Double Personality

This is the moment! tonight is the night! the reason why I insist of having Innsbruck Card after all is due to the Innsbrucker Nordkettenbahnen / Top of Innsbruck. The cable car’s ride itself will cost us 47 Euro ~ or 40 Euro according to Ankita #Whatever. It is already included in our 72 hours = 79 Euro Innsbruck Card. Comprender?

Gave Joe some warning on this particular Thursday, we will do ‘overtime’ than yesterday since there are 2 Cable Cars we want to do. The Top of Innsbruck and the Evening Ride from Patscherkofelbahn.

Our AirBnB lady said there’s not needed to go to Patscherkofelbahn as Nordkettenbahn is already the best. Hell no to the o o o, we will go just because we can, on top of that we already paid for it, we are not going to your concert which located on the next city, read: are not included in the Innsbruck card #The math ain’t mathing.

We took the Ubahn at Hofburg, crossed the river, it will stop at Löwenhaus, #Stay on your seat. Almost drop Joe there to check before he got saved by the bell sounds of door closing. Passed through Alpine Zoo, final Cable Car Station: Hungerburgbahn. This is where you all got off.

Joe had his brief moment of enjoying the view while I got busy with my body lotion that spread around my bags to my power bank, his phone charger etc. I need help! he instruct to wipe it with tissues. On the contrary, I responded “noooo, we can still use it, moisture my skin!” He thought the body lotion was somehow ruin, it wasn’t, I didn’t close it properly. #Oh, there goes my sympathy! After the tissue solved the issue, we could walk around to see what Hungerburgbahn offer us. We enter the church, Joe pointed “why do we have Alien? her face is green?” feel a bit creeped out, let’s go to the next station.

I read the word “JETZT” with red, bold, capitalized. Enough to get my attention, it is time, now! whereas he read the info “STOP. Please take the next one”. Two “Germans” ~ not necessarily from Germany, might be from German speaking countries were also confused, he asked Joe about why the gate wasn’t open. Yeah, in the end, the non-German-speakers was the only one who could explain what’s going on 😉 We just need to wait, the sign will always be “JETZT” unless it wasn’t true.

Next station is Seegrubenbahn, we can see…. the same view with higher altitude haha. There are some playground, place to sit around, suspicious white parts ~ had to check if it is snow? be careful on the way there are many shits #Watch your steps. There is restaurants here, looks nice, we both agree no matter how good the view is, we will eat inside, if not the soup or whatever food we ordered will already be cold before entering our mouth!

Joe was distracted by a bunch of birds flew around us, he suspected it was because of me eating chocolate bar. Hey, the other Asian people next to us also eat something, except the birds ain’t coming to them! #I’m innocent

Running away from the flock of birds, we went to our last cable car to station Hafelekarbahn aka Top of Innsbruck! The sign say it themselves! While Joe soaking all the sun, I, on the other hand preserve my youth by reapplying my sunscreen. We saw the signs to go to Karspitze, Geo Trail, Klettersteig, Innsbruckblick or Karwendelblick. Let’s do 3 out of 5, then we satisfied. Walked to Karwandelblick + Innsbruckblick then Karspitze.

On the way to Karspitze we sat for a while, when down there was a fight against the birds, here on the top we have fight against the ‘smoke’ haha I meant clouds. There is no need to go up when the clouds are coming, we can see the skies passed us. Slowly but sure we went up. On the top, we saw a family eating chocolate, that’s a good idea! told Joe to look at the chocolate maybe they can feel our pressure #They didn’t. Joe ran away when he noticed this family would ask him for a picture, instead she asked me. Did it nicely, still getting no chocolate pffff now is their turn to take picture of us! Beautiful up here hey!

Some time ago, on site, Joe was “there is a balcony down there, do you want to go?” “Noooo”. Fast forward to when we were waiting for cable car to wrap this up, I watched the TV, tapped him “Joe, there is balcony on the TV, where is it? we didn’t see any or?” “Yes we did, I asked you, only for you to answer with ‘nooo’ ” ahhh ok! that question I remembered 😉

Now we are back on the ground! What do we doooo? Museum Tour! First is the Goldenes Dachl Museum. We were exactly on the roof, we can see people on the bottom or on the City Tower. Attempted to say hello, no one return his hello 🙁 let’s do some coloring shall we? haha

Second is Stadtmuseum & Stadtarchiv. We didn’t understand why the lady said ‘just go’ the archive section, not knowing is not part of the museum, the guy was working there. I was like “Hmm, is this part of the Museum?” “No, it’s the Archive, feel free to look around” We backed out, we are not a detective who wants to see city archive haha

Honestly speaking, none of us are a Museum Person, is it worthy to continue? or let’s sit somewhere? We do the later, sat down on Starbucks near the Goldenes Dachl, having ice chocolate + ice latte while judging 2 then 3 then 4 street performers before moving to our next Agenda.

What’s next? obviously the Evening Ride we were waiting for since Tuesday, Patscherkofelbahn! We were so happy when we saw a family from the other side of cable car saying hi to us, the father was “gluing” himself to the glass, his daughter on his left, didn’t see the son but Joe said he was on his right. The girl waving her hand, we both return her hi. We knew exactly how it felt when no one return our hi from the Dach! So happy that our thought got passed down to the next generation.

The suspected “German” guy said there was an easy path walk called Ziberweg, not so long #According to him. I’m smart enough to ask “how long will it takes?” 2,5 hours. Noooo, noooo, nooo, noo we can’t. I think he was surprise with our answer. Dude, our “not so long” is 30 minutes back and forth! Don’t you see how much white our shoes are, these ain’t made for hiking….. We will just look around here, you have fun!

Once we arrived, I read the info in German “Joe, look, it’s written we can enjoy the sunset”. “When? At 23:00? We are in the mountain” 😀

We were only sitting from one place to another, calculated how much money we saved by using the card. Then he casually asked “have we been there?” pointed on the fucking cover of the Innsbruck brochure I have been holding for the past 72 hours. Hmmm, I think so…. flipped it to the page where that picture located, fuck! no! we haven’t! shit! we missed it! let’s go now!

I’m telling you, this is where our second personality come out, I remembered we were quiet tired, nevertheless, the moment we knew, adrenaline rush kick in #You think you know someone, you don’t. Joe was a bit ragu ragu “no…. we need to come back once again to Innsbruck” being a very calculated Asian, “no! we still have time, use your 120 GB capacity! look for direction, we need to leave this mountain”

We were brought from our lowest low to our highest high within one second, were hyped up! move directly to our new mission like no others, even Justin Timberlake Intime is not comparable to us. Saw our bus leaving from our cable car cabin! aaaa, okay we take the next one. Got off on the correct station, find out we were in the middle of nowhere. Joe wonder what do people do, what is the purpose of this station? there is literally nothing here, we use his gigantic internet capacity to zoom in, do the 3D view, there is simply no road, it’s can’t be 6 minutes walking? there is a forest, river, stones, everything….. how can we cross it?

Decided it’s a no go, make a conclusion if you want to see this platform, do it from Bergisel, you just need to hike for 30-40 minutes. We took the next bus to Joe’s road: Maria-Theresien-Straße, I’m afraid at some point he will tattoo this road hahaha.

We had Thai food at Thai Li restaurant, it’s his first time trying Mango Sticky Rice, he assured me it won’t be his last. We had a very typical Innsbruck delicacies, Asian food! Wherever you are, top of mountain or on the ground.

Thank you so much Joe for accompanying me in Innsbruck, I always enjoy the time, everything seems funnier with you, whenever you’re around it’s just a different level of energy. Very grateful we knew each other back in 2016 and still somehow manage to be in contact from time to time. Wish you all luck as well as happiness! ‘Till we meet again, take care!

*we conquer Innsbruck within 72 hours* #Mic drop

The 8 “Working” Hours – Part 3

The second day of our 24 hours Innsbruck card, we did very durchgetaktet! Zack Zack Los! Clocked in our Journey at 09:00 AM. All the rides for today sponsored by a Hop on Hop off aka Sightseer bus! before you get too excited of sitting on a double decker bus, it’s not, just a normal one level bus. Pay attention to the Bus Station, you need to see the red symbol S on it.

First stop was the Imperial Palace / Hofburg. They have a Maximilian 1 Exhibition, please be aware of this name, you’ll hear or read about him many times. Do we know who he is? Not the slightest hahaha our memory is limited to how incapable the guard were.

  • So, Maximilian Exhibition is there, here is written “the office” do you know where is it? did we passed it?
  • Oh I don’t know why it’s written there, do not pay attention to it.
  • Do you know what is the stage outside the Hofburg for?
  • Oh no I don’t know.

There is no photo as we weren’t allowed to take any of it in the Imperial Palace. I almost got busted, could be the reason why the lady kept following us. She seems smart, we decided to ask what is the relation between Maximillian and the imperial palace people to which she answered “I’m not a tour guide” well…. mother!$k3r hahaha

At some point, she told us that we can only walk on the carpet because the floor is lava! haha there installed an alarm where it could ring really loud. Tempted to drop my brochure to test it, yet backed it out #Calm down Marlyn.

Moving on to the other side of Innsbruck, Schloss Ambrass. It was the same Sightseer driver who drove us before. This Schloss Ambrass is very confusing, we didn’t find the entrance easily. Everytime we asked someone, they pointed somewhere else, one of them said “there is a Karte (map)” I know damn it! I just didn’t want to read it! #Lazy ass.

Arrived to the allegedly upper castle which according to Joe wasn’t really upper haha only to being told the entrance was from the down side. The arrow on each is very confusing hey!

We finally made it! welcomed by an armor room, painting room which reminded me of Mr. Beans movie ~The Whistler’s Mother, you know which one~ Joe wanted to go to woods area for a while, he got his wishes granted, even tried to make conversation with a peacock. We followed the map, the Castle is divided into many exhibitions on different places, don’t lose your entrance ticket, you will need to scanned it every time. There were also Chapel, temporary exhibitions ~ while we were there it was about human with special characteristics, like the one from This is The Greatest Show! ~ where we can’t take pics.

Being inspired from the Hofburg where they provided a mirror for a good selfie according to me but since we can’t take a photo we didn’t do it. We saw more or less the same mirror, attempted to take pictures of our zodiac. See us with Virgo and Libra, no right? because we weren’t successful haha.

Next destination is Bergisel Stadion & Sprungschanze for the ski jump. The station called Das Tirol Panorama, the name speaks for itself. Asked Joe to take me some pictures, right after he took some, he confess “I’m not a very good picture taken” well, you gotta learn yo! haha just kidding, it was good 🙂

Oh there was a Café! let’s have a snack break here, I had cake and radler, what a combination #Brain doesn’t work anymore. Checked on his phone, 4 mins walk to Bergisel. Right when we about to leave, it started to rain. Oh no! Let me think, there are two options, went into the Museum while wait until the rain slow down…. or…. just go while it’s still drizzling. We choose the later.

Didn’t regret it, when we arrived the rain getting smaller, at some point it stopped. The “funicular” or should I say “elevator” rides every 15 minutes. What we can see from here? Panorama again! 😉 only from a higher point.

On the brochure, I can see there is a seeing platform nearby called Drachenfelsen. Don’t be so optimistic about the weather, like our AirBnB Lady said “Austrian is always prepared” the drizzle comes back, enough to annoyed us hahaha we decided not to go there now, rather try to go tomorrow when the weather supposed to be good. Unbeknownst to us, there is no way to get it other than to “hike” for about 30-40 minutes from Bergisel #Oh well.

We past the Memorial Andreas where it’s written for God, King and Fatherland #So touching. Both of us directly placed our hand on our heart, began the choir of aaaaaaaaaaaa

Last, we were entering a Tirol Panorama mit Kaiserjägermuseum. Where Joe was confused about the so called “Panorama” it’s just a screen 😀

Then we catch the last Sightseer bus, went back to Joe’s favorite / haunted street, Maria-Theresien-Straße. It was still the same bus driver from morning, he recognizes us therefore commented “wow, very busy!” yes Sir! we were working the same shift as you! When you have an Asian planner, everything need to cross the box!

We wanted to try if we go to watch our AirBnB Lady’s show #We couldn’t. It was far away like 40 minutes, by the time we have to come back it will takes us 1 hour or so. On top of that, remember we just “work” for 8 hours. Having no more energy, we decided to just eat at Chinese Restaurant nearby 来来来.

*continue to our last 24 hours*

A Picture Is Worth a Thousand Words

Can’t wait to spill the beans of a kind of roller-coaster adventure this week has brought me in, spoiler alert: it’s a fun one 😀

Thomas invited me to his wedding on 6th of July in South Tyrol, without a doubt I would like to be there. Planned started as in looking at the map, what is the city before South Tyrol? Hmm…. Innsbruck, Austria. Read good blog about it, decided it will be my Zwischenstopp. Next is gathering my crowd, texted Hanna whether she’s interested in my idea, think who could be the other person that we both knew? Joe!! I have meet him 2 years ago in Desenzano while Hannah hasn’t for like 7 years or so, let’s ganged up in Innsbruck #Shanghai connection! Sadly, one of the other reason Hanna was not able to join our small trip. Joe hasn’t really confirmed yet, however in the end he did! #Happy!

Do ground research, there are this things called Innsbruck Card for 72 hours cost 79 Euro, bought it in the train station. There were 2 counters with one old “German / Austrian” idk guy, spoke German to him, he said I need to go to the next (empty) counter, he was having 0 customer but it’s not his goddamn business, I wait…. wait… wait until Italian lady come out. Oh hello, Signora, where were you the whole damn time?!

Got yourself these two flyers, it will save your planning!

One by one, let’s peel what did we do in those 72 hours, we maximize it to our use. That I can guarantee #Devil smile.

I arrived earlier than Joe, had Thai food as lunch near Hbf, checked in, strolled around the memorial to those who died for the freedom of Austria, Annasäule, Triumphforte etc. Wow! You always have a mountain view on the background, love it! Innsbruck gefällt mir 🙂

Joe arrived around 15:00, we went to our AirBnB before exploring the city. Every article I read written we need to take a “selfie” with the Goldenes Dachl, being an uncreative tourist, we didn’t even try to take photo of each other, if it’s written a selfie then a selfie it is! We did so many times from different angle, Joe tried to delete some people from background, yet the edited version was too obvious, better try another one, another one, another one and gave up haha

Almost all attraction closed at 17:00. So we gotta go to next one, Hofkirche where they have a Bronze Statue human sizes, before entering the church there was a multimedia show for 15 minutes. What is this multimedia? Voice and a bit of “laser” show. To me it was like kind of escape room where one door opened after explanation or more out of a sudden a couple come out from the closed door, wtf yo?! were you lost or something? Done with it, we enter the real church, I like it, it reminds me of Logo of Hogwarts what? hahaha When we were out of the church ~ still in the courtyard, saw a map with some legends & numbers…. orange squares, number 3…. the altar… hä? what it is? you mean that room is the altar? took us some few seconds to realize it was the map of the inside! the one we just stepped in! #Facepalm.

Right after, we go to the Stadtturm / City Tower. There we can also see the Goldenes Dachl, remember the instruction from all blog I read ~ selfie with the roof ~ not the building so here we got, nothing other than the roof view! Nailed it!

Then my Asian calculation don’t let me miss any opportunity, we wanted to go to the Patscherkofelbahn, since it’s written Evening Ride from 17-23:00. We took a wrong bus direction on the way there, getting off, redirect ourselves, spending 50 minutes up to Patscherkofelbahn Station only to be confused as to…. why it’s so quiet…. I was in the toilet when I found out the Evening Ride was only on Thursday while we were on Tuesday #Shouldn’t have ignored the sign.

Come out, directly run to Joe, we need to go now otherwise we have to wait for the bus for another 20 minutes! Hop on to the J Bus, another 50 minutes to reach City Center. Joe was having a bit seasick / cabin fever due to the way was a bit winding #Sorry!

After almost 2 hours on the bus haha feel so good to breath a fresh air. We see the “Dancing House” inspired from Amsterdam, at least that’s how I called it. There we met Ankita, she heard us speaking English, approached to asked for a photo. Little did we knew, she also lives in Germany! you never know who you will meet along the way, could be someone living close by, for sure we will meet again in Germany 🙂

We talked about our Innsbruck trip, where to go etc, continue to eat in an Imbiss while watching the Europe cup behind us to know who is playing against who. There she had the ‘nerves’ to ask if Innsbruck card worthy haha I am not a person who pour oil to fire. Girl! you will cry once I told you what we are going to go with this card, don’t ask any question you are not ready for the answer 😉

We closed the day by me searching on where to take the bus while Joe said proudly “for sure it will be from Maria-Theresien-Straße” not only he has a correct pronunciation for a German street name, he was also correct regarding the Bus Stop, boah! after 3 hours he is already a local!

*24 hours checked, continue to our next 48 hours!*

Hotels Hopping

When my parents are joining us in Bali, we stayed in a very hochwertiges Hotel!

Ayana Rimba (4D3N)

We got our welcome flowery necklace thingy, drink Rosemary tea cold #so good! + hand towel. I was hesitant to take it as I didn’t hear she said “refreshing” I thought it was warm like the one you get on the airplane, therefore when she drop it to my hand I screamed aaaaaaa.

This Ayana Group is a collections of 4 hotels: (Just) Ayana, Ayana Segara, Ayana Wana, last Ayana Rimba. You can go to each hotels for breakfast, swimming at Ayana’s infinity pool or others, kids club etc. They provide shuttle bus every 10 minutes with destinations to each Hotels, Saka Museum, at the end station approximate 10 minutes ride you will reach their private Kubu Beach, be careful there were monkeys on the way.

Visited Saka Museum, went to Auditorium where they explained what kind of celebration Nyepi ist. It is a silent day for all people in Bali to stop doing anything for one day; airports are not operating, hotel will reduce their working hours. We saw Ogoh-Ogoh ~ no picture because I’m 胆小鬼 it is a scary version of Ondel-Ondel. They making it on purposely scary to catch all bad evil spirit to burn it in the midnight. Only then, they started their new first day of the year with Nyepi.

Our room rate included 1 hour free Thalasso Theraphy. Some precautions: it is a salt water pool theraphy, you must eat 3 hours before you do this ~ meaning you can’t go if you just had food for half an hour or else you will feel nausea. We took shuttle bus to Ayana Spa! there is a place for a fucking spa alone! Cray crayyyyyy.

Here is how it go, station number one is to walk against the flow. Boy oh boy, couldn’t even go through, Sissy need to go first. While you passed the curve, there are some rocks on your your feet! aaaahhhh… Station number two is 4 “bubble massage” from ankle to hips, each one minute. It felt good for 10 seconds, longer than that I started to feel itchy. Next is same “bubble massage” for back. I lost control on which station where it was for palm of your feet, we were laughing the whole damn time, was so ticklish. Icing on the cake was “water jet massage” to our shoulders. The pressure was…. we describe it as if we were beaten by 10 people! We were so grateful we only got the one hour free. What confuses us is since this Spa open for public, some people actually paid for getting tortured! We named this therapy a “Rich People Therapy”, not our cup of tea.

Parents and I were kind of explore a bit. Went to Melasti Beach & Garuda Wisnu Kancana. I have been to GWK since I was 16 years old however the complete statue of Wisnu riding on a Garuda has never finished, some says it’s done in year 2019, okay then, let’s check.

At the same time we have World Water Forum where important people such as our President + Elon Musk attended, accompanied by 2000 delegations #Why? I found some WWF cars in Melasti beach but not my President, must be one of the delegations aka not so important people #Causing traffics.

Sissy was kind of bewildered why do I need to go to Melasti beach where we have a private beach at the hotel? she got the point though. Rimba is a kind of hotel where you don’t need to go anywhere else. If you don’t stay in one of the Ayana’s, I strongly suggest you to book a table in Rockbar Ayana during sunset, it’s perfect! located in Ayana hotel so you kind of see what Ayana has to offer. I am satisfied with Rimba!

Thanks for the stay, Rimba!

Apurva Kempinski (3D2N)

I was so amazed by the lobby of Rimba. Schwager said Apurva’s lobby is made of marble, during the evening some stones are sparkling, like a museum it was top top top. To me, the lobby in Rimba is already wow! wait until I arrived at Apurva, it took me to another world of Hochwertiges.

The smallest room is 65 sqm which is bigger than my whole apartment in Germany haha ~ 58 sqm.

What’s so characteristic about Apurva is the stairs, I need to have the IT picture or should I say picturessssss #Plural, can’t get enough, day mode night mode, all of it! The pool also giving an infinity pool vibe, due to the fact it was really infinity haha you looked at the beach in front of you.

Why do we chose Apurva? to celebrate Mother birthdays at Koral restaurant. It is a set menu, I chose Experience Food. Koral has feeding shows, twice a day, the fishes gathered like crazy, fascinating!

Neither did I know, my cousin Santy knows someone who works in Koral so the diver dives to our table, carrying a print out Happy Birthday sign while other people doesn’t get this special announcement, thank you Santy!

We also visited Pandawa hotel just because its 10 minutes away while private beach is walking distance #Mom’s logic. I think we were happier had we stay inside Apurva, feeding fish, walk around or so haha

You need to have a really good Orientierung here. I mentioned the stairs is what makes Apurva different. Why stairs? because the lobby is on the 15th floor whereas your room is down with different elevator. They have buggy services too yet not durchgetaktet like in Ayana, you need to use the phone provided there, in the end we didn’t even use any buggy service, not needed anyway. Downside of Apurva, the check in process dauert Ewigkeit, of course you get welcome drink etc to buy you some time. However you’ll reach the point of “these freebies are not enough, give me my room”.

I think Apurva is fit for honeymoon while Ayana is fit when children already arrived 😀 The kids club in Ayana is better when your child is still small while in Apurva is more suitable for toddler above 5.

Thanks for the stay, Apurva!

Swiss Bell Tuban (2D1N)

Pay attention to the very important Hotel you can’t miss, on your last day in Bali before you go to the Airport, you must sleep at Swiss Bell Tuban. It is located only 10 minutes away from Airport, with traffic it will still manageable within 1 hour. I remembered when I still with Irina at Menzel it took her 2,5 hours to Airport, you don’t want to deal with that stress! It doesn’t mean there is no attractions surrounding btw, there are many restaurants, laundry service is just 60 meters distance, hair salon right next to the hotel.

Our room is on the ground floor, hence we could go direct to swimming pool. Downside is people thought the “balcony” is for public, I had to warn them to remove their belongings and don’t talk there because baby is sleeping on the other side of the door which of course she wokes up haha

Do not buy any souvenir in terms of food or stuff everywhere else, just buy it from Pusat Oleh-Oleh Krisna near Swiss Bell, it’s open 24 hours #Heard that Germany 🙂

Thanks for the stay, Swiss Bell!

What I take from my hotels hopping experience is I would never be able to work in hospitality industry, too many basa basi chit chat, can I help you with anything? Get lost dude! help yourself haha or the famous German phrase “Es ist so wie es ist”

Time stops when I was there…. Listen Bali, I’m coming again XOXO

Papaya Papaya icons created by pisces86 – Flaticon Keyboard Piano icons created by Smashicons – Flaticon Lock Padlock icons created by Freepik – Flaticon


I got the opportunity to meet both planned + unplanned friends during my stay in Bali! Before I continue, needed to say: just because it’s planned, doesn’t mean it was lacking element of happiness.

Schieva. Obviously this is not her real name 😀 rather her character in one of computer game. I know her since we were still studying in Parahyangan University ~ in another word 13 years has passed by!

She picked me up at the airport, went for a Cafe near Sanur which brings back my teenage memory of reading Detective Conan, Ninja Hatori, Nakayoshi, hmmm where is Doraemon!!!

Back when I’m still on planning modus in Germany, told her I wanted to go to a Viral Doughnut Cart called “Lucky Donat”. Why it’s viral? the Mba is such a lovely lady, she met Isaiah Garza who pretended not to have any money, gave him 3 doughnuts for free. In return Isaiah came back, gave her house, open a Doughnut shop located in Tabanan. Why do I know where it is? Because Schieva turn into Detective, did her research, was so proud of it. I need to be there to take pictures with the viral lady, of course buy her doughnuts too.

She is my Alpha and Omega, welcomer and goodbyer haha if that’s even a word. Before I flew back to Germany, she came bringing Pempek! ~ craved out of nowhere, need to have it ASAP! she was my rescue! Two times, one for my stomach second for my bag! I need a carry on bag, mine wasn’t enough, Tokopedia it is, however I didn’t have an account, she searched for seller in Bali then send it to her. She also give me scarf plus notebook, so colorful, so me, love it 🙂 Thank you so much Sher! yep, that’s part of her real name haha I wish you success in you along with Oyke’s Bali Shisha Service business (IG: balishishaservice)

Rivi. She was involved in one of the “Aib” from my sister and me! We tend to cover it, nevertheless can’t runaway from it, we three formed a band when I was on my 5th grade whereas they were on their 6th grade haha She is the best friend of Sissy ~ in another word 22 years has passed by! She knows everyone including what is happening to my long time 阿姨 Mugi where she got hypnotized, sadly lost all her money during her mudik time or that her husband suddenly passed away however now she remarries haha. Her husband was amazed by all the updates.

I am Schnorren Nummer 1, stayed in their Villa for 1 night. Hey in that way I could meet her! not her children though 🙁 They were waiting for me to come home after my Uluwatu trip with Irina. I brought one of the key from the villa, it didn’t work as my sister put her key on the door, luckily I heard their voice, called Sissy! open the door, I’m outside.

Made. He was the element of surprise, he knew my coming to Bali but we didn’t fix the appointment. Made is also my Uni friends in Parahyangan ~ in another word 13 years has passed by! The timing was perfect, I was in Ubud when he was in Bali just for 1 business trip before he’s back to Bandung.

Oh Remember what Detektive Schieva done? Made is the executor of finding the Lucky Donat. After hearing the opening time is quiet weird, followed by a coincidence that Made was on the area, I asked him to check only to find out her place already became a Sushi shop 🙁 I don’t know what is happening with her nor her shop. Wrote a comment, tagged Isaiah Garza, hope he can check it someday.

Anyway, what I found out about Made is…. he is a fake Balinese haha he only got Balinese name yet was born in Bandung #Funny!

燕巧 Yian Chiow. The word of right place at the right time is happening to her! She posted her picture in Wechat diving + hiking in Kintamani area. What? what? what!!! As far as I know, she couldn’t swim….. fact checked: she still can’t swim yet do diving! Bravo!

On her last day in Bali, she stays at Kuta area, let’s go to Hard Rock Cafe. We talked about who is moving to KL, still in Shanghai, who is already became a mother ~ almost all, she still remember my 弟弟们, talk about our best teacher for 留学生 ever 何老师 without him we will not have hot water haha.

We met in 东华大学上海延安西路1882号 still remember the address by heart! She was the one who asked me to join Resident Advisor, encouraging me to not be afraid for blood test for applying for my Scholarship, still remember her phrase 你怕抽血还是怕拿不到奖学金呢? Without her, my stays in the dormitory would be a living hell. She was one of the person who bend over backwards to help someone. The word considerate, patient and kind are not enough to describe her. The only person who gave me flower on my master graduation, that was the last time we met in person ~ in another word 7 years has passed by!

Thank you for squeezeing your time to meet me! I really appreciate you all crossing my path. Wish you all happy, healthy, luck, money! #I’m Asian haha until we 再见 us again!

Keyboard: Piano icons created by Smashicons – Flaticon

We Need to Calm Down

Last day before Iri continued her trip to Kuala Lumpur, we really need to calm down 🙂

Oyke took us to a Luwak Coffee hmmm not really a plantation, same same but different, mir fehlt das Wort. The name of the place is Uma Pakel Bali ~ Agro Tourism. They don’t have many Luwaks because it’s not where it all stays, they process the poop into coffee, let’s put it that way.

Anyway what do we do here is we saw one sleeping Luwak, yes it’s a nocturnal animal. His dried poops ~ FYI not smelly ~ how they extract coffee from the poops which is not a lot, moreover he is not pooping every day. The rarity caused Luwak coffee is the world’s most expensive coffee.

We got a set of trial Coffee & Tea for free, Irina ordered one cup of Trial Luwak coffee for 65K. Uma Pakel itself is really Zen-ing, durch die Nase einatmen durch den Mund ausatmen, ooooommmmm.

The very Ubud’s vibe is Rice Terrace view, of course with swings photos spot who act like a franchise you can find it almost everywhere.

Then we went to Uma Ceking Rice Terraces. Didn’t pay extra cost for taking pictures with clothes in the swing, happy with the Kostenlose nest ones 🙂 We played quiet some time with the Love sign, tried to put both our feet into our fingers, didn’t work, should’ve left the heart alone #Wink

This time Irina went down to the sign Uma Ceking while I stayed up there, she was confused like how can I go down in NP where the weather & the steps was worse than this? Well…. I have been wearing Havaianas flip flop all the time, my feet are hurting, I can’t wear shoes either yo it’s too warm hahaha should have bought the Birkenstock #German, bring your national sandals.

Next place is Ubud Market, you have to bargain, I didn’t really do it. I mean, I did until I got cheaper price than in DE, except I’m not squeeze them, can’t do that to my people. We met Oyke in Barong Cafe where he made us drinks. Most of the food we ate are either Nasi Ayam (chicken rice) or Bebek (Ente).

Last destination is Tegunungan Waterfall! There is also a beach club called Oma Beach Club not with infinity pool vibe like TT, instead with Waterfall background. You can see from the top how the beach club looks like afterwards decided if you want to go or not. You can also see it from near had you willing to take the stairs down, we didn’t, just saw it from distance is enough haha

I told Iri what I always do on my last day in Indonesia is to cut my hair! Subsequently we are looking for a saloon! When you are in Ubud there is a restaurant called “Bebek Tepi Sawah” the literal German translation is Ente neben dem Feld haha yes there is a real Sawah. This is the premium Bebek restaurant. Funny thing is the day before while we were on the way from Tirta Gangga to Ubud we also had a Bebek street food style. I called it Bebek Tepi Jalan or “Ente neben der Straße” hahaha European People don’t have anything from Street food please, your belly won’t handle it. #No jokes.

That was my trip experience with my bitch Irina 😀 not sure if she enjoyed it, she was sweating also becoming a mosquito target the whole time. While I only apply on sunscreen, she put sunscreen + repellent. Well, it’s gotta happen anywhere in South East Asia, not only in Bali, suck it up! haha

Got to be honest, she didn’t experience Bali’s beginners tourist, neither does she want that, that’s why she went with me 🙂

Bonus Tippssss:

  • Private Tour with Oyke 950K for 9 hours.
  • Overtime Oyke for 10 hours, it’s basically another day haha due to traffic and destination distances like Karangasem that just way too far from Ubud, so we paid 1Million extra time.
  • Rosella Tee while visited Uma Pakel 110K
  • Entrance Uma Ceking (not with the Swing photos etc) 50K
  • Entrance Tegunungan Waterfall 20K
  • Ubud Market, don’t pay more than 100K for each piece of cloth.

Who is Oyke btw? he is not a random guy I found on internet like the NP Tours one, he is a boyfriend of my University friend. Balinese, his main job is Bali Shisha Service, in spite of that, he used to open his own tour agency. If you want to talk Oyke, compare price, schedule etc, please contact me and I will give Oyke’s WA. He’s not taking customers from outside other than from references as he is focusing more of his Shisha business.

This is him!

Who’s coming next to Bali? #来来来

Preparado Preparado

Right after we back to civilized road of Bali, we stayed in my fav district of all time: Ubud ~ trust me, it has an “asik” vibe #Top

Our hotel called Menzel Ubud owned by a German: Andreas Menzel who got married to a Balinese hahaha Irina is such a good news info. Nope this is not the reason why we choose it, rather Iri got a discount from Booking & free 30 min massage from Menzel #Sold!

The second must watch dance in Bali called Barong Dance. Barong (masked figure) represents good guy who fights against bad guy Rangda, spoiler alerts: no one wins. Shows a symbolic of an eternal fight between the good and the bad.

Once the performance finished, outside this building, there are many sellers like bracelet, Balinese stuff etc. I don’t really want to buy any of it until a very old grandpa approached me saying “please help me, no-one has bought from me so far, you can pay according to what you want” I took small smiley blue bracelet for 5K. Please preparar some small money like 5K – 10K just in case if you want to help them.

Iri looked at the beautiful building next to the Barong shows, I called it the Froggy! whereas she neglects the frog appearance haha turns out it’s a silver manufacture. I got myself a crown earrings! Always like to have some jewelry from place I visited. They also break the Indonesian Museum of Record for the longest dragon statue made out of silver.

The journey to Karangasem district took at least 2 hours, it could be almost 3 hours. I lost track of time, what do we do there? visit Lempuyang Temple and Tirta Gangga.

Unbeknownst to me, what is in the Lempuyang Temple? There are only 2 sides. First: The stairs which has doors at the top, to which you can’t enter. Remember, what happen behind closed door #Sounds sinister ~ is not for tourist, it’s a prayer area.

When we paid for entrance ticket after riding the shuttle bus, they gave me a number which written 410. Hearing what number it was then, knowing ours will not be up in any foreseeable hours, we went up to the stairs.

Second: this Instragammable Gate! As I said, our number is 410, how long do we wait? More than 2 hours, the lady on the shuttle ticket counter at the bottom told the que could take up to 3 hours. Read: we got give or take half hour schneller. Tried to take pictures in between each number, je mehr we wait desto besser we realized about the “reflection” thingy they put on each phone to make it looks mirroring each other.

We are literally thinking about which poses we would do, observing other people poses too. The setting was always like this: a group of max 4 people together, then each of the individual from the group, everyone got 4 poses. They tell “next pose, next pose” that’s why Preparada is important, there is simply no time to think, it won’t feel better anyway as whole bunch of people are waiting behind you.

There were a Russian couple, after they had their couple picture only the girl wants to do her individual pose, we were 100% sure she is a Gymnast, all her poses were perfectly on point! We saw many things during our almost 2,5 hours waiting, a biracial couple ~ white guy & Asian lady ~ who fights, we overheard them quarrelling, the guy said they agreed to not paid or wait for pictures. Well, who knows? just leave dude, don’t be such an Ass blaming her who obviously not Indonesian. Even if she is, I am Indonesian, I have no idea that this temple was just like that nor about the fee. I came for holiday, not for counting every pennies I should prepara to spend for which activities it was budgeted for pffff

I asked the lady who responsible for calling all the numbers, she said there is no time restrictions they will keep doing the photos until all guests are done. Only you won’t get the sunset behind you, when our turns arrived, we had just past it.

I had all personal poses in mind, the guy on our turn is nicer than before, he was newer, probably only 5 numbers before me so he gave me more poses opportunity 🙂

This is the real gate, by the way:

Then we went out, going down to the other side from the gate, Iri like this side more. There is one monk sitting, we didn’t feel to walk pass through him. Thus we just stayed below.

Next is Tirta Gangga sadly it’s all dark, we need to play with our flashlights to act as a lighting options. You can step on the stones, saw the fishes, you could also feed them had you arrive during day time.

Bonus Tipsss & honest review:

  • Private tours with Oyke 950K for 9 hours.
  • Barong dance 150K
  • For Lempuyang Temple itself:
    • Prepare 4 poses ahead your time. There are many guys offering you to do some pictures like on the swing etc. One bule ~ Indonesian word for foreigner ~ did it, he was so satisfied, he said it’s only took 2 minutes with scooter, cost like 100-150K. This guy could be an option while you wait for your turn with the gate.
    • Take the shuttle 45K per person (back & forth), you can’t go 4km up to the temple. Entrance Lempuyang 70K for foreigners; 40 K for local. Bear in mind, it’s all for the pictures on the gate where 2 hours waiting is guaranteed. Bali first timers, better think twice.
    • Like in every temple, dress modestly, take Sarung, can’t enter during your menstruation.
  • If you want to go to Karangasem district, had I know it earlier, I would do the Tirta Gangga first. If you are not a picture person maybe skip this Lempuyang Temple? instead try to can catch sunset in the sunset point. These are literally all the main spots. Or have a better preparar by bring your own “reflection” thingy so you can do DIY on every gate 😀
  • Entrace Tirta Gangga 70K for foreigners; 35K for local.
  • If you stay at Ubud, it’s better to stay in a big road, choose some hotel which located at Jalan Pengosekan. It gives you better walking access. Menzel is a good hotel only it’s located inside small alley, you need to walk pass small rice field.
  • Search for a Barong Dance option in Garuda Wisnu Kencana Park. It is a cultural park with Amphitheater for the dance. You visited one place but able to do many sightseeing, for example statue Wisnu, Garuda and the complete version of Wisnu on the Garuda.


Day 2 is really a challenge for us, we woke up early as we have a boat to catch aiming for Nusa Penida Island. We were advised to be in the Port Pelabuhan Matahari Terbit Sanur at 06:20 AM.

You always need to go with a Tour agent, we choose 2 days in NP so we got to see the West and East side plus snorkeling activity. The boat ride from Sanur Bali to NP is slightly over an hour, maybe in between 1 hour 10 to 30 minutes, easy ride, no need for motion sickness pill.

We did snorkeling in 4 different points: Crystal bay, Manta bay, Gamat bay and Wall Point, each is around 30 minutes. Don’t get your hope highs to see Manta though. Irina dropped the bomb by saying “Marlyn, I might or might not able to snorkel” wtf yo, we are in the middle of an open water, you told me this right when we were about to jump? She had her panic moment for a while, we decided to hold hands until she gain her confident. Water in Manta bay is colder than in the other stops brrrrrr, wall point is really nice since the current takes you, no need to swim, like doing a rafting 🙂

You got all pictures through WA, that’s why they asked for your WA number in the registration form. Only they sent all 225 pictures of the people on the boat. Forget about Datenschutz whatsoever 😉 My poor eyes and thumbs, clicking all one by one O.O

After 2 hours snorkeling, they said we can take shower, we can’t. The sogennante “shower” is basically just a Wasserhahn…. located outside…. you can rinse yourself from salt water, they allowed you to shower with shampoo & soap if you want… you don’t, no, negative.

Moving on to sightseeing activities on the West side. The path is quiet rocky, I wore a flip flop, should have worn a shoes.

The word “Billabong” refers to a very famous Badeanzüge brand in Indonesia, I didn’t think any of it that Billabong is actually a branch of a river haha now I got to see it in real life #Discovery

Don’t know why it’s broken for….. #I’m thinking

Then we visited Penida number 1 aka Kelingking Beach. Everywhere you search for NP, this picture will appears. It has 3 side of sightseeing, the famous one is the middle part where you need to pay… I think 50K to take picture in the spot they provided. We didn’t go to “the spot”, only took picture on the stairs.

On the far end to the left is Paluang Cliff with the view of also Kelingking. At that point we were already boiling, lack of sleep + heat = decided to skip the next itinerary. We don’t need to walk to the Cliff as it has the same view anyway, skip watching sunset on our first snorkeling place ~ Crystal Bay, we can’t wait that long. We were literally out of function.

The Sehenswürdigkeiten seems a lot on paper…. in practice, it’s all located in more or less…. same place.

Tentacle hotel is our hotel provided by the tour with open bathroom, I like this concept, it is getting more and more hype, on the contrary Irina hates it haha. We had dinner in Secret Penida, 20 meters from our hotel. Oh, we got to see sunset from here! with foods, fresh body after swimming in the pool & showered! Nothing can beat this feeling 🙂 there is also stairs if I want to go to the beach again… nope, I’m already clean.

The second day in NP feels better to me. Our driver ~ Bli Kade (Bli is Mister in Balinese) ~ pick us up at 8AM, it took us slightly more than 1 hour to arrive Diamond beach which is good because not too many people are there at that hour. Bli Kade is nice, he took a lot of good pictures… only his shadow is there, inform Irina about the necessity of redo it all, she said “well then you need to wait until the sun moves to other directions” hahaha true! #We didn’t redo it!

Here is Diamond Beach, why don’t you see people swimming? A. you gotta go down the stairs. B. The current is big. I believe A is the main reason.

Just walk to the other end you already on the Atuh Beach. Same story, need to go down. Seeing from the top is enough for me 🙂

Then we arrived to the photo spot called Tree House, you need to pay 75K to go inside the tree house, got only 2 mins before they called you out. At first we both sitting at the top enjoying the wind to regain our energy. We saw the stairs, Iri back out, I am going through.

Before the famous tree house, there is a Coco Cliff where you can also take pic for 50K. However, since no one went there Iri got in for 35K haha. I was determined to reach the end of the cliff. In the meantime, the tree house is getting closer and closer.

Irina spotted me with my red cap, I also spotted her. Look where I am compare to where she is 🙂

Here is the view you got on the edge:

I was already again as sweaty as a pig when I went up. Last destination is the Teletubbies Hill haha did you grown up with it? I am wearing red which resembles Po + Irina’s purple for Tinky-Winky 🙂 #Matching dress code. Seeing this suddenly makes me happy.

That was the East side from NP, we took the boat back to Bali at 13:30 🙂

Bonus Tipssss & honest review:

  • I have to say the tour I found from Instagram balinusapenidatour_ dont forget the underscore “_” or contact via Email I contact them via WA +6281353941730 is not foreigner friendly, not that they don’t speak good English, I don’t care about the language, this is my country they can speak Indonesian to me, I can translate to Irina, that’s not a problem at all. The things is, the information they given to me is very minimal, I was the one who asked “what time do we meet, where, who will pick me up in the NP Port”

Had I not live in Germany, this all are OK. But having to go with Irina where she asked me “where is our hotel?” how the hell I know, it was written in the tour it’s include hotel + lunch, I didn’t see the necessity to ask much about it until someone demanded that kind of information from me.

It all works out in the end, somebody ~ Bli Kade ~ really pick us up in the Port Nusa Penida, take us around with the car, dropping to all destinations according the Itinerary in the website had we wanted too. He texted me once I was on the speed boat. Being watched true crime a lot, I asked the Sanur guy what is the name, the number of the Penida guy, match it = OK. In case you are following my tour, don’t worry about no detail information, I have been using their service, you see I came back alive 🙂

Strongly suggest not to bring your luggage, pack it in a backpack, you won’t spend more than 2 days anyway.

Do I still think NP is worth to go? Well, I am Indonesian, this is my 4th or 5th time in Bali, 1st time in NP. If you are only a 1st timer or only think to just go 1x to Bali, I would really consider it.

Imo, if you have done snorkeling in Bali or Labuan Bajo maybe there is no need to do it in NP, perhaps you can short the trip to only 1 day as all of the destinations are more or less located at the same place? Like Angel Billabong + Broken Beach, Kelingking Beach + Paluang Cliff, Diamond Beach + Atuh Beach. Only two things, I’m not sure you can handle the heat. The second is more important, we don’t have a 24 hours boat ride from Bali to NP. Or you can just visit the West side where Kelingking Beach located?

  • The tour cost 2.840.000 for 2 person (foreigner pay 100K more) + Retribution fee once you arrive NP 25K per person cash only. If you decided to go to NP better stay at Sanur area near Port where your boat depart “Pelabuhan Matahari Terbit Sanur”.
  • Download Gojek or Grab App for taxi, it’s like Freenow in Germany. The car need to go inside parking gate in order to drop you to the Port in Sanur, it will have entrance fee of 5K.
  • Dinner at Secret Penida 370K
  • It is not for faint hearted people, the road in NP is on another level, do not even attempt to rent a scooter or car, forget about it, don’t risk your insurance life. Once we were back in Bali, Irina said “Bali’s road now feels so civilized”.


Kicking off the trip with Melasti beach + being at Tropical Temptation Beach Club. I told Sherly I really want to visit a beach club as I have never been to any of it, she recommended TT for a smooth way as our itinerary for first day is to visit Uluwatu Temple.

We arrived 10 minutes before opening hours at 11:00 therefore Oyke took us to see the surroundings then came back pünktlich.

The pool in the TT Beach club is kind of giving infinity pool vibe due to the Melasti beach is on the background. At that time, they are not allowing us to go to there, according to them there was a big current, they want to avoid we swim there. Agreed not to, we just want play on the water until a log hit our ankle aaaargghhh so painful, OK that’s the sign, go back to the swimming pool!

Let’s just enjoy the time in the safe & clean pool. We replicate the Little Mermaid Statue.

My smart ass thought whenever we are in the water, we don’t need sunscreen. Irina told it was the complete opposite as the exposure of the sun was magnified. Wait about 20 minutes until our sunscreen absorbing our body by enjoying our drinks 🙂

The toilet from TT Beach club is just the best, we were sold to it! didn’t even want to move on to other Beach club, was really hard to bid farewell T.T One Duschkabine ist available with soap & shampoo, you can rent Handtuch or bring yours like I did, only downside: no hairdryer #First world problem 😉

Irina wanted to have a massage, originally it might be a good idea to get massage on the beach. Went to Dream Land, no need for you to go there, it’s clearly the below level beach club. Nope, can’t lay down under this heat, better look a real Spa place on the street, inside a room with AC, we found Zahra Spa Uluwatu, they provide a bowl of full flower underneath your face hmmmmm smells so nice!

Here is the final destination for today, Uluwatu Temple.

There are monkeys around, advice: don’t wear glasses, hat, avoid eye contact, make a fist, walking around like a beginner tourist taking selfie etc. The monkey will take it! Oh not to mention, take a Rabies Vaccine #I became a German, FYI haven’t had it either, didn’t even think about it. Only until Irina said his friend went to a cave in Malaysia to which he was unfortunately got scratched by a monkey so now he is on hospital getting rabies vaccine. I need to get that one too. The monkeys are open in the wild, only the Albino one in cage since the others bullying him 🙁

Okay, refocus to Uluwatu. Why did I go here? To watch Kecak dance performace. There are of course other places to watch Kecak for example in Ubud but Sherly said the Kecak in Uluwatu is the best owing to the cliff and sunset lookout. They have 2 shows of Kecak, one at 18:00, second at 20:00. We didn’t get the ticket for 18:00 huhu

See the people behind me? That’s the first Kecak show at 18:00. Hey, have a look at the sky, perfect!

We still have time, thus we went out from the temple to eat around the area. Once we came back, the sunset approaching the second kecak dance is very beautiful.

The Kecak dance story is about Ramayana, love story between Rama & Sita. We only watched until Sita got kidnapped by Rahwana who was in disguised as an old man. Then came Hanoman (the monkey) ~ a friend from Rama to search for the area where Sita at.

Oyke said for some spiritual believe, the one at 20:00 is better than the 18:00 because of some spirit effect that came out after sunset, the Kecak dancers got more energy. You may believe it or not. I, on the other side only see from the practical issue. I’d suggest you chose the 18:00 not only you will get the sunset view during the Kecak’s performance, also you still have time to look around after the dance while it’s not yet super dark, on top of that you are avoiding the traffic by letting other people go first.

At least I can see the beautiful sky going darker until 20:00, except, after this hour, it’s pitch black. If you choose the 20:00 then it’s only for the show, when it finished everything will be too dark for you to be able to see anything.

Or you do what me and Irina did, we only stays for 30 minutes, went home while all of these people still watching to avoid the traffic as we need to wake up very early the next day.

The adventure with Irina had just begun 🙂

Bonus Tipssss, here are my expenses for first day (Melasti Beach – TT Beach Club – Zahra Uluwatu Massage – Uluwatu Temple watching Kecak Dance)

  • Private tour with Oyke 950K for 9 hours. Overtime will be calculated later, undertime? won’t happening bro 😉
  • Entrance to Melasti Beach I forget maybe 20K for foreigners; 10K for local.
  • Relaxing at TT Beach club, there was written no minimum amount required don’t know how long that promotion will last, just in case it’s not exist anymore, you have to spend 1 Millions Rupiah. Don’t worry, you will, we had 2 food + 4 drinks, it cost us around 700K just order some snacks and you will fulfill it. Better see it from the website
  • Massage at Zahra Spa, cost 200K. Visit their website
  • Entrance to Uluwatu Temple 50K for foreigners; 30K for local. Kecak Dance has only one price 150K. Wear modest in Temple area, they will provide Sarung, don’t wear showing shoulder clothes. A General info, women in menstruation are not allowed to enter any Temple in Bali.
  • Strongly suggest you to book the Kecak dance at 18:00 through Traveloka website. There are no seat arrangement, better be around the entrance about 20 mins before, its not a German que, you will get passed by other people. You can book only the Kecak dance or whole tour, go to type Kecak dance. Another option is follow the whole itinerary tour from them but do it with my friend Oyke haha
  • Simple dinner around Uluwatu, I think it’s around 150K.
  • Bear in mind 1 Euro = 18K Rupiah 🙂
  • Cash, Germans, not new news haha you can use international card in most restaurants only there will always be around 3% additional charge.
Recap in motion 🙂

The Credits – Part 2

Here are some places we visited either additionally as an optional tour or on the way to wherever our destination for that day.

On the same day where we had our first snow experience in Jungfraujoch, we visited Lauterbrunnen. Here supposedly a place which have many waterfalls. How many did I see? #Less.

First Waterfall

As you can see from the picture, we got all hooded up, it was raininggggg. Moving on to the second. While we’re on the way, there is a small doughnut stand. If only in Indonesia, they already have many food stands along the road, Pontianak’s banana fried for example 🙂

Second Waterfalls

I’m sure there are still many if we were willing to walk through the little forest… except, we didn’t. The rain didn’t stop and it gets windy, we are fine with seeing two waterfalls.

One family from Pontianak already bought a portion ~ 24 mini doughnuts, thus when Dela wants to have it, the Om said “just take it from me, you need to wait for so long” I got one too 🙂 yeay!

Second day on our Grindelwald hotel, having breakfast while looking at the window that the 山 is covered in white, either from froze or snow, it was just beautiful. I had to go out!

Before reaching the snowy area Matterhorn we stopped by St. Bernard Tankstelle. Oh Beethoven, I’m sorry we just want to play with you when we were kid hihihi #Rejecting any responsibilities.

This Täsch Station before taking the train to Materhorn is also quiet a place 🙂 There was a kind of music festival too but I need to pay for the entrance ticket while we only have 20 minutes, soo…. pass it!

Oh Hellow Snowflakes!

Feel free to stay around <3

This tour is really less people than what I normally had decades ago. We only have 5 families (including mine). The Pontianak’s family whose constantly as number 1 in every meeting point. The mother always loose her two boys, when Jo said “one by one, family picture” asked her “where is your family?” she casually replied, “I don’t know, it’s just me”. The celebrity family who never fails have some snacks like permen sapi, two types of chili sauce or doughnuts. The photographer family Eka and Dian who you can rely on taking pictures. Last but not least Tante Lielie and Dela who became my Ambassador family 🙂 Dela who never wants to be in the picture whereas her mom who continuously looking for her whereabout haha

The best red bus! Easy to recognize! Obrigado Luis

We have to parted away in the airport, when I arrived at home, they just arrived in Abu Dhabi.

Thank you mother and father for letting me having a Switzerland experience 😀