Last working day in year 2024, Monday the 30th of December. Rise and Shine, no-sunny-day in Germany. #Somethings stays the same.
Empty the Bahn, were only 2 including me in the wagon O.O

Arriving NW at the same time with Thomas, Krissy and Matthias were already in the reception. Hallo! Kollege des letzten Arbeitstages 😀
Who else? meet the last man standing crew from 2. Flügel 2 featuring Pörtner, Christin, Sebhil, Dennis, Thomas, PV und meine einjährige Tasche #Toddler who has a sister now! Stofftasche von Alina 😀 #Work work work work work
We have more or less the same member with last year #Wir halten die Stellung! Are we (still) the fittest amongst the fittest or maybe the one that should’ve planned their holiday better haha #Always 2 ways to see it
See you in year 2025 Nordwestler!