
One of our department home office’s rule is someone presently need at the office always, it was quiet often to be me. During that period, I was responsible for a lighting project, which means I have to repeatedly communicate with one of the product manager named Sven. I’m glad it was him, back then I wasn’t able to speak much German ~ Of course he could feel our language barrier, therefore instead of explaining on the phone, he always come to me with printed version of everything. I am 100% sure any other PM wouldn’t bother to do what he did, nach dem Motto “nicht mein Problem”.

Definitely he has other projects with my colleague Andreas, sometimes he would like to speak to him but there was only me holding the fortress of our Flügel, asked “Wo ist Andreas?” to which I replied “Zu Hause”. This happened a lot until he comments:

  • Bist du alleine?
  • Du machst definitiv etwas falsch! deine Kollegen mag dich nicht 😉
  • Du bist wieder ganz alleine, ich muss jeden Tag zu dir gehen um zu gucken ob dir gut geht oder was passiert wenn du hinfällst? Niemand wird es wissen!

He kept his words! came to check on me, I can see from the corner of my eyes when someone is coming proceed to scream “Sven ist da! Sven ist da, da ist Sven!” “OK, gut zu wissen du bist immer noch da or du bist nicht verletzt”.

Before long, the lighting project is finished, alas: his visits stops. However, I have an obligation to let him know I am OK or just want to keep the tradition. So…. I come to him…. almost… every… day 😀 Little by little the “Sven ist da” became shorter to only “Sveeennnnnnnnnnnn!”

His desk is not facing the door, that’s why he always shocked whenever I appears. Running, out of the sudden behind him, “Sveeeeennnnnnn”. His colleague ~ Carla constantly say “lässt der arme Sven doch in ruhe” Gurl, what were you thinking? no way, he can’t escape it. Whenever he do Home Office, I call him just to shout “Sveeeeeennnn!”. My colleague PV said “Oh Got Marlyn, der arme Sven eh”

It slowly started became a habit to showed him anything I have which considered as ‘new’ for example my collection of hats, shoes or any other random things possible in order for me to be able to yell “Sveeeeeeeeennn” His comment was never be longer than “Gut” or “Hervorragend”

Besides showing him something, I also consult about random things from residence permit, passport validity, apartment keys. He is very international, he and his wife were once stayed in New Zealand, went to Asia many times for holiday etc. He knows a lot!

His colleagues ~ Carla and Tobi already got used to my “Sveeeeeennnn” Andreas proceed to call him Sveeennnn on the phone. I did it all the time, including in form of writing.

One day, I overheard Milena talked to CB something along the way Sven will leave Nordwest.

  • Was Milena? Hast du gerade etwas über Sven gesagt? Welcher Sven reden wir jetzt?
  • Unser Sven
  • Was? Sven? Sveeennnnnnn!
  • Monica joined the group, “Marlyn que?”
  • Sven und seine Familie werden nach Kanada auswandern.
  • Wer? Sveeeennnnnnnnnn?
  • Jap, genau, der Sveeennnnn!!

I talked to myself, “komme zu Sven” Monica followed me “ich auch” we both stormed out “Sveeeeeeeeeeennnnnn” his reaction was looked at his watch, “oh die Info ist schon bei euch angekommen”

The day when Sven will leave NW is getting closer. Asked Carla if we do something for him, she said no…. doch! Everyone in the room is doing / making / collecting gift for him except me haha I was there only for one last “Sveeeeeeennnn”

Makes matter worse, I wasn’t suppose to be there btw, see the original email hahaha this is the jungle rule when you’re not invited, you invited yourself! 😀 habe auch mit ihm gesprochen und er sagte “Ja, du darfst da sein”

On his last day in the office, I came to him like 3 times he stated “Ja, ja ich komme gleich” whenever he’s still not here I called him. PV reminds me “Marlyn, der kommt noch bestimmt” eventually he really came “Sveeeeennnnnn, Sveeeeeennnn, Sveeeeeennnnnnn” “ich mache eine Runde und komme ja nochmal, muss mich mit Marlyn nochmal verabschieden” On his final moment “Also, jetzt gehe ich” then we hug. When he walked out I kept screaming “Sveeennnnn, Sveeennnn, Sveennnnnn”

Tobi wonder “Marlyn, what should we do now? should I write in the job descriptions that the applicant should be called Sven?” Even so, Sveeeeeennnn ist nicht ersetzbar!

One thing I know, I will never come to Flügel 1 the same way again. All the very best to you, your wife, both of your children in Canada. Although Tobi reassure you are always welcome back… come on, you won’t 😉 Canada is something else #Stay stay stay.

This conclude one more reason to put Canada on my bucket list!

Mach’s gut Sveeeeeennnnnnn!

Tribute To The Beatles

You say, “Goodbye”, and I say, “Hello, hello, hello” (hello, goodbye, hello, goodbye) That’s just a bit of lyrics from “Hello Goodbye” by The Beatles and this is exactly how I feel right now, every story has two sides, one side is a “Hello” and the other is a “Goodbye”.

On 28th of August I landed Germany, I was so nervous but not afraid-nervous, I was hyper-nervous, too happy to be here. When I accepted their offer back in May, I only informed sooooo few people, as few as my sister, my parents, Markus, Thorben and Marina. Because I don’t want to be too excited as the situation with Corona was still very absurd, the German Embassy closed until further notice, Germany still closed their border for international flight but I don’t lose hope, I put one foot in front the other and keep going. And fast forward to 27th of August as my last day in mother land and going to Vaterland haha!

Once I landed at Duesseldorf Airport, I’ve done my corona test there for frei! yuhuuuu! in love with this country already 😉 after that “Hello” to my two helpers that put a significant contribution on my relocation journey to Germany!

Little did I knew, they even prepared me welcome gift… I would like to say box but it is not a box so a welcome gift paperbag-sounds more environmental friendly too 😉

Then they put me in a hotel to wait until my corona test result came out which should be beginning of next week, after that I told Thorben and he said “it’s time to announce the Disturbed Family!” haha yes Thorben thank you for keeping the secrets away from them for so long 🙂 Haissshhh this is the hardest moment, the “Goodbye” part, they are more than just friends, they’re my family and even better they all are distrubed and (such an) ass-ociates 😀

It took me some time to write them and even some time to look my phone back after I pressed that send button. Thank you for all the messages, such a heartwarming one and I knew I will never have the balls to say goodbye to all of you.

However, since my goodbye is through text, I don’t think it is a proper goodbye and mostly you guys are European anyway 😉 I’ll come to your home invited or uninvited mwhaha to have my “Hello” moment with your parents, Hello Sir / Ma’am, I’m a friend of your son / daughter 🙂

Germany, you are such a whole new world, a hundred thousand things to see and I can’t wait to reveal it one by one 🙂

My Game Changer

Two years ago, on October holiday I went to an underground repelling trip and I met a girl, her name is Lexi. While other people bring their friends or family, we both went to the trip by ourselves and we hit it up quickly. It is pretty common that people hit it up during some events or in this case during the trip but when we continue to keep our friendship after the trip was over, this always feel so special to me and this happen with me and Lexi 🙂

We met again in Shanghai, she introduced me to her boyfriend Yoann and we played tennis together with his friend named Alex. That time was the first time I ever tried tennis, Alex was the best among all of us… I guess… this game is very unprepared, I didnt have any sports clothes with me so she borrowed me her tennis sports shirt and sports bra which obviously none of them fit haha

We played in kind of rooftop of a gym or sth like that and after I threw away 3 tennis balls off the rooftop to the ground we call it quit for that day Haha hope it didnt hit anyone! And it was the last time I played tennis 🙂

We changed the game to the sports that I know better which is badminton! Yeah Im pretty good on that!

One day she invited me to a group chat called Hungover Games. I was very skeptical about this name, I asked her “is it a group for people to get drunk and do stupid shit? I mean… like how you get your smiley tattoo when you were drunk?” And she said “No, its a group for doing archery sports like Ive told you on the trip” and I remembered that she asked me if I like to play archery and I said that I can try, never play it before but yeah why not…then I joined this group 🙂

Fast forward the story, Lexi and Yoann moved to Wuxi for I think 1 year or so and I havent met them since… We did meet when they came to Shanghai but I never came to Wuxi, until the time for their farewell arrived 🙁

They are leaving in 3 weeks to Prague and I knew right away when I saw the poster that I need to be there! Yoann was really nice and caring, he knows that apart from them I didnt know anyone, mostly they are either French or people in Wuxi so he helped me to asked his friends so that I can take the same train with them #thanks Yoann! And those friends were Ossian aka Ocean and Octave 🎼

Three of us arrived Wuxi and went to the place called Mojar bar 么哈 #饿了么的么and 哈哈的哈 #wink to Ossian and Octave.
We arrived French late at 8:03 while the party starts at 8pm.

Baptiste was there already, I always see his name on archery list and I think I saw him before but this time was the first time I finally talked to him. Fun fact about Baptiste is he was the first one that know hungover games! He said to me “I brought Yoann, Yoann brought Lexi and Lexi brought you, so you can thank me!” Yais Baptiste! Merci beaucoup!

The party started with a speech of Yoann and at some point his voices changes as he get emotional and awwwww little that I knew it was first proposal that I witnessed!

Love is in the air <3

or… should I say Love is in the 么哈 😉

Okay Baptiste, dont be so upset that Yoann didnt mention your name on his speech but he did tell me that the day he met Lexi, you wrote that date on QC black board plus a sentence “Yoann met the love of his life” see he didnt really forget you! 😉

Then, the dinner finally started…after a lot of delays 😉
Me, Ossian and Octave had our own winking bro code against one Italian guy that has many “moms” everywhere #wink

We also need to write some words for Lexi and Yoann because their Wuxi friends prepare the photo frame but Ossian and Octave treat it as if they were writting an exam 😉

Our host is very very talented, they also became the waiter and gave us all the food because somehow 么哈kind of messed it up

At some point I need to leave first as it passed my bedtime 😉 and they gave me the key to their apartment and an instruction of how to get there, where Simba will be, how to open the door to the main entrance using a spoon that is on my right side, how to find my bedroom, how to find my sleeping shirts that is located on their wardrobe 😉

Lexi said that she prepared all new stuff, toothbrush, clean bed sheet, new towel and its really new she even still have the tag on it hahaha! Thanks Lexi!

She made breakfast for me too! Bacon and egg, banana smoothies and lasagna 😉

Btw, this farewell also a birthday celebration for Yoann as he turned 26th years old 🙂

Please note that the voice that you hear singing happy bday song, thats not my voice 🙂

Hear that voice? surprisingly it wasn’t me 😉

I personally want to thank to Lexi that introduce me what is Hungover Games and you need to know that you are my game changer in Shanghai, my life would be totally different if you didnt introduce me to them and I’ll forever thanks to you.

Last but not least, I am so grateful I went to that trip and met you. To Lexi and Yoann, I am happy for both of you and wish you all the best on your new life as husband and wife.
Lots of love from me <3

Love Life

We had Rich’s farewell archery on Tuesday 🙁

He booked the hungover games for us, usually we will have 7 people in one team but this time there was no team formed it was whoever wants to play will play, so the number of people wasn’t really 28, it was more than 28.

He will not called Rich if he didn’t bring any weird stuff with him, he brought a banana floating things and a bow and arrow that made out of plastic haha

Rich has special power on that game, whoever shoot him, he or Rodi shout “doesn’t count” so he can play on haha and even another one shoot him right after the first shoot, it’s still “doesn’t count” 😉 there was one game where he just ran to the safe zone first and grab the bow and arrow and while we all run to the safe zone, he was ready to fire us, that was scary moment! wogh!

It was a really fun and relaxing game even though at one game Aaron tackle me while I was on the safe zone and getting my bow and arrow hahaha I didn’t expect that! And Freddoy shot me right on my left ass that requires me to put analgesic cream the day after #facepalm followed by Aaron again that shot me on my right ass, so I was kind of balanced in a weird way pffff.

Rich has the very climax way to close the game which is we played 10 against 10! We don’t even have the bow and arrow for 20 people so some people will have the bow and others will catch the arrow. I don’t think we need referee for this last game as one simple question of “How?” hahaha how to decide who got shot, who caught the arrow and who come back to the field like who who who?! Rich also had his special power where he just moved from opponent team, crossing the safe zone and go to other side and joining our team haha. It was just chaos in the most fun way #I’ll allow it 😉 At the end of the game, I was trying to catch the arrow from Tim and he was trying to do it for me so that I was able to catch it and Rodi said “If she catch it, we all go in” but then his shot was too high and I missed it arrrgghhh! Rodi said “washing machine, you almost did it!” haha

We were playing until 9:45 ish, then he has a movie that he wanted to show us! So we gathered in the bar to watch it 🙂

The movie is a memory of Rich and his disturbed family 😉 and there was a clip that I found very funny, when Rodi was asked what does disturbed family means to him but he was drunk and still on his bed, he just replied “roaaaaaaa” I think that is the perfect answer anyone could ever asked for 😉 There was also a sad clip in that movie, throughout the end when Rich had sth to say and he recorded it in his apartment that is already empty, we were “awww” because we know exactly what was the furniture that were there before 🙁

Please be assured that you’ll be missed by us #obviously, perhaps also by Missy, your apartment security, neighbors… I mean they will get less pocket money because I don’t think the new tenant will hold party as much as you did 😉 #if you know what I mean haha

Thank you for the movie and for the last archery farewell with you!

Here’s the fun farewell day on the video:

Look at how many people that was not willing to let him go by kept sending him off to the taxi. Even the traffic light agree with us by giving us the longest red light ever. When he was trying to pull up the window we were “Nooooo!” We all just stood there, holding kleenex tissue and waving at him 😉

I can say that Rich is someone that really loves life and life loves him back. I do know that Shanghai loves him and I believe so will Paris <3

Thanks Rich! XX

The Something Bad Almost Happen

Tick… tock… tick… tock… it was time for our Nerdies friend- the prettiest woman I’ve ever know, Claudia and her husband Giovanni to move back to Germany 🙁

I remember I ran into Claudia like end of January in Jiaozhou Road infront of URBN hotel and she said she was looking for a venue for her farewell, I said to her that I thought it will be at her house? and she said it will be 70 people, we can’t have that much people on our house! and I was like “OK, they are really prepare! good Germans, full of calculation ahahaha :D” and then fast forward to yesterday, 1st of March, the announcement and the group chat was made and the number of the attendance keep going on and on and on, I mean who would want to miss your farewell? haha Not only that Claudia did some research about the location but she also prepared for the flyer and decorations!

The menu was very good, everything is very delicious we had a free flow finger food, the music was nice! and Claudia picked all the music, it took her 4 hours to do that hahaha and as always, Claudia looks very stunning!!! #drollingggg, she’s really lady with a class!

Regarding the food, Thomas was very aware, he saw the burger, I didn’t see it and when the burger arrived he gave me a code so that we directly went there 🙂 Sara, Fiona, Christian were… I guess, busy with talking to people while me, Diego and Thomas were busy of getting the food 😉 what a perfect combination! Then it’s time for a free flow cocktail, the Sidecar was amazing! dry martini was mehhhhhh not my fav hahahaha.

Claudia was ready to dance all day long, I mean with the high-heels and she can dance like this?! that’s respect!

In the meantime after we stopped eating and started to finally socialize with the other guest (read: Claudia’s colleague) hahahaha Thomas started to inhale the helium balloons and it triggered his friend named Joe to try it, but somehow he inhaled it tooooooo much and his face began to red and he was coughing, Christian said “Are you OK? I mean, it would be such a shame if in Claudia and Gio’s party there was one person dead” hahaha but he really really struggle, we were glad he was OK in the end hahaha!

Then, followed by another “almost” an accident where our friend, Diego lost his home key #facepalm! hahahaha but then he went back home and found out the key still attached to the door #fiuhhh at least you found it otherwise you and Sara cannot go home 😉 Besides them, Thomas is the master of getting himself locked out of his apartment, as once he got locked out wearing his house shoes, and then we would meet for dinner and he just went to Xintiandi (the fanciest area in Shanghai) wearing his house shoes and buy the new shoes there hahaha. Sorry Thomas but it was so funny! and you’re so Italian, you need to do it in style, I mean nobody will realize you were wearing house shoes 😀

Followed by Christian! He’s using a modern key which is a code but then after 6 months the battery was run out so he’s also got locked outside hahaha! Gosh it seems like a cycle! I don’t want to be the next one that lost of got locked outside of my apartment hahaha! But yeah everybody is safe in the end 🙂 it’s only something bad almost happen but not happened 😉

The party is keep going on and on, many pictures were taken on the photobooth, selfie etc. And the group picture was really a struggle! ahahaha

Claudia is really a Diva! look at her at her stunning dress and even she already had many overweight luggage, she said even if the luggage won’t be enough to bring her costume, SHE WILL WEAR IT! hahaha She will arrive Germany in style, and modest wasn’t in her dictionary 😉 Ask Christian! he also heard it!

Then….it was the time for a speech!!!

Claudia and Gio, you need to see that we all love you too, see the people that came, they are all in style and you can also see that they all agree that your party was the best! and it is really THE GREAT FAREWELL. Agree with what you said that this is not a goodbye, it will never be and we will see each other again sooner or later. You’re not the only one that sad to leave Shanghai but we also sad and please be assured that you will forever be miss by us <3

But until then, let’s just remember the instruction from this guy:

PS: Pictures were taken from everyone that shared it on the group 🙂