Vitamin C – Part 2

Second day itinerary is the main reason we all visit Cairns, it is The Great Barrier Reef‘s day!

I booked the day tour from “Get Your Guide” app, the boat / team name was Diversden, really recommended, it’s an 8 hour one day trip, gathered up at Finger B 8 AM sharp!

When we were inside the boat, one of the guide named Biscuits asked if I want to dive there, didn’t plan for it, I only knew that if I did dive, I cannot get in to a plane within 24 hours or sth like that. In my case it wouldn’t be a problem because our next flight will be the day after tomorrow. I was already thinking of it until!!! I overheard the other girls told him they will do Skyrail the next day whereas Biscuit said then diving is not an option since from a low point to a high point within 18 hours is something that can caused fatal aka death. Thanks God I overhead it! You spare me my life.

Stay with the original plan, snorkeling it is 🙂 we went 2 times, each time was at least one an a half hour to max 2 hours. I was so proud that my mom also did it completely. I’m already afraid she will just stay on the boat, if so then both of us won’t enjoy it. She’s a bit groggy at first however our guide Jannine from New York (sorry if I spell your name wrong) was literally the best! She didn’t leave my mom’s side not even for one second, Jannine told her to hold on to an orange life boat thingy at all times and she will pull her. She’s done that for the whole 2 hours! Damn, what a dedication! I stayed with them too but I didn’t hold on to the orange thingy.

The corals were everywhere, I saw Nemo, Dori, pile of fishes crossing the “road”, jellyfish ewwwwww swam over it, any kind of fish I have never known my whole life and so on and so forth. First snorkeling we did exactly until the time is up, I mean, we kind of have one of the guide from the boat, neither they can miss us nor we can delay them.

We didn’t give up until we find Carlos #next Pixar movie, Finding Carlos, he is the photographer for the diving group. I said to Jannine, this is the proud moments for my mom, we need to have a picture for it, yes people we three looked for Carlos. Once our photo was taken we went back to the boat to have lunch #mission accomplished 🙂

About 2 hours later we arrived at the second snorkeling / diving place. Jannine was busy with other customers oh noooo 🙁 we got Sarah, she is also nice. Mother was already more confident than before so she didn’t hold on to the orange thingy as strong as when she was with Jannine. She only did maybe 30-45 minutes for second round while I did one and half hour. I also met Jannine when we’re almost done, she took me again under her wings 🙂 I saw a starfish this time but no more Carlos, therefore no photo 🙂 but basically it’s the same.

Both me and Mom are very very satisfied! Thank you Jannine you’re our Marine Angel! If you didn’t go to work that day, our trip will definitely be sucks!

Back to the ground, we were happily exhausted 🙂 only walked around lagoon area, night market then hotel.

#oh happy day!

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