What I stand up on? it’s on a Paddle Board! Tried something new last weekend with Claudia and Gangs 😉 who are the Gangs? Claudia + Julius + Alina + MOI!
It all started with a conversation or rather a statement Claudia made in the office, “this weekend I am doing SUP” To my ears it sounds like Soup = die Suppe that’s why I wasn’t really tune-in, oh she’s cooking soup okay, PV continued the conversation until I realized it wasn’t anything close to a food, joined them to got my Aha Moment, SUP = Stand Up Paddle Board.
I have never done it, I have seen it when I went to Möhnesee with Andrea. Claudia asked “do you want to join?” Hell yeah! followed by a loading moment….. wait, this is not like Kayak right? because if it is… I’m gonna out, memories from 2017 Kayak with Nicolas in Kuching flashed back, it was a big no no, ain’t gonna happen. Being convinced it was something different, confidence boost. Julius check if I can swim, Claudia check if I can get a kids board, done. Let’s goooo!
Took Euro Bahn then Bus. Alina wrote, get out on the next station, we are directly behind your bus. What a perfect timing 😉 We arrived at Claudia’s parents home, put our stuff, 4 of us gathered in one bathroom for eingecremt, irgendwann geht langsam komisch. We did really übertreiben about the amount of sun screen we used, it’s like all over although we wore T-shirts on top of our swim suit.
Martin is the trainer, he is Claudia’s cousins tralala haha. We started by taking out our SUP Board from his Lager. I get the small plus wide one hihihi. We were briefed on how to hold your paddle, how to get on and off, start with the middle point, “cut” the wave, don’t forget! most important = whatever happen… keep moving.

Kneeled position as starters. Seeing someone doing it it’s pretty easy until you really on the water hmmm…. balance, balance, yoga yo! the damn water is keep moving! boaaatttt! aaaaaaa, does my Yoga help? I don’t think so, the whole surface was moving yet you can’t simply move to left or right like you would have done on the road. I kind of take some time to weather my board. Honestly, it was fun! I paddle my board slowly but sure, Martin said I need to give power, so I will go faster to catch the others #face palm.
Martin really played with us, asked us to lie low in order to pass the bridge….hmmm inner peace, calm down, the hell I’m gonna go from standing up to kneel down to lie on my belly in the middle of moving water? steady steady down! then back up again yeaaayyyy, erfolgreich!
We also trained on how to go backwards and make a curve. He said it’s easier if I go back back back back far away from the middle point then make a curve. Indeed!
The moment I want to go back to the middle point, splash! fell down! how the hell am I suppose to go back again? although I managed it, it’s didn’t reduce the scary feeling as we are on a lake yo with unseeable + unreachable bottom.
Remember the tons of sun screen we applied? alles umsonst 😀 at the end of our Schnupperkurs, the warning sign already blitzed meaning we must get out of the water immediately. We chilled a bit, had ice cream or non-alcohol beer, took shower, head back to Claudia’s home for dinner with crazy rain as our background noise #inner peace
What a nice experience! Now I know what to do when I have Urlaub and there is SUP activity available. Thank you Freundin 🙂