Roland messaged me via Instagram, revealing his idea of making a video when we have Christmas market in Dortmund. Oh! I got “called” again! which took me back to an interview I watched about Tokio and Professor while they were still upcoming actress said: we were waiting for “The Call”. This is how it feels like, in a minuscule level. Yessssss!!!!
Christmas market started on 23. November….. saw his post he was barely in Dortmund hmmm will I receive “The Call” or perhaps he didn’t get the support to make this campaign? calm down, 4th of December came, received an email with title Fotoshooting Weihnachtsmarkt. This is it! Guess what? it will be with the same crew as our first photo shooting, amazing!! we were able to convinced him to re-do a shooting with us!
We met at the Selfie-Point Podium in front of the Baum at 16:30, started the photo at 16:45 ish unfortunately without Ahmed 🙁 At first we were letting people use the podium as it should be, until some point where the darkness reached the darkness that Roland wants, here comes the crew~ Lea….(I think it’s her name, sorry I forgot yours!) who shoosheddd shooshedd other people with the sentence “Entschuldigung wir machen eine Fotoshooting für die Stadt Dortmund” with a special betonung in the “für die Stadt Dortmund” or stopping everyone from getting into the podium. At some point Leo remove the step (I know his name is Leo because Roland said “Leo please move your hand” you are on the picture).

Next session is having a Christmas cup with a drink, what do we drink people? hint: we were a Sober group 😉 Originally Sascha and I wanted Kinderpunsch, after hearing Marlene wanted Chocolate, I changed my mind, on the stand, Sasha changed his mind too. “With or ohne Sahne?” Sasha and I said ohne. Marlene react: “now I need to have ohne Sahne too” #As if she doesn’t get any other option 😉 Fun facts: all 3 of us are lactose intolerant….yet we risk it for the job haha #Dedication!
Let’s assume I got her name correct, Lea asked the Verkauferin if it’s OK if she record her on the video für die Stadt Dortmund. She replied very loud + clear + rude: “Auf gar keinen Fall!” I didn’t hear the next sentence but Sascha did, he said… she said “ich bin Schalke durch und durch” ahhhh that explained!
We got back to our Podium, re-start the pictures. Felt pressure, Roland said: guys look at here, more people want to take that place too, don’t move too much, glass more down, laugh etc. We ain’t moving, we were freezing! Done with the podium, walk around the area where Roland think he could get a better light. Try here, you guys walk towards me, talk to each other, look at those stands, cheers with the glass, remember to put way below Marlyns face.
The photo session was so quick maybe only 45 minutes, before we called it a day, Leo and Lea said “now we need to take your voice!” think about an answer “why makes you comes to Dortmund Christmas Market?” with no time to prepare at all, yep lets go you first, come here so one can’t hear the answer from another. Well well here it go! spontaneous effect!
Whats really funny is after the shooting, me and Marlene being stopped with a fruit stand who says 5 Euro or any price you want to give, all of these must go, it’s for charity. She said 2 for 5, the verkaufer said yes, I followed her too. So I ended up maybe with 10 kg oranges, realized I can’t carry it all, decided to give one bag to Ali from Henki haha then one bag I have I divide it to my neighbors. Feeling Christmasy 🙂 #Feed the world!
We got the photos on 11th December, it takes about 24 hours until its on the website. Although the snow was edited, it’s pretty either way 🙂
Which photos they choose to upload? just one! the snowy one! The beginning page of
How about the video? Roland got it covered too! Had to admit, it felt so weird to hear myself, on one hand I’m shaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyy!!!! on the other blushingggggg 😀
Thank you for people who agrees with my Tasse opinion 😉 also massive Thank you for Roland & Crew who gives us another chance to be in the website of our beloved city~Dortmund <3
#Ready for another call again!