my friends and have some sightseeing. I’m glad I can visit Benjamin and Beatrice again (also met in Shanghai after about 4 years apart)

Maldives the best resort ever! it will be so hard to beat this one. It is very expensive like very very! but it’s so worthy! Even though its a resort and mostly you always there but trust me you wont feel bored! They always have sth and buggy! so you don’t need to walk around that much just call the buggy and they will send you everywhere 😉

Well… well… these are all wonderful memories that we won’t be able to taste a glimpse of it in year 2020. Perhaps its the time to give Earth what it needs the most : REST! We need to bid a farewell to our dearest friend, Travel.

I really hope we can meet soon but if you need to take some time off, I understand. Please be assured that I still want to be with you. Big hugs and I miss you a lot!

Till we meet again XOXO

Bingo No Bingo

With the pandemic of Covid-19 spreading all around the world, I guess people on social media is trying to do something to kill the time. A couple of weeks ago there was a very trendy “this or that” or “bingo” thingy running on Instagram, well at least that what happened in Indonesia and one of my friends also tagged me on it but I have no idea how to edit it to mine pffff so I couldn’t participate on those trend things…

Anyway, there was about Shanghai and Bandung. For Bandung…. I’m so ashamed I didnt even reach bingo haha! where all of these places? it’s a new one or? I don’t think I knew any of it!! #facepalm

BUT!! for Shanghai its BINGO ALL THE WAY!! haha I’ve spent 7 years of my life there so bring it on, Susan!

Learn a Shanghai dialect?! what is learning? I even participating on a “competition” haha they chose me and Frederick Visti (I called him Fimu) as Donghua representatives. Honestly speaking, we both forget everything and think that this is the shame of our lives, we were under 3 months intense class but none of it stuck in our brain 🙁 The show was on a local TV but really none of us remember anything T.T

Yesss! I found the video! not the final one because the article has been deleted by the author don’t know why. This is probably the first and my last time I went on a Television and it really made me appreciates all the actors now I really do understand why it took them months or even years to make a movie! It took us legit more than 4 hours to make a 4 mins video.

I went to a lllooooottttt of weekend trip! it’s basically a water town! me and my friends all went to almost all water town around Shanghai, yes it all looks the same, but we were a poor broke students what can we do besides went on a bus 1.5 hours away from Shanghai haha we don’t have budget to travel by plane 🙂 but it’s always fun because at that time our Chinese is not so good so we always got lost #facepalm

Christmas market was a highlight for me! I’m from Indonesia and Christmas there was and is not a big holiday so it was my first time to come there! and it became a tradition to at least got a feeling of Christmas vibe and I fall in love with the cup mwahaha so every year I always come back and buy the cup 😉 and yes my nails should follow the theme as well. Together with the first snow that I ever witness fall down from the sky. Once I noticed it, I grab my jacket and ran outside haha what a memory 🙂

Study in the library all day? yes of course I was a dedicated student! this is me and my team! all laowai that doesn’t understand what is what so it took us all day to figure it out 😉

Pisen (Thailand), Betty (Italy), Linas (Lithuania) and Zolo (Mongolia)

Have a crush on international friend? DEFINITELY! No questions asked 😉 I love all my friends that I met here some I’m still in contact even some who are not… I’m glad that I met you all XOXO

Say farewell?? Ouch too much! T.T

Another Bingo for Shanghai from Kristopher #cool

Yuyuan Garden? Around CNY is the most beautiful one as they have a lot of lantern shows and yep it’s crowded 🙂

Xin Tian Di, duh?! this is only the place for us (broke ass students) only to come and take picture on the fountain and go back mwhaha the restaurants are too pain for my wallet back then… and still now haha 😉

Oriental Pear Tower, Mr& Mrs. Bund, The Bund of course! These are the MUST! After 4 years in SH I only went once to Mr&Mrs. Bund and it was for my graduation when my parents were there mwahaha 😉 For The Bund? bring it in! we were there on 31st Dec and it was sooooo many people we saw the last countdown and fireworks there 😉 and after that nope we don’t want to go there anymore, once is enough!

I think Muse on The Bund was the very first night club that I’ve ever been too. I was never go on a night club before and then it was after we had Christmas dinner so without plan and without proper clothes (me and Jennifer was wearing legit sweater jacket etc) and not a clothes to go out at all and yet we went to Muse on The Bund, feels a bit weird because every girls were wearing dress and minimum outfit while we were complete gear to fight for the weather haha

SH Movie Park and Thames Town this two far away place! yet still I was there mwahaha with my classmates 🙂 so fun! we didn’t even care how long the ride was and in fact we took metro or buses, what taxi? thats too expensive 😉

These (except picture with Syuke) was my memories during my 4 years being a student in Donghua University, crazy how time flies! and as I saw through the old pictures it made me laugh of how good the memories are and made me a bit emotional also as some of them I lose contact and I can’t find their number or wechat ID or even emails but I hope they remember the funny times that we had 🙂

Thank you Shanghai for the memories, I am forever grateful that I spent my 7 years time in this city. I promise you, once this pandemic is over, I will go to visit you all, Azerbajian, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, Iran etc etc etc and I will search for you.

Until then, stay healthy! keep safe and from the bottom of my heart, thank you for the times that you shared with me and I love you all #big big hug from me to you <3