Marlie Jenner

Ongky recommended me to have an additional Zahnversicherung for prevention on real money coming out of pocket haha after giving it some thought…. why not? It’s necessary to do professional teeth cleaning once a year anyway, when you inserted the word “professional” meaning the cost is above 100 Euro. This cost won’t be all cover by my normal health insurance. I’ve done my research, chose the one Astra offered, starting from July.

Went to have a professional teeth cleaning right away, being reminded again that the costs is different from a normal teeth cleaning and not be covered by a normal insurance. Yep I know that is the only reason why I have additional insurance, proceeedddd!

I thought all this time I have a healthy teeth….until it wasn’t haha I have a condition called Periodontitis or gum disease, it’s not super tragic yet need to be treated. When my next appointment? in September! Oh… is it that long? there is no availability within…. next week? The receptionist said because they will write a letter to insurance to ask them to cover for the fee, it could take around 1 month #German efficiency, I need to practice my patience.

In the meantime I received a letter from my insurance saying they need to have a second opinion. Therefore I need to go to a Gutachten to check if I really need the treatment. Rrrghhh they gonna do the same check to my mouth. The Gutachten who also a dentist said “yes, I agree you need the treatment” #Pffff

One day before my appointment, I talked to my colleague Nadine, turns out she had just done it as well. She gave me a very useful insight to which I wouldn’t be able to eat for few days after that. Oh… auch! let me eat everything beforehand! I did eat a lot before my appointment, not regret it at all!

He was injecting numbing medicines things to my gum, after that “Bis gleich” hello?!?! how long? can’t you inform at least? I was confused, this is it? am I done? 15 minutes later they came back in, lucky them I’m still there haha The nurse put the Sauger hang on my mouth whilst Herr Doktor started the treatment.

I visualize all my teeth are being scrapped to the last layer, the nurse kept pulling on other direction. I’m not gonna lie, it seems as if my mouth is going to be ripped, worse case is I can’t say anything. After what I reckon like 20 minutes, they have nailed it, tears coming out from my eyes, the doctor didn’t do something as painful as the nurse. I still don’t have a control over my mouth, bloods were dripping. Had I could talk, it would be “wth yo! you almost ripped my mouth yet you didn’t saug it well” Thanks to you, I can’t wear the clothes anymore! the blood stain stay strong still! pffff

You can see how swallow my lips are plus every gum was bleeding. I can’t even close my lips hahaha! I consider my lips is now similar to Kylie Jenner’s, only mine comes from a natural cause. So, if you want a lip filler, just do the cheap version, go to the dentist, ask about a Periodontitis treatment 😉 #Broke tips.

In the evening it gets better, meaning I can close my lips haha that’s already an achievement I would say. Even for drinking water is uncomfortable, forget about chewing.

Next day in the office I still can’t anything. Krissy gave me a suggestion to perhaps have a Kakao as long as it’s still free (under testing period). What?!?! FREE Kakao?!?!

Say no more I’m getting it! Did I had one? No way man, I’m getting my second Kakao. But when I got the second one, the Kakao Seeds was low haha not as good as the first one.

Teeth insurance is important hey, get one for yourselves! I still have control after another control, it’s painful but since I already paid for it, I’m gonna use it all, we are not a f#3k!ng Charity 😉

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