Not April Fool’s Day

What a day to get married hey?!

I can imagine this situation somewhere down the road:

  • Question: Oh you are a married couple, congratulations. When is your wedding date?
  • Answer: First of April.
  • Question: hmm….are you fooling me?
  • Answer: No, it was a real wedding.
  • Question: …..right, in Las Vegas?

Haha Mikha messaged me via IG obviously it was an automatic forward message #very not personal, at least my name was on it 😉 It’s about his wedding information for anyone who want to see via YouTube live streaming. It will be at 14:00 in Bandung meaning 9 AM in Germany. Yes, I for sure will wake up to watch his wedding!

I know Mikha since I was 12 years old from SD Yahya Bandung, Class 6C. To say he was my classmates is underrated as I remember I was sitting next to him. I’m not sure how primary school in Germany like but in Indonesia you always sit with someone. One table two chairs, the teacher rotates our seats from time to time either every 2 weeks or 2 months however she wants. I don’t know if it was randomly or it’s because his name is Mikha and my name (well hope you do know my name) is Marlyn. I was a new kid in Bandung in that class with no friends or ability to speak Sundanese. Mikha was my good sit-mates, no bullying although at that time bullying wasn’t a real word, I meant no make fun of me to the point where I almost cry, over joking etc. He was a calm and kind kid 🙂

We also studied in the same Junior High School also at Yahya Bandung, I think I was at the same class with him again on my 2nd year. How do I know that? Well, once he saw my picture with Aldrich and Alvin, he sent my picture from our yearly book when I was on the 1st and 3rd year of Junior High, he lost the 2nd year book somewhere, therefore there was no proof whether I’m on the same class with him, I do think so…. Mikhaaaa, find it please! haha We went to separate senior high school so we kind of lost contact, anyway there was one time a Reunion and there he was!

IG connected us again, talked to him long time ago while he was still in Manila, I was in Shanghai, we never met again ever since that Reunion. Thanks to social media I can still see what my friends up to, including him. That’s why when I received the message that he’s getting married, I need to goddamn watch the streaming!

He looks sharp on his wedding day 🙂

Excuse me, Mr Priest haha why you have to asked him in the middle of your sermon?!?! can’t you see that he was blanked? like he ain’t even ready to talk let alone answer your question! I was giggling as you can really see that he didn’t expect it. He handled it quiet well though 😉

Let me documented the most important part of the wedding.

First and foremost is the wedding vow. I was surprised he didn’t even need a paper to say that many sentences. Everyone can see how he took a deep breath, talk to Michelle or to himself to calm down. It is a big promise hey, you got to remember it for the rest of your life. Followed by the wedding ring, they measured it really well no struggle whatsoever to their sweet-finger 🙂 right after is opening bride’s veil plus wedding kiss, blessing from Mr Priest, signing the marriage certificate. Viola! they are legally married 🙂

Once they are legally married, they went to visit their parents. I really like the way Indonesian Photographer, saw a very touching moment where all of them cried, instead of giving time to absorb the moment, they just rushed in to take the pictures haha #such a solidarity #just doing my job

Right after the supposedly touching moments both of them are happy again #kids ckckck 😉

Basically the wedding is already finished only left for photo session from each family and friends. Congratulations for both family.

I really heard the MC said “please hold your selfie as our time is limited and we’d better proceed with the salaman” yeah Indonesian Netizen doesn’t even care #but first, let me take a selfie selfie selfie selfie

For all who watched online, Indonesian Netizen really have done their job, including me haha I’m afraid this streaming won’t work because I have seen the slideshows many times so I asked when will it start. However, I like the comment saying that the organizer need to find a better angle to shoot the event 😀 #top that!

Happy Wedding and Congratulations to you Mikha, I am proud to see you on your wedding day, to see what you’ve become. Have a blessed family ahead. God bless!

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