Good Karma

It was end of January when I #wie immer sleepover at Claudia’s, we were in the living room, Alina proposed an idea “let’s do Murmeltierlauf for 7,5km” it’s the virtual walking activity, you walk on your own then upload your results.

She meant to do it only for the three of them as they always do Sport on Saturday, the place was about 3 km away therefore they thought let’s walk to Sport and walk back. The Mascott is a very cute Murmel, Claudia even thought to buy the Medallion too, decided against it, cost too much money, let’s just pay the registration fee 5Euro. Alina clicked next “oh the Mindesteilnehmerzahl ist 4. Julius immediately “Marlyn, danke dass du da bist” #ins Schwarze getroffen. Haha Okay, let’s do it then, I’ve done the 12km Firmenlauf, I can do 7,5km lauf. “Willst du aber?” fragt Claudia, yeah, it’s OK but then we have to do it on a Sunday as we can’t really time the Saturday if the Bahn will be on time or not to catch your time after sport. With that say, I came back to Claudia’s the following week.

I’ve got the favourite number for every Chinese, 800! This will brings me luck!

Julius does have an extra tracker that he couldn’t wear anymore due to Metal allergie, he lend me #behaupte his Withings. We did the set up, at their place there are a lot of Bluetooth devices, “maybe this one?” nope it’s my watch “how about this?” also no it’s my phone.

We managed to find the correct Withings Bluetooth, we couldn’t connect it because Julius still have the App on his phone. He removed it and I said “don’t do that, I will only wear for today” of course not, it belongs to you now. Whooaaaaa!!!! good karma, what goes around comes around 🙂

I simply have to be on the right place at a right time so they can participate, in return I got a new watch with Fitness trackers! Thank youuuuuuu.

Since it will be like a normal spazieren at Nordwest, I wear jeans + leg warmer + sunglasses + heiße Veste + Jacket; while the three were sportier, they all have proper Wanderschuhe #Germans, always prepared!

Alina brought Wilma, a very smart dog! we walked on the Berg, the weather really plays a significant role, it was brezzy yet bearable. I did have a Gevelsberg view from the top. In the km where I thought already half done, only to get it shattered completely, was barely 2km hahaha oh nooooo. Julius commented “my friend, you need to walk” Hey I’m moving but I need to decide where to put my feet to the not so muddy grass.

Almost at the end, Alina found what could be my Lebensversicherung for this year Kirmes? Had it’s not broken, we already saved 13 Euro 😉 How long did it take me? Almost 2 hours haha FYI Father, don’t worry I’m not the last 🙂

Egal, Hauptsache we made it! #Sunday well spent, good job! Here is the compilation videos made by Alina 🙂

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