Closing The Circle

Did I reach Adolphe Bridge? Still hasn’t reported that one didn’t I? Yes we did!

We saw the bridge, were walking on top of it but I want to be under the bridge, where is the entrance? crossed the road two times until Feli found some clue “I think the entrance is across this road as we can see the Zig Zag way” She was correct “see, see, not so hard to find, we did it” 😉

Right before we reach the other end of the bridge she said “let’s get out, I’m scared” I was surprised why? we were on the transparent glass tower before, in comparison, Adolphe Bridge is very robust #confused

I think if we keep walking this direction we will reach The Grund as we already at the bottom. We follow the road, find a skateboard ground, Feli pick a flower to what she claimed it’s a “wild flower” therefore it’s OK to pick, not a flower in front of Spuerkeess where she saw one lady grabbed it. Where is our lunch destination? Italian restaurant (again) hahaha! She was very dedicated to have Aperol Spritz although have to say the one she had wasn’t really the real Aperol.

We walked through the same route meaning passed a Cathedral, since it’s raining, I pay a visit. This Cathedral is famous for the paintings hanged in the wall. Continue our journey to city center, while looking a map, Feli remembered the road “oh here is right” she’s already a local after one day here.

We gathered with the guys in an Irish Pub down on the other side of the hill, to get to the bottom of Lukas’ stolen bag story #condolence. There we met with Tobias’ friend from “Ireland” Delia. We stayed until we finish watching Hurling final. After that we went for a billiard where we met Pedro and Delia’s friend from Taiwan, Daniel. The guys continuing their drinking activities while me and Feli went back to Ncim’s.

On the last day which is Monday, I had brunch with April and Leoni whereas Feli stayed in city center doing her last shopping, cafeing or caking. I spoke Mandarin to Leonie, received no reply, April said she speaks only Cantonese or Luxembourgish. Yves and his family also didn’t force Leonie to speak English, she is a real Luxembourgish in heart. April packed Leonie a lot of books, one of them is sticker books, she tear it off to stick it everywhere. This little Pizza is heavy! around 12 kg.

After brunch, it’s time for me to go back to Dortmund so we both went to Gare Centrale. April put Leonie into the stroller although Leonie can walk, she said it’s easier for her, if Yves is there then she let Leonie walk. We passed the fountain thingy, Leonie screamed 水水 we can actually stopped by to play with the water. To my suggestion, April said “I think it’s a bad idea” hahaha We saw a Boba Shop near the fountain, she missed 珍珠奶茶 so much, well… Feli is working at the Boba Tea Shop, I will get you 3* 珍珠奶茶 each day 🙂 Thank you so much April for spending the time to meet me. 珍珠奶茶 is waiting in Dortmund!

What else what else what else? Oh I also met Barbie + Ken! The marketing of this movie is so total! Hi Barbie! Hi Ken!

I’m grateful for Luxembourg weekend experience, it couldn’t have gone better if we’d planned it. Now the circle is closed 🙂

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