When and What?

It was just a normal Saturday, I’ve done my Yoga class, at the end of the course my Yoga teacher Anke said “there is a Demonstration against one politic partei in front of Reinoldikirche at 11:00 AM and BVB Spiel at 15:30” I thought she was just reminding us about traffic possibility or crowd to avoid. Little did I knew she asked me if I also joining the Demo. Hä? What?

I’ve never been participate in any Demonstration regarding anything, let alone Politic in a country where I’m not a citizen of. Well, I’m going to the city center anyway, read: to DM which is located around Reinoldikirche. “How about if we meet in the city center?” I’m thinking…… komm, give it a try, how does it looks or feels like.

Once we were there, she was satisfied that quiet people do showed up with their childrens, dogs, having some banners although the info was relativ kurzfristig. We followed a car a.k.a voice quelle where one lady keep screaming all the time, chill out gurl, all the people gathered there sind schon einig, there is no need for shouting.

The demonstration continues, while we biegen ab to DM for me and to Bank for her. She was so happy I participated otherwise she would walk alone, we also took some merch home 😉

What a turns out of an event O.O, can’t say if I really one step smarter in politic, was there just as a begleiterin for her.

Happy voting Germans, use your voice correctly!

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