On the last weekend of June I suppose to have some kind of eating weekend #too good to be true. There are two food festivals, the German one aka Gevelsberger Kirmes and the Indonesian one aka Festival Soto dan Sate. Like always, there was not the case.
I didn’t know about Kirmes in Gevelsberg until Claudia and Julia was talking about it, decided to join either one of them. On the D day, obstacles arrived one by one. Claudia had a Wasserschaden, Julia wasn’t sure what time she will be there because she will gather in Dodo’s apartment together with other people then go to Kirmes. I adjust my plan, instead of meeting them there, I’ll go to Schwelm to be with them first.
On the way to Dortmund Hbf, checked which Gleis is the train boarding to Schwelm, got another news instead: it got cancelled!. I could took their alternative way by taking RE + Bus + RE Bahn meh! too much trouble. Texted Julia, skip Kirmes this year, took Straßenbahn back home #failed.
Few minutes later got a WA from Andrea asking what am I up to. Well, since Kirmes is falling off, I’m free again. Both of us went to Phoenix See, had Sushi in Bestfriends Sushi #We are Best Friend yoooooo hihi. Your visit to Phoenix See is not complete without ice cream at Kuhbar, for sure we’ve done that too #yummy!

Only to know later on Monday that Rene was also in the BestFriend Sushi, didn’t notice him, he merged well in the German surroundings. Anyway he didn’t shout or wave or whatever #German! told him by next time he should’ve scream #Asian
DB Bahn please works on Saturday! I want to attend the Soto and Sate Festival in Sankt Augustine. During the whole 2,5 hours journey I texted with Pascal, the German guy from Frankfurt event last month, unfortunately his train got severely delayed whilst mine wasn’t #surprise, for once DB Bahn does it’s job.
It was an outdoor event with 3 tents, before I got the sit inside the tent, I stand under the shadow of a tree #what a Baum! Look around what could I have, there it is, Soto Bandung! the portion was rather small, asked if I can get more she said no as it was instructed that way with the purpose to still have space to try another food pffffff, I ain’t tourist yo. Ashley brought me pinky drink, contains nothing but sugar + chemical stuff hahaha it’s good though! definitely needed under that kind of weather. I forgot to take picture of it, saw another girl having it too, approach her to take pictures using her still full drinks. And that’s kids how to make friends 😉
Her name is Heba from Syria, she was sitting on the front line where the consulate should sat… at that moment, there are still free seats, why don’t we took it? sat our asses #I ain’t moving. There is a box of bread in front my eyes, according to her “oh it’s belong to the consulate as well but I saw other people taking it too”. Girl, I am one of the other people!
Ashley started her Angklung Performance, we ate the bread then Pascal arrived! He knew I would be on the front because of my friend’s performance, yeap good guess! Later on, Heba didn’t want to take it anymore and I said “we already took one, its not ours so we already steal one what’s the difference between stealing 1 and more than 1? it’s either don’t steal or keep going” #logic.
Instead of coming back to Dortmund, I went to Frankfurt with Ashley and Ongky plus two additional passengers Vivi and Anira 😉 it wasn’t planned until Ashley asked if I want to join them running the next day? They registered for Staffelmarathon…. gave few seconds to thought, I was wearing my new on schuhe, let’s go, I’m ready!
When Ongky was on the dentist, we went to have Boba Tee from The Alley! Boba Boba Bobaaaa! #Boba Queen. Went back home, had Sate Ayam. Perfect!
On Sunday I called my birthday Sister, her first birthday as a mother!
Right after, we met the other 2 runners, Bunga, Rubi and their little daughter. Little daughter sitting on the stroller being pushed by Rubi #thumbs up! We did start pretty late, it was already 10:30 the sun was crazyyyy I could only ran for 2 km, the crew go further.
Sat on a bench for a some time, walked around 1km, in the end we meet again to eat Japanese food.
Feel so ashamed as they finished 6km whereas I only 2km #fufufu -_- The conclusion is I can’t do sport under heat, this is the 3rd time I felt bad because of it, can’t do it anymore #lost cause.
P.S: I’ll choose another sport 😉
Birthday icons created by BankSeeNgern – Flaticon