The Moment I Knew – Safe Version

A peculiar traditions millions of German do on NYE is watching a black and white English language television sketch called Dinner for One. First time I watched it in year 2020 with Julia, they were all laughing ~ only one not. It’s safe to say “we have a different kind of humour” don’t get me wrong, it wasn’t bad or so, it’s just not as funny as what the Germans thought.

The whole sketch was about 2 same sentences repeated by James the Butler to Miss Sophie and her answers. What are those two sentences? You’ll see 😉

One day, Hainka texted me regarding Kirmes Soest in November, ah yes! need to remember the dates; Gevelsbergs is end of June, Schwelm is at beginning of September while Soest ist November. We decided to go on the first day because other than that day I would be in Berlin, when I’m back the Kirmes is finished. Me, Hainka and Lena were the fixed member, Hainka said Monicita & gangs will join too. Well, in that case I’ll ask Feli + PV. I know PV is not a big fans of Kirmes but I don’t want him to feel left out. In the end….. it doesn’t even matter ohhh ohhh why? Only the fixed member made it 🙂

This guy inspired me! I told both of them we need to dress the same like last year. Check our photos!

We reminisce our last year path; repeated the one we liked : Ampelschnapps + try the Bullenaugeschnapps #Lecker! + skip the one we don’t #No crazy carousels #Safe Kirmes I want

My favourite game which I cannot restrain from: Froggyyyyyy still with Promat Hammer. I will keep playing until I got the froggy!

Oh gosh 😀 was very confused as to why the frog is still there when I know I hit something, I could hear the sound yet no Frogs jumping haha #Nicht den Tisch kaputt machen

What was the two sentence from Dinner for One that they said over and over again?

In less than 24 hours we will step into new years, will we have same procedure as every year in 2025? 😉

Salute to the next 365 journey ahead!

#Let’s do this!